[Pywps-dev] copyright and authorship

Mendes de Jesus, Jorge jorge.mendesdejesus at wur.nl
Sun Sep 18 10:26:21 PDT 2016

Hi to all

I am looking at adding the copyright and authorship to the pywps code (headers on python code). I am currently working on my branch [0] and Tom suggested that I send an email for consensus on the topics bellow

1) Adding  GLP for pywps 3.2 and MIT for pywps4

On the branch pywps-3.2 ( is it also necessary on branch pywps-3.2.3 ???)  I have added the generic GLP license [1] while on pywps4 the generic MIT [2]. There was already consensus that we have to jump from GLP to MIT.

Aside from license changes from GLP to MIT,  also there is a change of  headers I included the author name on GLP (also see point 2) and then on the MIT I only have a generic "pywps project steering committee".

eg GLP:

# Author:    Jachym Cepicky
#            http://les-ejk.cz
# License:
# Web Processing Service implementation
# Copyright (C) 2006 Jachym Cepicky

e.g MIT
# Copyright (C) 2014-2016 PyWPS Development Team, represented by
# PyWPS Project Steering Committee

Is this ok ???  Are people happy witih it ??? Jachym ??? This was more or less the headers used in one files

2) Authorship

I have  looked at the code of pywps-4 code and in some files I have the authors name: eg:  Alex Morega,  when ever I found author information I have added as:

__author__  = "Alex Morega"

I like it since it is more pythonic, does anyone objects  this pythonic author naming and header structure [3] ???

3) Pywps 4.0 author claim (next weekend)

I will set up a table with file name and authors, for people to comment and claim ownership. I am more or less assuming that if you haven't indicate your name in the code than the code was mainly done by Jachym.

4) I have added some indication on XML/HTML/Javascript what license is being used, I was wondering if this is also necessary for templates and other text files ???

5) I will pass all code in flake8 and fix it

This is mainly for cosmetic code changes but also check things like unused modules or variables.

Thank you


[0] https://github.com/jorgejesus/pywps/

[1]  See att GPL2 license

[2]  See att MIT license

[3] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1523427/what-is-the-common-header-format-of-python-files

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