[Pywps-dev] [GSoC] Web-based administration plans
Jan Rudolf
rudolja1 at fit.cvut.cz
Wed May 4 14:54:49 PDT 2016
Thanks for answers Jachym, they help a lot with understanding. Thanks
for suggesting the 65_maxoperations branch. I've already set up git with
this branch and I am going to look closer at it in near future.
> I would like you to do application, which is part of PyWPS
> distribution, wich uses REST interface for process control (maybe you
> can re-use some of Calin's work) and ideally provides WEB UI too
If will everybody agree, I would like to start with basics of Web UI.
The reasons are that, with the start of the coding period, semester ends
and I've got finals, main time period about 2-3 weeks and it's very
important to me to succeed. So with this pressure, I would like to start
with something easier to me. Thank you for understanding.
Could you specify, what do you want to be part of UI? How do you imagine
the layout and all functions (or first for now)?
Thank you, Jan
Dne 2016-05-04 12:30, Jachym Cepicky napsal:
> Hi Jan,
> first of all, I suggest, you go on with the 65_maxoperations branch,
> where basis for the administration interface is set and described in
> my mail
> https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/pywps-dev/2016-April/000624.html
> I've added sample wsgi script (wsgi directory) to the branch, which
> works with my Apache configuration. If I understand it correctly,
> flask is not good, when you need to run several threads in one
> incetance - it can not handle it (therefore there are some attempts
> with starting flask on different ports - bad solution IMHO)
> The demo is there, so you can run your local instance of PyWPS with
> flask server.
> rest.html was removed by @Calin (cced)
> https://github.com/PyWPS/pywps-4-demo/commits/master/templates - maybe
> he could tell us, why that?
> In 65_maxoperations, processes are controlled with metadata stored in
> sqlite database - they are running using multiprocessing package - it
> chould be clear from pywps/app/Process.py
> I would like you to do application, which is part of PyWPS
> distribution, wich uses REST interface for process control (maybe you
> can re-use some of Calin's work) and ideally provides WEB UI too
> ehm, I hope, I clarified at least some of your questions - if not,
> please keep pinging me
> J
> po 2. 5. 2016 v 22:34 odesÃlatel Jan Rudolf <rudolja1 at fit.cvut.cz>
> napsal:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I ran PyWPS and the demo application on my computer, read almost all
>> documentation text, and want to discuss:
>> 1. In the demo application - there should be available /wpsadmin
>> page
>> and others /wpspadmin/* (declared in demo.py), there is an error, I
>> added rest_app.debug = True after the Flask initialization (line 94
>> in
>> demo.py) and there is rest.html template missing. Can you add it,
>> please?
>> 2. I first thought (before I was looking into code), that the
>> user/administrator just need to install PyWPS (and other libraries)
>> and
>> set up Apache (or any other server) to some entry point and he is
>> done.
>> Is the user/administrator need to make some script like demo.py with
>> the
>> declaration of all URLs and so on? Or is it also going to be the
>> purpose
>> of my work, because I will be creating web administration for it, is
>> it
>> suppose to be built-in into PyWPS library?
>> 3. I ran search about controlling processes through Python - found a
>> way
>> through the combination of multiprocessing and psutil, but they are
>> already there, but also in demo.py. Should be integrated into PyWPS?
>> Thank you, Jan Rudolf
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