[PROJ] general use of proj_factors
Roger Oberholtzer
roger.oberholtzer at gmail.com
Thu Oct 24 05:11:41 PDT 2024
Hi all,
I have been using proj_factors in a couple CRS to get the
median_convergence value. I need this when rotating a point that has
been projected into the CRS.
In my usual setup, I define something like the following (WGS84 (from
a GPS receiver) to Sweref99):
proj_create_crs_to_crs( 0,
This works fine. I get the points I expect. But as I will need to
rotate that point using data from the GPS (heading is true north), I
need to know how that differs from the projected point's north. So I
use proj_factors. As it turns out, I cannot use the definition from
above to do this. The median_convergence value is wrong. So what I
have been doing (for EPSG:3006 - it is CRS-specific) is defining
something like this:
proj_create(0, "+proj=utm +zone=33 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0
+units=m +no_defs");
You will note that this is the implementation of EPSG:3006, but
without +type=crs. Why without that parameter? Time. When including
it, the proj_factors call takes around 60 times longer. This is
extremely significant when generating, say, point clouds with hundreds
of million points. A processing time of 15 minutes becomes 15 hours.
The values provided are exactly the same. But one takes significantly
longer to provide them.
I see this effect in more than EPSG:3006. For example EPSG:5677. I
suspect that it is generally the case.
What I would like to do is something like this:
proj_create_crs_to_crs( 0,
proj_create(0, "EPSG:3006");
Where the first is used to project the point, and the second is used
to call proj_factors for that point.
This would allow a general solution, which is what I am after. So I
either need to call something other than proj_create, or I need to see
how to remove +type=crs in this context.
Does this make sense?
Roger Oberholtzer
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