[pycsw-devel] MS4W 4.0.3 released (with pycsw 2.4.2)

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Fri Jan 31 08:23:44 PST 2020

Hello pycsw community!

Short message for Windows users that MS4W (MapServer for Windows) 4.0.3 
has been released containing the pycsw 2.4.2 release. https://ms4w.com

You can view a sample GetCapabilities of this version at: 
(Windows Server 2016)

Short background on MS4W: MS4W embeds Python 3.7.5, and with a simple 
zipfile extraction you can serve through WMS/WFS/WFS-T/SOS/WCS/WPS/CSW & 
tiles, on Windows.  MS4W includes several pre-configured applications, 
and in total over 60+ mapfiles and data, sharing over 2TB of files with 
the Windows community each month.

Thanks and have a nice weekend!

Thank you for using MS4W.
"MS4W: open doors as well as windows"


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

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