[Pywps-dev] Running the unit tests

Jachym Cepicky jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
Fri Jun 21 12:53:48 PDT 2013

Hi Alex,

welcome on board!

Are you referring to github/geopython/PyWPS or github/jachym/pywps-4?

As for the "old" version: it would be great to have it running

But I would like to focus on the new aka "4" version, which can be done
from scratch basically anyhow and anywhere. After the discussion we had
in Bucharest, it's clear to me, that even the little I did is worth to
be rewritten :-)



Dne 20.6.2013 23:07, Alex Morega napsal(a):
> Hello!
> There's a nice testing tool, called tox[1], that automates running unit tests against multiple Python versions and configurations. Also, since the project is on Github, we can set up Travis[2] to run the unit tests for every commit and pull request.
> I can set up both, but so far I've not been able to run the test suite successfully, either on Python 2.7 or 3.3. Are all the tests up-to-date with the latest commits?
> Cheers,
> -- Alex
> [1] http://testrun.org/tox/latest/
> [2] https://travis-ci.org/
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Jachym Cepicky
Help Service - Remote Sensing s.r.o.
jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
HS-RS: jachym at hsrs.cz http://bnhelp.cz

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