[Pywps-dev] GSoC 2018 Week 3 Report - "Database Output Storage for PyWPS"

Jan Pišl janjanpisl at gmail.com
Sun Jun 3 10:18:03 PDT 2018

Hi everyone,

this is my report from week 3. It can also be found on my wiki page [0]. As
always, any feedback is appreciated!

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

Kind regards,

Jan Pišl

Week 3 report

*What did you get done this period?*

- Following my mentor's advice, I made a decision that _MSSQLStorage,
_OciStorage _MySQLStorage classes will not be implemented at this stage.
There will only be PgStorage and SQLiteStorage that store data in a
PostgreSQL and SQLite databases, respectively

- Define DbStorageAbstract, an abstract class from which PgStorage and
SQLiteStorage will inherit [1]

- Develop and implement SQLiteStorage [2]

- Fix/Update DbStorage class [3]

- Update outputs.py so complex output data is either stored as files or in
a database depending on configuration [4]

*What do you plan on doing next week (period) ?*

- Develop a mechanism for handling raster output data and implement it.

- Decide how other types of data (such as string, table, CSV, etc.) will be
handled and implement it.

*Are you blocked on anything?*

There is an error occuring when I run PyWPS and I haven't been able to find
out what is causing it. I will discuss this with my mentor on a call on
Monday morning.

[0] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Database_Output_Storage_for_PyWPS

[1] *https://github.com/janpisl/pywps/commit/89ab12a2fd883a0df6c070a4ca573f89b6c31a5a

[2]  *https://github.com/janpisl/pywps/commit/864d275fe8c47e41c07f8278b8037e80a0b0b838

[3] https://github.com/janpisl/pywps/commit/c0d698cefde9a5085cd7d76bb0e32156a6391880

 [4] https://github.com/janpisl/pywps/commit/7f00fa06ac5fd7823d79a363f6163dcc38e7bbb0
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