[Proj4j] Re: Updoming Workn on Proj4J

Landon Blake sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com
Wed May 23 11:57:58 EDT 2012

Thanks for the feedback Martin. Your suggestion about the globe
projection preview is quite interesting. I suppose I'd have to figure
out how I could steal some of the display components from OJ. That
would involve ripping out the LayerViewPanel and its supporting
classes. This would be a great "stand-alone" component, but it would
also be a bit of work. :]

I definitely believe a CRS registry viewer is an important tool, and
it shouldn't be too hard to incorporate into a GUI.

My plan is to have a simple GUI front-end for Proj4J. This will allow
me to (1) learn about the Proj4J library and (2) test out my first
project with Netbeans RCP.

I'll start with shapefile support, but would like to add support for
additional file types like WKT and GPX. I think a simple front-end
would increase support for the library.

Is the list here up to date?:

If so, I can work on a couple of the items. I note there is a ticket
for a GUI. I can incorporate some of the comments from it in my work.

I also note this page indicates no build of the library is available
for download:

Would you have any objections to getting a build online for download?
It seems like this should be done before work on a GUI.

I know you are busy. Thanks for taking the time to comment.


On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 1:53 PM, Martin Davis <mtnclimb at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, Landon.
> I'm neutral on a GUI for converting shapefiles.  I guess if that was
> added, using the OJ Reader/Writer would be a reasonable codebase.
> I'd be more interested in seeing a nice GUI to display all the
> projections and CRSes in the registry, and a visual display of what
> they look like when applied with particular parameters (using a simple
> set of world country outlines on a globe).  JH had something like this
> originally, and it was pretty nice.  Seems like a great tool for
> learning about projections and how to define them.
> M
> On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 1:47 PM, Landon Blake
> <sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Martin:
>> I've got a vacation coming up the first week in June. I've been
>> feeling guilty about my lack of contributions to Proj4J. I'd like to
>> set some time aside on my vacation for work on the library.
>> I'm thinking I'd like to revisit my original goal of a simple GUI that
>> leverages Proj4J to convert Shapefiles. Are there more pressing
>> issues? Do you have suggestions for the GUI implementation (I was
>> going to use the feature classes from OpenJUMP)?
>> Any of your comments are appreciated.
>> Landon

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