[Projects] Your project and OSGeo marketing

Jachym Cepicky jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
Wed Jun 29 02:18:57 PDT 2016

Hi Marc,

IMHO we do have great technologies, but we, as community, are not able to
put together a product. Can OSGeo help with that? Should OSGeo help with
that? I doubt so. OSGeo should help to make the technology as good as
possible. Leave the product to companies.

Any results from those 2 lines? Probably not. It just hit my mind some time


P.S. Sorry, for buzzing

Ășt 28. 6. 2016 v 17:00 odesĂ­latel Marc VLOEMANS <marcvloemans1 at gmail.com>

> Dear OSGeo projects' members,
> At present we are revamping the Marketing function in OSGeo. As projects
> are the corner stones of our community you are invited to give input in how
> your projects could benefit most from OSGeo's marketing/promotional
> umbrella.
> Please mention also where your own project communications and the way it
> positions itself in this world could - in return - strengthen the overall
> OSGeo-proposition and promotional strategy.
> Effectively, how can you help us help you???
> Therefore, you are invited to express by return mail your expectations,
> ideas, contributions, advice, needs etc when it comes to positioning and
> promoting your projects in the right places. Whether it is all achievable,
> viable and feasible...that is for later worry. For now it is important what
> the expectations are.
> And who knows; perhaps we can already implement some quick wins at FOSS4G
> 2016 in Bonn/Germany! (How about featuring your projects more prominently
> at the OSGeo-booth?)
> I am looking forward to your initial input at your earliest convenience,
> but preferably at the latest by the 7th of July.
> Kind regards,
> Marc Vloemans
> Marketing Committee OSGeo
> Kind regards,
> Marc Vloemans
> Mobile +31(0)651 844262
> LinkedIn: http://nl.linkedin.com/in/marcvloemans
> Twitter: http://twitter.com/marcvloemans
> http://www.slideshare.net/marcvloemans
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