[PROJ] Make push and pop FIFO?

Lesparre, Jochem Jochem.Lesparre at kadaster.nl
Fri May 10 01:07:03 PDT 2024

Even and Thomas,

Sorry, it wasn't my intention to criticise you. It seems that I didn't use the proper wording to express my honest believe that PROJ deserves a better solution. My apologies! I recognise that the discussion between you two on how to solve this issue demonstrates your dedication to PROJ, which I really appreciate.

I'm more than willing to convince people in my organisation that next to using PROJ we should also contribute to PROJ with code to solve this issue. However, it is hard to do that if there is no consensus on the way to solve it. There is no point in doing a pull request for us, if it won't be merged into a next PROJ release. (We normally publish a single PROJ pipeline for the 3D to 2D+1D transformation, that our users can implement themselves using a recent PROJ version. Splitting it in a 3D to 2D transformation and a 3D to 1D transformation makes it more prone to mistakes in the implementation.)

If we would do a pull request, I think it would be best to keep it as limited as possible, to maximise the change of obtaining consensus, right? So I would suggest not to change +push and +pop and only add one simple new operation, something like +proj=stackswap +order=2,1 which would swap the top two values on the stack for all 4 coordinate components.


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