[Pywps-dev] GSoC Coding Period

Jonas Eberle jonas.eberle at gmx.de
Sat May 21 03:59:42 PDT 2016

Hi Vikas, 

sure, just start working with PyWPS and your project. You should be familiar with PyWPS-4 by now. It would also be good if you have some sample processes that you will use in your work. In a best case we can use such processes also as demonstration process within PyWPS demo independent from your work. 


----- Am 21. Mai 2016 um 12:35 schrieb Vikas Mishra <vikasmishra95 at gmail.com>: 

> Hi all,
> I understand that GSoC coding period starts on 23rd May and we shouldn't start
> working on the project before that but I'm free this weekend and coding period
> is just 2 days away so is it OK if I go ahead and start the work for the first
> week from my timeline?

> Thanks and regards,

> Vikas Mishra
> MSc(Hons) Economics + B.E. Electronics and Electrical Engineering
> Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani
> KK Birla Goa Campus
> 8412898899| vikasmishra95 at gmail.com
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