Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Wed Sep 28 03:03:46 PDT 2022


Great post.

I've noticed you point to the https://www.agisoft.com/downloads/geoids/ 
page which mentions they use the PROJ GTG format. A lot of their files 
have the same names as the ones provided by https://cdn.proj.org/ , but 
they are not exactly the same... Looking at au_ga_AUSGeoid98.tif, it 
appears they have reprocessed them to modify the TIFFTAG_COPYRIGHT 
(removing the license information) and TIFFTAG_IMAGEDESCRIPTION. Also 
adding the nodata value tag (PROJ grids only contain it when they are 
actual grid values at the nodata value). And more annoying they have 
also modified the GDAL_METADATA tag in a way it is not currently 
understood by current GDAL versions (adding the <?xml version="1.0" 
encoding="UTF-8"?> marker before the root <GDALMetadata> element, 
whereas GDAL expects the string to start directly with <GDALMetadata>), 
so the GTG specific metadata is hidden. I'm going to fix the GDAL 
GeoTIFF reader to be more robust to that.

I've also noticed that the dk_sdfe_dvr90.tif file they provide is quite 
different from the PROJ CDN: it has not the same extent and spatial 

A bit annoying to reuse the same file names as the ones we provide but 
with different content.

Anyway this is rather for any Agisoft employee reading this email....


Le 28/09/2022 à 10:06, Paul Harwood a écrit :
> This is not a question but a request.
> I had to work out an API to convert from GPS coordinates to Height 
> above MSL. Having made it work, I wrote a blog post about the 
> solution, since I like to document things. I have posted it here for 
> three reasons :
>  1 As a thank you to the team. The simplicity of the actual solution 
> shows just how good PROJ is!
> 2 In case you want a good laugh, and
> 3 more seriously, given the impressive competence on this list, I 
> would like to know if I have made any glaring (or even subtle) mistakes.
> Thank you
> https://medium.com/p/70b723767787
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