[PROJ] Make push and pop FIFO?

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Mon Feb 5 15:06:09 PST 2024

Oh well, re-reading this whole thread, I've rallied to Thomas' proposed 
new "stack" operator. Its main advantage over named registers is indeed 
that it avoids potential issues with register naming when integrating 
such steps in very complex pipelines.

Hence I've implemented push, pop and swap modes (the later swaping the 
top and antepenultimate elements of the stack), which should address 
"my" use case and Jochem's. Actually our both use cases are the same, it 
is just that steps are done in the reverse way (and thus the final 
omit_fwd pop of Jochem's pipeline is equivalent to the initial omit_inv 
push of "mine).

==> https://github.com/OSGeo/PROJ/pull/4036

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