[PROJ] Transforming coordinates in C++

Javier Jimenez Shaw j1 at jimenezshaw.com
Fri Oct 29 03:00:14 PDT 2021


Using C++ I am trying this: Given two CRSs, I would like to have access to
the list of possible transformations (like with projinfo), and use those
transformations to transform coordinates (like with cs2cs).

Studying the code of projinfo, that uses mainly the C++ API, I already have
a std::vector<CoordinateOperationNNPtr>. Nice, I can dump them in different

However, when I go to the code of cs2cs, I see that it is mainly using the

Is there any C++ equivalent to the function
PJ_COORD proj_trans (PJ *P, PJ_DIRECTION direction, PJ_COORD coord);

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Entre dos pensamientos racionales
hay infinitos pensamientos irracionales.
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