[PROJ] Need for New CRS's with default datum transformation in PROJ with EPSG 6206 for North Macedonian three CRSs'
Even Rouault
even.rouault at spatialys.com
Wed Apr 6 08:54:34 PDT 2022
From some tests, PROJ master with the latest EPSG update (and thus QGIS
for versions that will use it) should use the EPSG:6206 transformation
by default for CRS 6204 and 9945. I've also just queued an improvement
in https://github.com/OSGeo/PROJ/pull/3158 for the generation of PROJ.4
string for those CRSs, but that should not really impact QGIS use
EPSG:6316 is a more difficult case because this CRS has 2 usages/extents:
SCOPE["Cadastre, engineering survey, topographic mapping (large
and medium scale)."],
AREA["Bosnia and Herzegovina - east of 19°30'E; Kosovo;
Montenegro - east of 19°30'E; Serbia - between 19°30'E and 22°30'E."],
AREA["North Macedonia."],
PROJ internals (especially the part that "computes" transformation
pipeline) only use one single usage/extent in part of logics that are
extent base, and this must be the first one listed, hence not North
Macedonia. And even if both would be considered, selecting EPSG:6206 as
a default transformation wouldn't be appropriate for the non-North
Macedonia usage.
Le 06/04/2022 à 16:48, Bashkim IDRIZI via PROJ a écrit :
> Dear All,
> First let me to introduce myself. I am Bashkim Idrizi from North
> Macedonia. Lecturer of cartography and GIS in geodesy department.
> Recently on March 18, three changes have been made by our request in
> EPSG registry database (epsg.org, 2022.009), concerning to CRS of
> North Macedonia. Based on new updates, there are three CRSs’ for North
> Macedonian CRS: 6204, 6316 and 9945.
> Next step toward elimination of problems with usage of CRS’s for North
> Macedonian spatial data, is defining single default datum
> transformation for three CRS’s (6204, 6316 and 9945), based on EPSG
> 6206 for datum transformation between MGI 1901 and WGS84.
> This is very important for GIS users in our country, because at this
> moment, overlapping with open data such google map etc., is with very
> very low accuracy.
> My request is to create three proj strings as default for upper three
> mentioned CRS’s, in order to be used by all GIS software users without
> need for deep knowledge for coordinate systems:
> *CRS*
> *Datim transformation EPSG code*
> EPSG 6204
> +proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=21 +k=0.9999 +x_0=500000 +y_0=0
> +ellps=bessel
> +towgs84=521.748,229.489,590.921,4.029,4.488,-15.521,-9.78 +units=m
> +no_defs
> 6206
> 6316
> +proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=21 +k=0.9999 +x_0=7500000 +y_0=0
> +ellps=bessel
> +towgs84=521.748,229.489,590.921,4.029,4.488,-15.521,-9.78 +units=m
> +no_defs
> 6206
> 9945
> +proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=21 +k=0.9999 +x_0=500000 +y_0=-4000000
> +ellps=bessel
> +towgs84=521.748,229.489,590.921,4.029,4.488,-15.521,-9.78 +units=m
> +no_defs
> 6206
> This initiative I started with paper that have been published and
> presented in ICA conference 2021
> https://www.proc-int-cartogr-assoc.net/4/45/2021
> To be more clear, my intention is to make simple and easier usage of
> CRS’s by users in North Macedonia in a case when they overlap official
> data with data coming from other sources based on WGS84 datum.
> As example I will mention QGIS software, which use default datum
> transformation parameters, and in parallel offers “ask” option if
> several datum transformations are available. Second option can be used
> by geodetic professionals, however most of GIS users are not able to
> use this option and they have troubles in overlapping their data in
> state CRS with global data such openstreetmap, google map, etc.
> Therefore I started this initiative to solve this problem step by
> step. First was creating all EPSG codes for three type of spatial data
> which was finished in March 18^th , and second is this/todays request
> to you for defining in PROJ the EPSG 6206 as default datum
> transformation for three CRS’s (6204, 6316 and 9945), which will
> enable their usage by all GIS software users without deep knowledge in
> coordinate systems.
> Maybe my explanation was not precise in above text, therefore I will
> try to give some additional details on this issue. I order to be more
> clear I will explain with concrete example by QGIS software:
> 1. In current version of EPSG 6316, in a case of usage in QGIS with
> non-checked “ask option if several datum transformations are
> available”, software doesn’t ask user for selecting of appropriate
> transformation, and use bellow values as default transformation:
> +proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=21 +k=0.9999 +x_0=7500000 +y_0=0
> +ellps=bessel +towgs84=682,-203,480,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs
> 2. More than 90% of users (except geodetic professionals) don’t know
> what is datum transformation, and they uncheck the “ask option if
> several datum transformations are available” option (from
> setting/options/CRS/transformations), or never use if this box is
> unchecked by installation.
> 1. In this case, QGIS software users in our country works with
> totally wrong datum transformation, which results with large
> difference between data in 6316 with global data developed in
> WGS84.
> 3. In order to avoid such problems, my request is to change those
> “default” datum transformation parameters
> (+towgs84=682,-203,480,0,0,0,0) in a case when the box “ask option
> if several datum transformations are available” is unchecked, with
> the transformation parameters defined in 6202 (+proj=tmerc
> +lat_0=0 +lon_0=21 +k=0.9999 +x_0=7500000 +y_0=0 +ellps=bessel
> *+towgs84=521.748,229.489,590.921,4.029,4.488,-15.521,-9.78*
> +units=m +no_defs).
> 1. Maybe “default datum transformation” is not appropriate term.
> Now I hope that my request is more clear.
> 4. I am aware that QGIS will continue to propose all candidate
> operations reported by PROJ in a case when CRS intersects with
> several areas in a case when box “ask option if several datum
> transformations are available” is checked. This is correct and it
> very important for geodetic experts, that are able to use
> appropriate transformation in a case of several transformation
> parameters are available.
> 5. *_Main objective of my request is only in a case when user don’t
> check/use the box “ask option if several datum transformations are
> available” and software work with default transformation
> parameters. _*
> 1. *_In this case, as datum transformation to WGS84 for three
> CRS’s (EPSG 6316, EPSG 6204, and EPSG 9945) to be set EPSG
> 6206 as primary/default datum transformation from MGI 1901 to
> WGS84 (see table in my previous email). _*
> If the request is not clear, please don’t hesitate to ask me for every
> detail, as well as I am able to schedule online meeting with you.
> Sincerely yours,
> Bashkim Idrizi.
> ==================================================
> *Prof.Dr. Bashkim IDRIZI <https://bashkim-idrizi.blogspot.com/>*
> *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
> University of Prishtina <http://www.uni-pr.edu/>/, Cartography & GIS
> lecturer/
> University "Mother Teresa" Skopje <http://www.unt.edu.mk/>/,
> Cartography lecturer /
> Geo-SEE Institute <http://www.geo-see.org/>/, President /
> State University of Tetova <http://www.unite.edu.mk/>/, Past
> cartography & GIS lecturer /
> _Karl Gega Association, <http://www.karl-gega.org/>_/ Past President /
> adress: str. Djon Kenedi, 25/4-20; 1010 Skopje, North Macedonia.
> gsm-mk: + 389 /75/ 712-998 (Viber & WhatsApp)
> gsm-ks: + 383 /45/ 341-098
> skype: bashkim.idrizi (bashkim.idrizi at yahoo.com)
> ==================================================
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My software is free, but my time generally not.
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