[Pywps-dev] [GSOC] Week report - Web-based administration and process control

Jan Rudolf rudolja1 at fit.cvut.cz
Wed Jun 22 03:35:41 PDT 2016


OK, I am a little bit fighting on making good documentation description
about how to run it with Apache and PostgreSQL on Ubuntu (there are
small differences to Mac OS), I hope I will finish it today and send you
a blog post. After that, I will edit the code to be able to use SQLite

Have a nice day, Jan

On 2016-06-22 09:41, Jachym Cepicky wrote:
> Hi Jan,
> it looks great! One note: please, could you get the old sqlite3 code
> back? We should support both - sqlite and postgres. SQLite for small
> local projects for people who want to play and postgres for real
> applications. 
> If you could put the  old code back, get the desired engine
> (sqlite|postgres) from the configuration file and adjust the
> functions, that would be great - do not spend too much time on getting
> sqlite back to 100% running -I'll take care on this
> Thanks
> Jachym
> P.S. In case, you should have more free time, please have a look at
> WPS 2.0.0 standard and try just to think for now about possibility  to
> get those thinks implemented in PyWPS - you do not have to do any
> coding for now, just thinking about it. But that is really just for
> long winter nights
> ne 19. 6. 2016 v 21:39 odesílatel Jan Rudolf <rudolja1 at fit.cvut.cz>
> napsal:
>> Hello,
>> this is my week report
>> http://gsoc-2016.jan-rudolf.cz/article/fourth-week-report
>> Have a nice evening, Jan
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