[Pywps-dev] gsoc mentors

Alex Morega alex at grep.ro
Wed Apr 2 00:09:23 PDT 2014


I've worked a lot with Python and Postgres/SQLite, but not PostGIS/SpatiaLite specifically. If you think it's appropriate, I could co-mentor "database output storage" and "remote output storage".

-- Alex

On 02 Apr 2014, at 09:27, Jorge de Jesus <jorge.mendesdejesus at wur.nl> wrote:

> Hi to all
> I would like to co-mentor:
> -Process chaining capabilities for PyWPS
> And mentor:
> -Database output storage for PyWPS-4
> - Integration with statistical analysis- R for pywps
> Thanks
> Jorge
> On 04/01/2014 08:10 PM, Jachym Cepicky wrote:
>> Hi,
>> till friday I have to send list of projects we are willing to mentor together
>> with their mentors to Anne.
>> I would like to ask everybody mentor of your to send one more confirmation as
>> reply on this mail, so I can forward to Anne on friday.
>> Remember: At least 2 mentors/proposal are needed
>> Thank  you
>> Jachym
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