[PROJ] About geoid_model in proj.db

Javier Jimenez Shaw j1 at jimenezshaw.com
Wed Nov 10 10:12:08 PST 2021


In proj.db there is a table "geoid_model" with the list of accepted
GEOIDMODEL tags, like GEOID18, GEOID12B, OSGM15 or GGM10 (I added that last
one because because it is used with NAVD88 height, for consistency)


However there are many geoid grid files in PROJ-data that do not have a
geoid model name there.

What is the policy to set geoid models there in that table?
I already have a patch for that table with many of them, like AUSGeoid2020,
DNN, EGM08-REDNAP, RAF09, RAF18, NZGeoid2016 or SAGEOID2010. By the way, we
use them to "know" that there is a grid file for a vertical CRS using

Does it make sense to add that to the PROJ repository? If yes, would it
make sense that any new geoid grid file added in PROJ-data adds a geoid
model there?
See that this is the tag GEOIDMODEL in WKT2 (if I understood correctly) so
it should not change "so often".
I do not know how sensible it would be to changes in EPSG database.

.___ ._ ..._ .. . ._.  .___ .. __ . _. . __..  ... .... ._ .__
Entre dos pensamientos racionales
hay infinitos pensamientos irracionales.
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