[Pywps-dev] GSoC-weekly report 4-process chaining capabilitys for PyWPS

Anna Homolka mail at anna-homolka.de
Fri Jun 13 11:31:39 PDT 2014

Hi all,


my weekly report:


Work done:

.        I continued writing the XML Handler. So far my PyWPS process can
receive a XML-document describing one process and returns a PyWPS process
which executes the process.


Work to be done next week:

.        Doing tests on the existing code and polish it in order to get it
on Github.

.        At the moment just literal input is supported. This will be
extended to complex and bounding box input.

.        Automatic execution of The PyWPS process executing the process

.        Enhancing the XML handler so it is possible to link processes.


Am I blocked?

.        No


Best regards



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