[QGIS Commit] r9137 - trunk/qgis/scripts

svn_qgis at osgeo.org svn_qgis at osgeo.org
Sat Aug 23 16:17:30 EDT 2008

Author: jef
Date: 2008-08-23 16:17:30 -0400 (Sat, 23 Aug 2008)
New Revision: 9137

scripts for the astyle re-indentation & iostream=>QgsDebugMsg migration cleanup

Added: trunk/qgis/scripts/astyle-all.sh
--- trunk/qgis/scripts/astyle-all.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/qgis/scripts/astyle-all.sh	2008-08-23 20:17:30 UTC (rev 9137)
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+if ! astyle.sh >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+	echo astyle.sh not found in path >&2
+	exit 1
+set -e
+export elcr="$(tput el)$(tput cr)"
+find src -type f -print | while read f; do
+	case "$f" in
+        *.cpp|*.h|*.c|*.h|*.cxx|*.hxx|*.c++|*.h++|*.cc|*.hh|*.C|*.H)
+                ;;
+        *)
+                continue
+                ;;
+        esac
+        if [ -f "$f.astyle" ]; then
+		# reformat backup
+                cp "$f.astyle" "$f"
+                touch -r "$f.astyle" "$f"
+        else
+		# make backup
+                cp "$f" "$f.astyle"
+                touch -r "$f" "$f.astyle"
+        fi
+  	echo -ne "Reformating $f$elcr"
+	astyle.sh "$f"
+# convert CRLF to LF
+find .. -type f \
+  ! -path "*/.svn/*" \
+  ! -path "*/win_build/*" \
+  ! -name "*.def" \
+  ! -name "*.rc" \
+  ! -name "*.png" \
+  -exec file {} \; |
+  grep CRLF |
+  cut -d: -f1 |
+  while read f; do
+  	echo -ne "Flipping $f$elcr"
+	flip -ub "$f"
+  done

Property changes on: trunk/qgis/scripts/astyle-all.sh
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: trunk/qgis/scripts/astyle-rollback.sh
--- trunk/qgis/scripts/astyle-rollback.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/qgis/scripts/astyle-rollback.sh	2008-08-23 20:17:30 UTC (rev 9137)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+set -e
+find . \( -name "*.astyle" -o -name "*.iostream" \) -exec rm {} \;
+svn revert -R .
+svn update
+patch -p0 --dry-run <qgslogger-before.diff
+patch -p0 <qgslogger-before.diff
+mv qgslogger-before.diff qgslogger-before.diff.orig
+svn diff >qgslogger-before.diff
+diff -u qgslogger-before.diff.orig qgslogger-before.diff

Property changes on: trunk/qgis/scripts/astyle-rollback.sh
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: trunk/qgis/scripts/astyle.sh
--- trunk/qgis/scripts/astyle.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/qgis/scripts/astyle.sh	2008-08-23 20:17:30 UTC (rev 9137)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+if ! qgsloggermig.pl >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+	echo qgsloggermig.pl not found in path >&2
+	exit 1
+set -e
+--preserve-date \
+--indent-preprocessor \
+--brackets=break \
+--convert-tabs \
+--indent=spaces=2 \
+--indent-classes \
+--indent-labels \
+--indent-namespaces \
+--indent-switches \
+--one-line=keep-blocks \
+--one-line=keep-statements \
+--max-instatement-indent=40 \
+--min-conditional-indent=-1 \
+#--break-blocks \
+--pad=oper \
+--pad=paren-in \
+for f in "$@"; do
+	flip -ub "$f" 
+    	qgsloggermig.pl "$f"

Property changes on: trunk/qgis/scripts/astyle.sh
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: trunk/qgis/scripts/qgsloggermig.pl
--- trunk/qgis/scripts/qgsloggermig.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/qgis/scripts/qgsloggermig.pl	2008-08-23 20:17:30 UTC (rev 9137)
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+# use QgsDebugMsg instead of iostream for debugging output
+#   #include <iostream>
+#   #ifdef QGISDEBUG
+#   std::cout << "A " << a << " B " << b << " A " << a << std::endl;
+#   // std::cout << "commented out" << std::endl;
+#   #endif
+# becomes
+#   #include "qgslogger.h"
+#   QgsDebugMsg(QString("A %1 B %2 A %1").arg(a).arg(b));
+#   QgsDebugMsgLevel("commented out", 3);
+# append // OK to keep it as it is.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+for my $file (@ARGV) {
+	my $output;
+	my $F;
+	my @file;
+	open $F, $file;
+	my $externc = 0;
+	my $ifdef = 0;
+	my $loggerseen=0;
+	my $lastinclude=0;
+	my $modified = 0;
+	my $i=0;
+	my $le;
+	while(<$F>) {
+		$i++;
+		($le) = /([\r\n]+)$/ unless defined $le;
+		if(/\s*#\s*include\s*<iostream>/) {
+			next;
+		}
+		if(/\s*#\s*include\s*qgslogger\.h/) {
+			$loggerseen=1;
+		}
+		$externc=1 if /extern\s+\"C\"\s*{/;
+		$externc=0 if $externc && /^\s*}\s*$/;
+		$ifdef++ if /^\s*#\s*if/;
+		$ifdef-- if /^\s*#\s*endif/;
+		if($externc==0 && $ifdef==0 && /\s*#\s*include/) {
+			$lastinclude = scalar(@file)+1;
+		}
+		if(/std::(cout|cerr)/) {
+			die "nested? [$file]" if defined $output;
+			$output = "";
+		}
+		if(defined $output) {
+			$output .= $_;
+			if(/;/) {
+				($le) = ($output =~ /([\r\n]+)$/);
+				$output =~ s/$le/\n/g;
+				my $level = 0;
+				if($output =~ /^\s*\/\/\s*(std::(cout|cerr))/) {
+					$level = 3;
+					$output =~ s/^\s*\/\///;
+					$output =~ s/\n\s*\/\//\n /g;
+				}
+				my @arr = split /\s*<<\s*/, $output;
+				my ($indent) = ($arr[0] =~ /^(\s*)/);
+				$arr[0] =~ s/^\s+//;
+				if($arr[0] =~ /^\/\// || $arr[-1] =~ /\/\/ OK$/) {
+					# commented out
+					push @file, "$output\n";
+					undef $output;
+					next;
+				}
+				unless( $arr[0] =~ /^std::(cout|cerr)$/ ) {
+					die "std::(cerr|cout) expected [$file]: |" . $arr[0] . "|";
+				}
+				$arr[-1] =~ s/\s*;\s*$/;/;
+				if( $arr[-1] =~ /\\n";$/) {
+					$arr[-1] =~ s/\\n";/"/;
+					push @arr, "std::endl;";
+				} elsif( $arr[-1] =~ /'\\n';$/) {
+					$arr[-1] = "std::endl;";
+				}
+				if( $arr[-1] =~ /^std::flush;$/ &&
+				    $arr[-2] =~ /^std::endl$/ ) {
+					pop @arr;
+					pop @arr;
+					$arr[-1] = "std::endl;";
+				}
+				unless( $arr[-1] =~ /^std::endl;$/ ) {
+					die "std::endl; expected [$file]: |" . $arr[-1] . "|";
+				} 
+				shift @arr;
+				pop @arr;
+				my $str;
+				my %args;
+				my @args;
+				my $fmt = "";
+				foreach(@arr) {
+					if(/^"(.*)"$/) {
+						$fmt .= $1;
+					} else {
+						if(/^QString::number\s*\(\s*([^,]*)\s*\)$/) {
+							$_ = $1;
+						}
+						s/\.toLocal8Bit\(\).data\(\)$//;
+						s/\.toUtf8\(\).data\(\)$//;
+						s/\.ascii\(\)$//;
+						if(exists $args{$_}) {
+							my $n = $args{$_};
+							$fmt .= "%$n";
+						} else {
+							push @args, $_;
+							$args{$_} = scalar(@args);
+							$fmt .= "%" . scalar(@args);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if(@args>0) {
+					if(@args==1 && $fmt eq "%1") {
+						$str = $args[0];
+					} else {
+						$str = "QString(\"$fmt\").arg(" . join(").arg(", @args) . ")";
+					}
+				} else {
+					$str = "\"$fmt\"";
+				}
+				if($level == 3) {
+#					push @file, $indent . "QgsDebugMsgLevel($str, 3);$le";
+					push @file, $indent . "// QgsDebugMsg($str);$le";
+				} else {
+					push @file, $indent . "QgsDebugMsg($str);$le";
+				}
+				$modified=1;
+				undef $output;
+			}
+		} else {
+			push @file, $_;
+		}
+	}
+	close $F;
+	if($modified) {
+	  if(!$loggerseen) {
+	    die "no includes? [$file]" unless defined $lastinclude;
+	    splice @file, $lastinclude, 0, "#include \"qgslogger.h\"$le";
+	  }
+	  #print "MODIFIED: $file\n";
+	  my @filtered;
+	  my @output;
+	  my $ifdef_seen=0;
+	  foreach(@file) {
+	    if($ifdef_seen) {
+	      if(/^\s*#\s*if/) {
+		die "nested #if? [$file]";
+	      } elsif(/^\s*QgsDebugMsg/) {
+		push @output, $_;
+	      } elsif(/^\s*#\s*endif/) {
+		push @filtered, $_ foreach @output;
+		undef @output;
+		$ifdef_seen=0;
+	      } else {
+		push @filtered, "#ifdef QGISDEBUG$le";
+		push @filtered, $_ foreach @output;
+		push @filtered, $_;
+		undef @output;
+		$ifdef_seen=0;
+	      }
+	    } elsif(/^\s*#\s*ifdef\s+QGISDEBUG\s*$/) {
+	      die "output pending" if @output;
+	      $ifdef_seen=1;
+	    } else {
+	      push @filtered, $_;
+	    }
+	  }
+	  die "output pending" if @output;
+	  link $file, "$file.iostream" unless -f "$file.iostream";
+	  unlink $file;
+	  open $F, ">$file";
+	  foreach (@filtered) {
+	    print $F $_;
+	  }
+	  close $F;
+	}
+# vim: set ts=8 noet:

Property changes on: trunk/qgis/scripts/qgsloggermig.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

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