[PROJ] Motion: Migrate proj.org to ReadTheDocs

Greg Troxel gdt at lexort.com
Sun Feb 5 13:18:17 PST 2023

Greg Troxel <gdt at lexort.com> writes:

> Howard Butler <howard at hobu.co> writes:
>> As far as ads go, does your ad blocker not work for some reason? :) We
>> can wait to move the DNS until OSGeo completes the purchase to allow
>> us to shut off the ads.
> My ad blocker works fine, and I even use uMatrix.
> To me not contributing to or endorsing the privacy-invading ad world is
> an ethical matter, and I've seen lots of people without adequate
> blockers.  I admit that I'm somewhat of an outlier.

Having read their documentation I withdraw my comments about ads.   They
are apparently the 1 in 10000 that does not have ads based on tracking
and I'm glad to see it.

I do think google analytics should be turned off.

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