[PROJ] grid shift with GDA2020
Even Rouault
even.rouault at spatialys.com
Thu Jun 30 03:26:27 PDT 2022
This is a complicated "equation" due to WGS 84 being a
dynamic/non-plate-fixed datum and GDA94 & GDA2020 being static/plate-fixed
- WGS 84 ~= GDA94 at epoch 1994.0, that is the transformation between
both is the identity
- WGS 84 ~= GDA2020 at epoch 2020.0, that is the transformation between
both is the identity
- but GDA94 and GDA2020 have a ~= 1.8 shift, that is modeled either as a
Helmert transformation or with one of the 2 available GDA94-GDA2020
shift grids, all of them available in PROJ
You can play with "projinfo -s GDA94 -t GDA2020 --spatial-test
intersects" to see the different transformation pipelines
A 80 m error indicates that you have a more fundamental issue somewhere.
> I'll therefore need to 'jump' from WGS84 to GDA94 and from GDA94 to
GDA2020 in one step, most probably using a pipeline - not sure how
though...and if possible...a sort of two-transform in one go.
If you do "projinfo -s "WGS 84" -t GDA2020 --spatial-test intersects",
you'll see 2 different options: one that assumes that WGS 84 ~= GDA94
and then uses one of the GDA94->GDA2020 shift method, or the other one
that assumes that WGS 84 ~= GDA2020 and does a null transformation. It
really depends on what "kind of WGS84" data you have.
> And in more general terms I was questioning how PROJ is doing the
link between CRS codes and grid shift transformation files - where can I
find this information ?
for all grids known of EPSG and
for the mapping between a subset of those to PROJ's handled grids.
Helmert transformations are in
. But using projinfo is a convenient way of querying the database +
benefiting from extra magic done by PROJ to chain up to 2
transformations when there's no direct one.
Le 30/06/2022 à 09:19, Pierre Chaponniere a écrit :
> Thanks for the reply Greg, I'll elaborate a little on where I start from.
> Initially, data is in WGS84 (EPSG 4326), we use PROJ API to transform
> coordinates from WGS84 to a user selected transformation, in my case
> EPSG 7854
> My problem is that GDA2020 is expressed from GDA94 using the above
> mentioned transformation files.
> I'll therefore need to 'jump' from WGS84 to GDA94 and from GDA94 to
> GDA2020 in one step, most probably using a pipeline - not sure how
> though...and if possible...a sort of two-transform in one go.
> And in more general terms I was questioning how PROJ is doing the link
> between CRS codes and grid shift transformation files - where can I
> find this information ?
> Offsets that I observe from the data comparing ground truth points (in
> EPSG 7854) and my data (supposedly in EPSG 7854 but I doubt as I don't
> think it is considering the transformation grid) are in the order of
> 80m to the NNE from where it is supposed to be.
> Thanks for your help !
> Best regards,
> Pierre C
> Le mer. 29 juin 2022 à 22:24, Greg Troxel <gdt at lexort.com> a écrit :
> Pierre Chaponniere <pierrechapo at gmail.com> writes:
> > i am looking at transforming data into GDA2020 MGA zone 54 :
> I am far from a GDA expert but it does not make sense to talk about
> transforming data into a CRS without specifying the CRS the data is
> already in.
> > +proj=utm +zone=54 +south +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs +type=crs
> This is a bare projection, and GDA2020 zone 54 is a projection
> based on
> a datum. One is a way to take lat/lon into x/y, and the other is
> something you can use to transform to/from other datums.
> > But it seems this projection is associated with a transformation
> grid
> >
> >
> https://www.icsm.gov.au/datum/gda-transformation-products-and-tools/transformation-grids
> The projection is not, but GDA94 to GDA2020 transformations are, as I
> read that page. (That makes senes to me; we have a similar situation
> in the US among former/current/future national datums.)
> > I have therefore dowloaded the corresponding .gsb transformation
> files
> >
> > https://github.com/icsm-au/transformation_grids
> >
> > However when I apply the transformation, it appears the process
> does not
> > use the transformation files and generate data with planimetric and
> > vertical offsets.
> You didn't explain offset from what and why you think the result is
> wrong.
> > How can I make sure the transformation grid are applied and what
> file makes
> > the link between proj code and transformation files - is this
> stored in
> > proj.db ?
> Almost certainly, label the input data as being in the CRS it is
> actually in, and find a CRS for the GDA2020 zone that labels it as
> being
> not just in UTM, but UTM GDA2020. At least then you'll be asking proj
> to do the right thing.
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