[QGIS Commit] r8744 - trunk/qgis/src/app
svn_qgis at osgeo.org
svn_qgis at osgeo.org
Wed Jul 9 06:37:11 EDT 2008
Author: timlinux
Date: 2008-07-09 06:37:11 -0400 (Wed, 09 Jul 2008)
New Revision: 8744
Code formatting changes only
Modified: trunk/qgis/src/app/qgsmaptoolidentify.cpp
--- trunk/qgis/src/app/qgsmaptoolidentify.cpp 2008-07-09 04:42:57 UTC (rev 8743)
+++ trunk/qgis/src/app/qgsmaptoolidentify.cpp 2008-07-09 10:37:11 UTC (rev 8744)
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
QPixmap myIdentifyQPixmap = QPixmap((const char **) identify_cursor);
mCursor = QCursor(myIdentifyQPixmap, 1, 1);
if (mResults)
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
void QgsMapToolIdentify::canvasMoveEvent(QMouseEvent * e)
void QgsMapToolIdentify::canvasPressEvent(QMouseEvent * e)
@@ -69,12 +69,12 @@
void QgsMapToolIdentify::canvasReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent * e)
if(!mCanvas || mCanvas->isDrawing())
- {
- return;
- }
+ {
+ return;
+ }
QgsMapLayer* layer = mCanvas->currentLayer();
// delete rubber band if there was any
delete mRubberBand;
mRubberBand = 0;
@@ -119,11 +119,11 @@
- QObject::tr("No active layer"),
- QObject::tr("To identify features, you must choose an active layer by clicking on its name in the legend"));
+ QObject::tr("No active layer"),
+ QObject::tr("To identify features, you must choose an active layer by clicking on its name in the legend"));
@@ -131,10 +131,10 @@
if (!layer)
QMap<QString, QString> attributes;
layer->identify(point, attributes);
QgsAttributeAction aa;
@@ -179,9 +179,9 @@
QgsRect viewExtent = mCanvas->extent();
double mupp = mCanvas->mupp();
if(mupp == 0)
- {
- return;
- }
+ {
+ return;
+ }
double xMinView = viewExtent.xMin();
double yMaxView = viewExtent.yMax();
@@ -192,26 +192,26 @@
double i, j;
if(xMinView < xMinLayer)
- {
- i = (int)(point.x() - (xMinLayer - xMinView) / mupp);
- }
+ {
+ i = (int)(point.x() - (xMinLayer - xMinView) / mupp);
+ }
- {
- i = point.x();
- }
+ {
+ i = point.x();
+ }
if(yMaxView > yMaxLayer)
- {
- j = (int)(point.y() - (yMaxView - yMaxLayer) / mupp);
- }
+ {
+ j = (int)(point.y() - (yMaxView - yMaxLayer) / mupp);
+ }
- {
- j = point.y();
- }
+ {
+ j = point.y();
+ }
QString text = layer->identifyAsText(QgsPoint(i, j));
if (text.isEmpty())
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
if (!layer)
// load identify radius from settings
QSettings settings;
double identifyValue = settings.value("/Map/identifyRadius", QGis::DEFAULT_IDENTIFY_RADIUS).toDouble();
@@ -237,13 +237,13 @@
// create the search rectangle
double searchRadius = mCanvas->extent().width() * (identifyValue/100.0);
QgsRect r;
r.setXmin(point.x() - searchRadius);
r.setXmax(point.x() + searchRadius);
r.setYmin(point.y() - searchRadius);
r.setYmax(point.y() + searchRadius);
r = toLayerCoords(layer, r);
int featureCount = 0;
@@ -258,104 +258,104 @@
calc.setProjectionsEnabled(mCanvas->projectionsEnabled()); // project?
// display features falling within the search radius
- {
- mResults = new QgsIdentifyResults(actions, mCanvas->window());
- mResults->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
- // Be informed when the dialog box is closed so that we can stop using it.
- connect(mResults, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(resultsDialogGone()));
- connect(mResults, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(resultsDialogGone()));
- connect(mResults, SIGNAL(selectedFeatureChanged(int)), this, SLOT(highlightFeature(int)));
- // restore the identify window position and show it
- mResults->restorePosition();
- }
+ {
+ mResults = new QgsIdentifyResults(actions, mCanvas->window());
+ mResults->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
+ // Be informed when the dialog box is closed so that we can stop using it.
+ connect(mResults, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(resultsDialogGone()));
+ connect(mResults, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(resultsDialogGone()));
+ connect(mResults, SIGNAL(selectedFeatureChanged(int)), this, SLOT(highlightFeature(int)));
+ // restore the identify window position and show it
+ mResults->restorePosition();
+ }
- {
- mResults->raise();
- mResults->clear();
- mResults->setActions(actions);
- }
+ {
+ mResults->raise();
+ mResults->clear();
+ mResults->setActions(actions);
+ }
int lastFeatureId = 0;
QList<QgsFeature> featureList;
layer->featuresInRectangle(r, featureList, true, true);
QList<QgsFeature>::iterator f_it = featureList.begin();
for(; f_it != featureList.end(); ++f_it)
+ {
+ featureCount++;
+ QTreeWidgetItem* featureNode = mResults->addNode("foo");
+ featureNode->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, QVariant(f_it->featureId())); // save feature id
+ lastFeatureId = f_it->featureId();
+ featureNode->setText(0, fieldIndex);
+ const QgsAttributeMap& attr = f_it->attributeMap();
+ for (QgsAttributeMap::const_iterator it = attr.begin(); it != attr.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ //QgsDebugMsg(it->fieldName() + " == " + fieldIndex);
+ if (fields[it.key()].name() == fieldIndex)
- featureCount++;
- QTreeWidgetItem* featureNode = mResults->addNode("foo");
- featureNode->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, QVariant(f_it->featureId())); // save feature id
- lastFeatureId = f_it->featureId();
- featureNode->setText(0, fieldIndex);
- const QgsAttributeMap& attr = f_it->attributeMap();
- for (QgsAttributeMap::const_iterator it = attr.begin(); it != attr.end(); ++it)
- {
- //QgsDebugMsg(it->fieldName() + " == " + fieldIndex);
- if (fields[it.key()].name() == fieldIndex)
- {
- featureNode->setText(1, it->toString());
- }
- mResults->addAttribute(featureNode, fields[it.key()].name(), it->isNull() ? "NULL" : it->toString());
- }
- // Calculate derived attributes and insert:
- // measure distance or area depending on geometry type
- if (layer->vectorType() == QGis::Line)
- {
- double dist = calc.measure(f_it->geometry());
- QString str = calc.textUnit(dist, 3, mCanvas->mapUnits(), false);
- mResults->addDerivedAttribute(featureNode, QObject::tr("Length"), str);
- }
- else if (layer->vectorType() == QGis::Polygon)
- {
- double area = calc.measure(f_it->geometry());
- QString str = calc.textUnit(area, 3, mCanvas->mapUnits(), true);
- mResults->addDerivedAttribute(featureNode, QObject::tr("Area"), str);
- }
- // Add actions
- QgsAttributeAction::aIter iter = actions.begin();
- for (register int i = 0; iter != actions.end(); ++iter, ++i)
- {
- mResults->addAction( featureNode, i, QObject::tr("action"), iter->name() );
- }
+ featureNode->setText(1, it->toString());
- QgsDebugMsg("Feature count on identify: " + QString::number(featureCount));
- //also test the not commited features //todo: eliminate copy past code
- mResults->setTitle(layer->name() + " - " + QString::number(featureCount) + QObject::tr(" features found"));
- if (featureCount == 1)
- {
- mResults->showAllAttributes();
- mResults->setTitle(layer->name() + " - " + QObject::tr(" 1 feature found") );
- highlightFeature(lastFeatureId);
- }
- else if (featureCount == 0)
- {
- mResults->setTitle(layer->name() + " - " + QObject::tr("No features found") );
- mResults->setMessage ( QObject::tr("No features found"), QObject::tr("No features were found in the active layer at the point you clicked") );
- }
- else
- {
- QString title = layer->name();
- title += QString( tr("- %1 features found","Identify results window title",featureCount) ).arg(featureCount);
- mResults->setTitle(title);
- }
- QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
- mResults->show();
+ mResults->addAttribute(featureNode, fields[it.key()].name(), it->isNull() ? "NULL" : it->toString());
+ }
+ // Calculate derived attributes and insert:
+ // measure distance or area depending on geometry type
+ if (layer->vectorType() == QGis::Line)
+ {
+ double dist = calc.measure(f_it->geometry());
+ QString str = calc.textUnit(dist, 3, mCanvas->mapUnits(), false);
+ mResults->addDerivedAttribute(featureNode, QObject::tr("Length"), str);
+ }
+ else if (layer->vectorType() == QGis::Polygon)
+ {
+ double area = calc.measure(f_it->geometry());
+ QString str = calc.textUnit(area, 3, mCanvas->mapUnits(), true);
+ mResults->addDerivedAttribute(featureNode, QObject::tr("Area"), str);
+ }
+ // Add actions
+ QgsAttributeAction::aIter iter = actions.begin();
+ for (register int i = 0; iter != actions.end(); ++iter, ++i)
+ {
+ mResults->addAction( featureNode, i, QObject::tr("action"), iter->name() );
+ }
+ }
+ QgsDebugMsg("Feature count on identify: " + QString::number(featureCount));
+ //also test the not commited features //todo: eliminate copy past code
+ mResults->setTitle(layer->name() + " - " + QString::number(featureCount) + QObject::tr(" features found"));
+ if (featureCount == 1)
+ {
+ mResults->showAllAttributes();
+ mResults->setTitle(layer->name() + " - " + QObject::tr(" 1 feature found") );
+ highlightFeature(lastFeatureId);
+ }
+ else if (featureCount == 0)
+ {
+ mResults->setTitle(layer->name() + " - " + QObject::tr("No features found") );
+ mResults->setMessage ( QObject::tr("No features found"), QObject::tr("No features were found in the active layer at the point you clicked") );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ QString title = layer->name();
+ title += QString( tr("- %1 features found","Identify results window title",featureCount) ).arg(featureCount);
+ mResults->setTitle(title);
+ }
+ QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
+ mResults->show();
#if 0 //MH: old state of the function
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@
if (!layer)
// load identify radius from settings
QSettings settings;
double identifyValue = settings.value("/Map/identifyRadius", QGis::DEFAULT_IDENTIFY_RADIUS).toDouble();
@@ -371,13 +371,13 @@
// create the search rectangle
double searchRadius = mCanvas->extent().width() * (identifyValue/100.0);
QgsRect r;
r.setXmin(point.x() - searchRadius);
r.setXmax(point.x() + searchRadius);
r.setYmin(point.y() - searchRadius);
r.setYmax(point.y() + searchRadius);
r = toLayerCoords(layer, r);
int featureCount = 0;
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@
QgsVectorDataProvider* dataProvider = layer->getDataProvider();
QgsAttributeList allAttributes = dataProvider->allAttributesList();
const QgsFieldMap& fields = dataProvider->fields();
dataProvider->select(allAttributes, r, true, true);
// init distance/area calculator
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@
calc.setProjectionsEnabled(mCanvas->projectionsEnabled()); // project?
if ( !layer->isEditable() )
// display features falling within the search radius
@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@
int lastFeatureId = 0;
QTreeWidgetItem *click = mResults->addNode(tr("(clicked coordinate)"));
@@ -433,11 +433,11 @@
lastFeatureId = feat.featureId();
featureNode->setText(0, fieldIndex);
const QgsAttributeMap& attr = feat.attributeMap();
for (QgsAttributeMap::const_iterator it = attr.begin(); it != attr.end(); ++it)
//QgsDebugMsg(it->fieldName() + " == " + fieldIndex);
if (fields[it.key()].name() == fieldIndex)
featureNode->setText(1, it->toString());
@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@
// Edit attributes
// TODO: what to do if more features were selected? - nearest?
QgsChangedAttributesMap& changedAttributes = layer->changedAttributes();
if (dataProvider->getNextFeature(feat))
@@ -563,9 +563,9 @@
QMessageBox::information(0, tr("No features found"),
- tr("<p>No features were found within the search radius. "
- "Note that it is currently not possible to use the "
- "identify tool on unsaved features.</p>"));
+ tr("<p>No features were found within the search radius. "
+ "Note that it is currently not possible to use the "
+ "identify tool on unsaved features.</p>"));
@@ -574,26 +574,26 @@
void QgsMapToolIdentify::showError(QgsMapLayer * mapLayer)
-// QMessageBox::warning(
-// this,
-// mapLayer->errorCaptionString(),
-// tr("Could not draw") + " " + mapLayer->name() + " " + tr("because") + ":\n" +
-// mapLayer->errorString()
-// );
+ // QMessageBox::warning(
+ // this,
+ // mapLayer->errorCaptionString(),
+ // tr("Could not draw") + " " + mapLayer->name() + " " + tr("because") + ":\n" +
+ // mapLayer->errorString()
+ // );
QgsMessageViewer * mv = new QgsMessageViewer();
mv->setWindowTitle( mapLayer->errorCaptionString() );
- QObject::tr("Could not identify objects on") + " " + mapLayer->name() + " " + QObject::tr("because") + ":\n" +
- mapLayer->errorString()
- );
+ QObject::tr("Could not identify objects on") + " " + mapLayer->name() + " " + QObject::tr("because") + ":\n" +
+ mapLayer->errorString()
+ );
mv->exec(); // deletes itself on close
void QgsMapToolIdentify::resultsDialogGone()
mResults = 0;
delete mRubberBand;
mRubberBand = 0;
@@ -610,23 +610,23 @@
QgsVectorLayer* layer = dynamic_cast<QgsVectorLayer*>(mCanvas->currentLayer());
if (!layer)
delete mRubberBand;
mRubberBand = 0;
QgsFeature feat;
if(layer->getFeatureAtId(featureId, feat, true, false) != 0)
- {
- return;
- }
+ {
+ return;
+ }
- {
- return;
- }
+ {
+ return;
+ }
mRubberBand = new QgsRubberBand(mCanvas, feat.geometry()->vectorType() == QGis::Polygon);
if (mRubberBand)
mRubberBand->setToGeometry(feat.geometry(), *layer);
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