[PROJ] PROJ 9.5.0RC1 & PROJ-data 1.19RC1

Kristian Evers kristianevers at gmail.com
Mon Sep 9 05:01:45 PDT 2024


in preparation for a new round of PROJ and PROJ-data release I have uploaded release candidates for both packages.

Download the archives here: 



The PROJ release includes various updates and bug fixes. See the release notes below.

The PROJ-data release is updated with grids related to the Greenlandic GLMSL and GLLAT.

Please test the release candidates and report any issues you may find with them.
Either here on the mailing list or on GitHub.


## 9.5.0

### Updates

* Database: add constraint for unicity of CRS and operation names (#4071)

* Make a few more functions that accept a `PJ*` to actually acccept a `const PJ*` (#4074)

* Database: Increase consistency in trigger checks (#4080)

* Speed-up `+proj=cart +inv` (#4087)

* Added EPSG:9656 "Cartesian Grid Offsets" operation method, and imported related records (#4094)

* Add a `WKTParser::grammarErrorList()` method so that `proj_create_from_wkt()` can behave as documented (#4108)

* `CRS::stripVerticalComponent()`: Redirect it to `demoteTo2D(std::string(), nullptr)` (#4127)

* Add `proj_context_set_user_writable_directory()` to public API (#4144)

* CMake: for Windows builds, defaults PROJ DLL to be just `proj_${PROJ_MAJOR_VERSION}.dll` (#4167)

* Add `toWGS84AutocorrectWrongValues()` method and use it in PROJ.4 and WKT1 CRS import (#4172)

* WKT import: add support for Oracle WKT "Albers_Conical_Equal_Area" spelling (#4181)

* Limit number of C++ exceptions thrown & caught internally (#4183)

* Database: update to EPSG 11.016 (#4241)

* CMake: add option `EMBED_PROJ_DATA_PATH` (#4207)

* Add SEA Inverse projection (#4211)

* projinfo: Add 2 args equivalent to usage of `-s` and `-t` (#4218)

* CMake: add TESTING_USE_NETWORK configure option (#4220)

* Add `PROJ_ERR_COORD_TRANSFM_MISSING_TIME` and `proj_coordoperation_requires_per_coordinate_input_time()` (#4221)

* Add new Conversion "Local Orthographic" (#4228, #4229)

* Add data/ITRF2020 with ITRF2020 to ITRFother, and ITRF2020 plate motion models (#4235)

### Bug Fixes

* Fix `imoll` and `imoll_o` zone calculations to correct inverse transformations near the "seams" (#4159)

* Fix wrong EPSG conversion code for UTM south (#4166)

* BoundCRS::exportToPROJ(): handle case of NADCON conus grid (#4168)

* `+proj=gridshift`: make projected grids work with `PROJ_NETWORK=ON` (#4174)

* `createOperations()`: make it work when transforming from/to a CompoundCRS with a DerivedVerticalCRS with ellipsoidal height (#4176)

* Support default context as `nullptr` in `CoordinateTransformer` (#4177)

* cct: emit error message and return error code when not being able to open input file (#4200)

* Fix race condition surrounding DB reopening during fork (#4231)

* `GeographicBoundingBox::create()`: accept degenerate bounding box reduced to a point or a line (#4237)

* `createOperation()`: tune so that ITRF2000->ETRS89 does not return only NKG grid based operations but also time-dependent Helmert (#4244)

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