[PROJ] JPEG support for libtiff required?

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Wed Jul 26 08:14:46 PDT 2023


JPEG compression is definitely not needed, nor appropriate for the kind 
of TIFF files PROJ handles. The grid files distributed by PROJ use the 
DEFLATE compression method, which requires libtiff to be built against zlib


Le 26/07/2023 à 09:34, Sebastian Gellrich a écrit :
> Hello,
> I am trying to build PROJ9 for my android application. At the moment 
> it works in a proof of concept with "ENABLE_TIFF=OFF".
> Now I want to build and integrate TIFF support to use PROJ data 
> resource files.
> Does PROJ9 need JPEG support in the libtiff library. If not, it will 
> be a bit easier.
> Thanks in advance
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