[Proj4j] Airy projection

Fred Pospeschil f.w.pospeschil.t.r at charter.net
Sat Jun 5 23:18:52 EDT 2010


The Airy projection seems to work OK but it still has several FIXMEs in it.

It appears that I do not understand what this code is supposed to do well enough to work up a test case to make it fail.


 public void initialize() { // airy

  double beta;

//  no_cut = pj_param(params, "bno_cut").i;
//  beta = 0.5 * (MapMath.HALFPI - pj_param(params, "rlat_b").f);
  no_cut = false;//FIXME
  beta = 0.5 * (ProjectionMath.HALFPI - 0);//FIXME
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