[Proj4j] Projections used in epsg catalog

Martin Davis mbdavis at refractions.net
Tue Jun 8 12:55:02 EDT 2010

Some information that might be helpful in focussing development and 
testing efforts.

This is a list of all the projections used in the PROJ4 epsg catalog, 
and the number of CRSes each is used in. 

Notice that there aren't that many compared to the number of projections 
provided by PROJ4!.  My assumption is that this list reflects the 
real-world usage level of the various projections.

aea 20
cass 20
cea 2
eqc 2
krovak 1
laea 10
lcc 716
longlat 429
merc 14
nzmg 1
omerc 17
poly 2
somerc 5
stere 29
sterea 19
tmerc 1501
utm 930

Martin Davis
Senior Technical Architect
Refractions Research, Inc.
(250) 383-3022

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