[Pywps-dev] [PSC] meetig motions

Jachym Cepicky jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
Fri Jul 8 02:10:35 PDT 2016


my motions inline

čt 7. 7. 2016 v 17:54 odesílatel Jachym Cepicky <jachym.cepicky at gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I would like to ask you for voting of following motions, which were
> briefly discussed during todays PSC meeting:
> Motion 1: To release PyWPS-4.0.0-beta
> Reasoning: PyWPS-4.0.0 will be presented on FOSS4G-Bonn, there is also
> workshop. The codebase should be in, if not release-stage,
> short-before-release at least. We shall stop adding features and focus on
> stability, testing, documentation


> Motion 2: Setting work priority: PyWPS-4.0.0 stable over OSGeo-Live
> incubation
> Reasoning: Certainly, PyWPS is open source project and PSC can not force
> anyone to do some work, but having limited resources some members of the
> team can focus on one thing only. Therefore having clear statement from PSC
> helps to set priorities to developers.


I see Tom's point in this and actually, we are almost there - the software
is installed, I like the idea to push stable version first and then replace
with pywps-4 - it gives feeling of continuity. We just need to polish the
example process to be more useful, maybe provide example based on qgis and
polish the quick introduction file. All (most of) this can be done by
non-developer. OSGeo-Live is very important milestone for the project.
Though, PyWPS-4 is sligthly more important right now IMHO.

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