[Pywps-dev] integration tests

Jachym Cepicky jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
Sun Jul 19 16:42:57 PDT 2015


it took me a while, but I have managed to get new integration tests up and
running for PyWPS-4, using Travis-ci and tox

You can see the result on


Where it lives:

The tests are in my fork of pywps-4-demo in master branch, you can see the
propper icon too https://github.com/jachym/pywps-4-demo

What does it do:

no much, it justs starts flask server with demo.py in daemon mode and runns
the tests
tests are sofar just running XML Schema validation of server responses, but
checking for expected calculation outputs is no problem now

Next steps:

Luis, how shall we approach? Shall we move our efforts to /geopython/ and I
will make pull request for my changes?

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