[pygeoapi] Django example
Tom Kralidis
tomkralidis at gmail.com
Sat Mar 23 04:13:12 PDT 2024
Hi Ivan: thanks for the info and feedback. There were recent updates to
Django endpoints for Tiles support in the last week in the main branch of
In addition, we do have a Django example in [1], which may help.
Hope this helps.
On Mon, Mar 18, 2024 at 10:30 PM Ivan Lucena via pygeoapi <
pygeoapi at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> My name is Ivan, I'm an ex OSGeo maintainer and GDAL contributor, now
> working as FOSS user.
> I have a django project on the backend and a React frontend using
> OpenLayers.
> The django project implements REST API and communicates with GEE, and is
> deployed on MS IIS.
> I setup a MVT using pygeoapi and that is working really fine on
> development, using "pygeoapi serve".
> I thought I could integrate pygeoapi with my django backend would simplify
> my deployment. But that is not working well.
> First of all, looking at the pygeoapi doc, I don't see the point of
> running "pygeoapi serve --django". I can't change any setting by doing it.
> So, there is no permission to access the service from the frontend app.
> Since version 0.15.0, there is no more django example project, and the
> code is incompatible with newer version.
> If anyone tries to follow the instructions, it will fail. But I figured
> that by coping some code from the current (0.16.1)
> "pygeoapi/django_/settings.py" (0.16.1) into my django project
> "settings.py" seems to fix the errors.
> Now, I can run "python manger.py runserver" and both my backend and
> pygeoapi runs from that. Exactly how I imagined that it would work on my
> deployment.
> But the front end doesn't access the tiles as it does so well when it runs
> on development server with "pygeoapi serve" (no --django). Lots of 404
> errors.
> It seems like the pygeoapi django code is not abandoned, so where can we
> find the code of a running example?
> Or do you have any other good advice? Like "forget django", deploy some
> other way.
> Thank you so very much. I appreciate your work.
> Best regards,
> Ivan
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