[PROJ] PROJ and Unicode on Windows

Bert Huijben bert at qqmail.nl
Thu Apr 6 08:32:40 PDT 2023

                Hi Peter,


When I needed proj for my work on my previous day-job, I spend a bit extra time and created a complete wrapping C# library that is still used there and a few other places. The wrapping is specifically targeted towards Windows, but works there with .Net Framework and .Net core. See https://github.com/ampscm/sharpproj/ (or just use SharpProj from NuGet)



The sample code I have on that page shows +- what you try here, so you should be able to use that to try your use-cases around encoding.



using SharpProj;


using var rd = CoordinateReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(28992);

using var wgs84 = CoordinateReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(4326);


var area = rd.UsageArea;

Assert.AreEqual("Netherlands - onshore, including Waddenzee, Dutch Wadden Islands and 12-mile offshore coastal zone.", area.Name);


using (var t = CoordinateTransform.Create(rd, wgs84))


    var r = t.Apply(new PPoint(155000, 463000));

    Assert.AreEqual(new PPoint(52.155, 5.387), r.ToXY(3)); // Round to 3 decimals for easy testing




If you pick EPSG 23031, you will see that the encodings work there.



You can check all the sourcecode too, if you just want to check how to get the en-/decoding to work. (It is all Apache licensed, so feel free to copy&paste… or provide pull requests if you want something added to the library)






From: PROJ <proj-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> On Behalf Of Even Rouault
Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2023 11:53 PM
To: Peter Townsend <peter.townsend at maplarge.com>; proj <proj at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: Re: [PROJ] PROJ and Unicode on Windows



there isn't any issue in your build. It is just that PROJ returns UTF-8 encoded strings and that the typical Windows console isn't configured to display UTF-8. Cf https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57131654/using-utf-8-encoding-chcp-65001-in-command-prompt-windows-powershell-window or similar issues


Le 05/04/2023 à 23:44, Peter Townsend via PROJ a écrit �:

I've got a bit of an annoyance with my windows proj build. Hopefully it's not too hard to resolve as the world of char/wchar_t/etc. isn't something I'm terribly familiar with.


Take for example the area of use of EPSG:23031. On Linux it's fine, but on windows there's a unicode issue.


PJ* crs = proj_create(m_ctxt, "EPSG:23031");
ASSERT_NE(crs, nullptr);
ObjectKeeper keeper_crsH(crs);

double w, s, e, n;
const char* a;
proj_get_area_of_use(m_ctxt, crs, &w, &s, &e, &n, &a);


Contents of a:

"Europe - between 0°E and 6°E - Andorra; Denmark (North Sea); Germany offshore; Netherlands offshore; Norway including Svalbard - onshore and offshore; Spain - onshore (mainland and Balearic Islands); United Kingdom (UKCS) offshore."


Is there a simple thing I'm overlooking in the build process that might clear up the encoding goof? Or do I need to do some bending over backwards with character manipulation?


This is the command line I'm using to build this example:

cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=C:\dev\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake ..
cmake --build . --config Debug -j 8




Peter Townsend

Senior Software Developer

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