[PROJ] PROJ 9.1.0 & PROJ-data 1.11

Kristian Evers kristianevers at gmail.com
Thu Sep 1 07:59:43 PDT 2022

On behalf of the PROJ team I am happy to announce the release of PROJ 9.1.0
and PROJ-data 1.11. 

The PROJ release includes a number of bug fixes and updates.  See the release
notes below. 

The PROJ-data release includes three new grids:

- French geoid grid RAF20
- Canadian grid for CGVD28 height --> CGVD2013a(2010) height vertical transformation
- Norwegian (Svalbard) geoid grid supporting the SVD2006 height system

Download the new packages here:





9.1.0 Release Notes


+ Database

 o Database: update to EPSG v10.074 (#3273)

 o Update ESRI objects to version 3.0.0 (#3257)

 o Generate null transformation between geodetic/vertical datum ensemble and   
   its members (#3266)

 o Add fk delete cascade to database tables for improved customizability
   of the database (#3237)

 o Add Svalbard geoid grid no_kv_arcgp-2006-sk to grid alternatives (#3292) 

 o Added French grid fr_ign_RAF20 to grid alternatives (#3228)


 o WKT2 parser: allow unit-less PARAMETER for coordinate operations (#3271)

 o WKT and PROJJSON adjustments (#3234)

 o Bump PROJJSON to v0.5 (#3216)

 o Change order of horizontal and vertical operations when dealing with
   WKT1 / PROJ4 compound CRS (#3127)

+ Coordinate Operations

 o Implement Vertical Offset and slope transformation method (#3200)

 o Add Interrupted Mollweide (land and ocean view) projections (#3139)

 o Add invertible Horner polynomials (#3133)

+ Optimizations

 o NTv2 and GTX grid readers: add a cache of lines to speed-up (#3241)

 o IComparable::isEquivalentTo() optimizations (#3233)

+ Various Updates

 o createOperations() / proj_trans(): better take into account area of 
   interest name / do not only keep first returned coordinate operation (#3282)

 o createOperations(): take into account axis unit and inversion of target    
   DerivedProjectedCRS (#3281)

 o Allow a Compound CRS with derived projected (#3283)

 o Make "Vertical Offset and Slope" method usable as a deriving conversion of 
   a DerivedVerticalCRS (#3270)

 o PROJ pipeline generator: recognize opposite Helmert transformations using
   a different convention (#3265)

 o createOperations(): prefer simpler pipelines / affects WGS 84 to 
   GDA94/GDA2020 (#3248)

 o Make it possible to determine which grid files were actually used during a
   transformation (#3180)

 o Transformation: no longer do vertical trasnformation when doing compound CRS
   to 2D CRS / add --3d to cs2cs (#3119)

 o Deprecate PROJ4 CMake name (#3094)

 o Use GNUInstallDirs for CMake install locations (#3100)

 o Introduce PROJ_DATA environment variable to deprecate PROJ_LIB (#3253)

Bug fixes

o projinfo: fix crash on --list-crs when proj.db cannot be opened (#3290)

o getCRSInfoList(): fix retrieval of projected_crs given by text_definition
  only (#3289)

o WKT parser: fix issue when parsing some WKT1 with 
  Hotine_Oblique_Mercator_Azimuth_Center and ignoring rectified_grid_angle (#3280)

o WKT1 import: better deal when the angular unit of the GEOGCS[] of the 
  PROJCS[] doesn't match the one from the database (#3274)

o createOperations(): avoid potential infinite recursions (#3264)

o WKT ESRI: fix related to projected CRS export and add support for geographic
  3D CRS with LINUNIT node (#3256)

o proj_grid_info(): make it work again with remote grids (#3239)

o createOperations(): fix projected CRS with non-metre horiz&vertical unit and
  towgs84 to gencentric CRS (#3231)

o createOperations(): fix infinite recursion in a complex case (#3226)

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