[PROJ] problem with c++ API coding

Daniel Suson djsuson at gmail.com
Tue May 30 19:06:04 PDT 2023

I am trying to add some code into my program that will take a 180x360 
array (or some multiple that maintains a 1:2 ratio) and projects it into 
various map projections for displaying on a terminal. My program uses 
c++ code, so I'm trying to use the c++ API of PROJ. My first step is to 
define the CRS for the input data. I'm trying

crs::GeographicCRS* inputCRS = 0;
inputCRS->create(createMapNameEPSGCode("WGS 84", 4978),
Geodetic System 1984", 6326),
         Ellipsoid::createSphere(createMapNameEPSGCode("WGS 84", 7030),

I'm including

#include <proj.h>
#include <proj/crs.hpp>
#include <proj/datum.hpp>
using namespace osgeo::proj;

My problem is that createMapNameEPSGCode is included in 
operations/oputils.hpp, which is not copied into the include directory 
when PROJ is built. Is this a problem with how PROJ was installed, or am 
I missing something regarding how to get access to this?

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