[PROJ] Migrating to PROJ-9

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Tue May 30 11:09:54 PDT 2023

(resending to right list... make sure to "reply all" so that the list 
gets copied)

Le 30/05/2023 à 20:01, Nicolas Bellaiche a écrit :
 > That's why I get:
 >  echo 3356123.5400 1303218.3090 5247430.6050 | PROJ_DEBUG=3 
./bin/cs2cs IGNF:RGR92 +to IGNF:REUN47
 > pj_open_lib(proj.ini): call 
- succeeded
 > pj_open_lib(proj.db): call 
- succeeded
 >  instantiate_crs type: 10:
 >  instantiate_crs type: 10:
 > helmert: pj_ellipsoid - final: a=6378137.000 f=1/298.257, errno=0
 > helmert: pj_ellipsoid - final:    ellps=GRS80
 > helmert: Helmert parameters:
 > helmert: x=  -789.99000  y=  627.33300  z=  89.68500
 > helmert: rx= -0.60720  ry= -76.80190  rz= 10.56800
 > helmert: s=  32.20830  exact=0  convention=position_vector
 > helmert: dx=  0.00000  dy=  0.00000  dz=  0.00000
 > helmert: drx= 0.00000  dry= 0.00000  drz= 0.00000
 > helmert: ds=  0.00000  t_epoch= 0.00000
 > helmert: Transformation parameters for observation t_obs=0 (t_epoch=0):
 > helmert: x: -789.99
 > helmert: y: 627.333
 > helmert: z: 89.685
 > helmert: s: 3.22083e-05
 > helmert: rx: -2.94379e-06
 > helmert: ry: -0.000372346
 > helmert: rz: 5.12351e-05
 > helmert: theta: 0
 > helmert: Rotation Matrix:
 > helmert:   |      1  -5.12351e-05  -0.000372346 |
 > helmert:   |  5.12351e-05       1   2.94379e-06 |
 > helmert:   |  0.000372346  -2.94379e-06       1 |
 > 3353420.95 1304075.02 5248935.14
 > =====================================================
 > (base) nbellaiche at MAC1709W003-2 Release % echo 3356123.5400 
1303218.3090 5247430.6050 | PROJ_DEBUG=3 ./bin/cs2cs +init=IGNF:RGR92 
+to +init=IGNF:REUN47
 > pj_open_lib(proj.ini): call 
- succeeded
 > pj_open_lib(proj.db): call 
- succeeded
 > pj_open_lib(IGNF): call 
- succeeded
 > get_init: searching cache for key: [IGNF:RGR92]
 > pj_open_lib(IGNF): call 
- succeeded
 > get_init: searching on in init files for [IGNF:RGR92]
 > get_init_string: searching for section [RGR92] in init file [IGNF]
 > pj_open_lib(IGNF): call 
- succeeded
 > key=IGNF:RGR92, value: [title=Reseau geodesique Reunion 1992 
proj=geocent towgs84=0.0000,0.0000,0.0000 a=6378137.0000 
rf=298.2572221010000 units=m no_defs]
 > get_init: got [title=Reseau geodesique Reunion 1992 proj=geocent 
towgs84=0.0000,0.0000,0.0000 a=6378137.0000 rf=298.2572221010000 units=m 
no_defs], paralist[0,1]: [title=Reseau,geodesique]
 >  instantiate_crs type: 19:
 > pj_open_lib(IGNF): call 
- succeeded
 > get_init: searching cache for key: [IGNF:REUN47]
 > pj_open_lib(IGNF): call 
- succeeded
 > get_init: searching on in init files for [IGNF:REUN47]
 > get_init_string: searching for section [REUN47] in init file [IGNF]
 > pj_open_lib(IGNF): call 
- succeeded
 > key=IGNF:REUN47, value: [title=Reunion 1947 proj=geocent 
a=6378388.0000 rf=297.0000000000000 units=m no_defs]
 > get_init: got [title=Reunion 1947 proj=geocent 
a=6378388.0000 rf=297.0000000000000 units=m no_defs], paralist[0,1]: 
 >  instantiate_crs type: 19:
 > pj_open_lib(IGNF): call 
- succeeded
 > get_init: searching cache for key: [IGNF:RGR92]
 > pj_open_lib(IGNF): call 
- succeeded
 > get_init: searching cache for key: [IGNF:REUN47]
 > noop: pj_ellipsoid - final: a=6378137.000 f=1/298.257, errno=0
 > noop: pj_ellipsoid - final:    ellps=GRS80
 > 3356123.54 1303218.31 5247430.61

 > Does it give a hint of what's wrong?

Yes, note the call 
. I believe I mentioned in a early response that this IGNF file should 
no longer be used in modern PROJ versions. The IGNF file apparently uses 
the towgs84 parameter of the "REUNION-PITON DES NEIGES vers RGR92 
(RESEAU GEODESIQUE DE LA REUNION 1992)" transformation. That said, I'm 
not sure which one is the best as both the one used by current PROJ 
versions (RGR92 (RESEAU GEODESIQUE DE LA REUNION 1992) vers 
REUNION-PITON DES NEIGES)) and that one could apply...

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