[QGIS Commit] r8213 - in trunk/qgis/src: app core providers/postgres

svn_qgis at osgeo.org svn_qgis at osgeo.org
Wed Mar 12 17:02:40 EDT 2008

Author: jef
Date: 2008-03-12 17:02:40 -0400 (Wed, 12 Mar 2008)
New Revision: 8213

- applied patch from Steven Mizuno from #964. Nice work. Thank you very much.
  - better privilege handling (fixes #955)
  - better postgis i18n (unicode handling, identifier quotation)
  - password saving fixed
  - support for int8 type added
- let provider capabilities follow table privileges (fixes #976)
- use prepared statements for adding features (fixed #977)
- remove connection pooling (fixes cursor problem)
- clear attribute list on loadFields (fixes #984)
- ignore bytea fields
- handle transactions/error reporting better
- some cleanups

Modified: trunk/qgis/src/app/qgsdbsourceselect.cpp
--- trunk/qgis/src/app/qgsdbsourceselect.cpp	2008-03-12 20:44:31 UTC (rev 8212)
+++ trunk/qgis/src/app/qgsdbsourceselect.cpp	2008-03-12 21:02:40 UTC (rev 8213)
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
 		  " when geometrytype(%1) IN ('LINESTRING','MULTILINESTRING') THEN 'LINESTRING'"
 		  " when geometrytype(%1) IN ('POLYGON','MULTIPOLYGON') THEN 'POLYGON'"
 		  " end "
-		  "from \"%2\".\"%3\"").arg(column).arg(schema).arg(table);
+		  "from \"%2\".\"%3\"").arg("\""+column+"\"").arg(schema).arg(table);
@@ -361,11 +361,11 @@
   QString username = settings.readEntry(key + "/username");
   QString password = settings.readEntry(key + "/password");
-  if (password == QString::null)
+  if ( password.isEmpty() )
     // get password from user 
     makeConnection = false;
-    QString password = QInputDialog::getText(tr("Password for ") + username,
+    password = QInputDialog::getText(tr("Password for ") + username,
         tr("Please enter your password:"),
         QLineEdit::Password, QString::null, &makeConnection, this);
     // allow null password entry in case its valid for the database
@@ -393,13 +393,13 @@
     if (pd != 0)
-    pd = PQconnectdb(m_connInfo.toLocal8Bit().data());
+    pd = PQconnectdb(m_connInfo.toLocal8Bit());		// use what is set based on locale; after connecting, use Utf8
     //  std::cout << pd->ErrorMessage();
     if (PQstatus(pd) == CONNECTION_OK)
       //qDebug("Connection succeeded");
       // tell the DB that we want text encoded in UTF8
-      PQsetClientEncoding(pd, "UNICODE");
+      PQsetClientEncoding(pd, QString("UNICODE").toLocal8Bit());
       // get the list of suitable tables and columns and populate the UI
       geomCol details;
@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@
       QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Connection failed"),
           ("Connection to %1 on %2 failed. Either the database is down or your settings are incorrect.%3Check your username and password and try again.%4The database said:%5%6").
-          arg(settings.readEntry(key + "/database")).arg(settings.readEntry(key + "/host")).arg("\n\n").arg("\n\n").arg("\n").arg(PQerrorMessage(pd)));
+          arg(settings.readEntry(key + "/database")).arg(settings.readEntry(key + "/host")).arg("\n\n").arg("\n\n").arg("\n").arg(QString::fromLocal8Bit(PQerrorMessage(pd))));
@@ -526,43 +526,33 @@
   bool ok = false;
-  QString sql = "select * from geometry_columns";
-  sql += " order by f_table_schema,f_table_name";
+    // The following query returns only tables that exist and the user has SELECT privilege on.
+    // Can't use regclass here because table must exist, else error occurs.
+    QString sql = "select * from geometry_columns,pg_class,pg_namespace "
+      "where relname=f_table_name and f_table_schema=nspname "
+      "and pg_namespace.oid = pg_class.relnamespace "
+      "and has_table_privilege('\"'||pg_namespace.nspname||'\".\"'||pg_class.relname||'\"','select')"	// user has select privilege
+      "order by f_table_schema,f_table_name";
-  PGresult *result = PQexec(pg, sql.toLocal8Bit().data());
+  PGresult *result = PQexec(pg, sql.toUtf8());
   if (result)
     for (int idx = 0; idx < PQntuples(result); idx++)
-      // Be a bit paranoid and check that the table actually
-      // exists. This is not done as a subquery in the query above
-      // because I can't get it to work correctly when there are tables
-      // with capital letters in the name.
+      QString tableName = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(result, idx, PQfnumber(result, QString("f_table_name").toUtf8())));
+      QString schemaName = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(result, idx, PQfnumber(result, QString("f_table_schema").toUtf8())));
-      // Take care to deal with tables with the same name but in different schema.
-      QString tableName = PQgetvalue(result, idx, PQfnumber(result, "f_table_name"));
-      QString schemaName = PQgetvalue(result, idx, PQfnumber(result, "f_table_schema"));
-      sql = "select oid from pg_class where relname = '" + tableName + "'";
-      if (schemaName.length() > 0)
-	sql +=" and relnamespace = (select oid from pg_namespace where nspname = '" +
-	  schemaName + "')";
+      QString column = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(result, idx, PQfnumber(result, QString("f_geometry_column").toUtf8())));
+      QString type = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(result, idx, PQfnumber(result, QString("type").toUtf8())));
-      PGresult* exists = PQexec(pg, sql.toLocal8Bit().data());
-      if (PQntuples(exists) == 1)
+      QString as = "";
+      if(type=="GEOMETRY" && !searchGeometryColumnsOnly) 
-        QString column = PQgetvalue(result, idx, PQfnumber(result, "f_geometry_column"));
-        QString type = PQgetvalue(result, idx, PQfnumber(result, "type"));
-	QString as = "";
-	if(type=="GEOMETRY" && !searchGeometryColumnsOnly) 
-	  {
-	    addSearchGeometryColumn(schemaName, tableName,  column);
-	    as=type="WAITING";
-	  }
-	mTableModel.addTableEntry(type, schemaName, tableName, column, "");
+        addSearchGeometryColumn(schemaName, tableName,  column);
+        as=type="WAITING";
-      PQclear(exists);
+      mTableModel.addTableEntry(type, schemaName, tableName, column, "");
     ok = true;
@@ -581,20 +571,21 @@
   // geometry_columns table. This code is specific to postgresql,
   // but an equivalent query should be possible in other
   // databases.
-  sql = "select pg_class.relname, pg_namespace.nspname, pg_attribute.attname, "
-    "pg_class.relkind from "
-    "pg_attribute, pg_class, pg_type, pg_namespace where pg_type.typname = 'geometry' and "
-    "pg_attribute.atttypid = pg_type.oid and pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_class.oid ";
+  sql = "select pg_class.relname, pg_namespace.nspname, pg_attribute.attname,  pg_class.relkind "
+    "from pg_attribute, pg_class, pg_namespace "
+    "where pg_namespace.oid = pg_class.relnamespace "
+    "and pg_attribute.atttypid = regtype('geometry') "
+    "and pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_class.oid "
+    "and has_table_privilege('\"'||pg_namespace.nspname||'\".\"'||pg_class.relname||'\"','select') ";
+	// user has select privilege
   if (searchPublicOnly)
     sql += "and pg_namespace.nspname = 'public' ";
-  sql += "and cast(pg_class.relname as character varying) not in "
-    "(select f_table_name from geometry_columns) "
-    "and pg_namespace.oid = pg_class.relnamespace "
+  sql += "and pg_namespace.nspname||'.'||pg_class.relname not in "	//  needs to be table and schema
+    "(select f_table_schema||'.'||f_table_name from geometry_columns) "
     "and pg_class.relkind in ('v', 'r')"; // only from views and relations (tables)
-  result = PQexec(pg, sql.toLocal8Bit().data());
+  result = PQexec(pg, sql.toUtf8());
   for (int i = 0; i < PQntuples(result); i++)
@@ -605,10 +596,10 @@
     // Make the assumption that the geometry type for the first
     // row is the same as for all other rows. 
-    QString table  = PQgetvalue(result, i, 0); // relname
-    QString schema = PQgetvalue(result, i, 1); // nspname
-    QString column = PQgetvalue(result, i, 2); // attname
-    QString relkind = PQgetvalue(result, i, 3); // relation kind
+    QString table  = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(result, i, 0)); // relname
+    QString schema = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(result, i, 1)); // nspname
+    QString column = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(result, i, 2)); // attname
+    QString relkind = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(result, i, 3)); // relation kind
     addSearchGeometryColumn(schema, table, column);
     //details.push_back(geomPair(fullDescription(schema, table, column, "WAITING"), "WAITING"));
@@ -620,6 +611,7 @@
   return ok;
+#if 0	// this function is never called - smizuno
 bool QgsDbSourceSelect::getGeometryColumnInfo(PGconn *pg, 
                 geomCol& details, bool searchGeometryColumnsOnly,
                                               bool searchPublicOnly)
@@ -632,7 +624,7 @@
   // where f_table_schema ='" + settings.readEntry(key + "/database") + "'";
   sql += " order by f_table_schema,f_table_name";
   //qDebug("Fetching tables using: " + sql);
-  PGresult *result = PQexec(pg, sql.toLocal8Bit().data());
+  PGresult *result = PQexec(pg, sql.toUtf8());
   if (result)
     QString msg;
@@ -646,18 +638,18 @@
       // with capital letters in the name.
       // Take care to deal with tables with the same name but in different schema.
-      QString tableName = PQgetvalue(result, idx, PQfnumber(result, "f_table_name"));
-      QString schemaName = PQgetvalue(result, idx, PQfnumber(result, "f_table_schema"));
+      QString tableName = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(result, idx, PQfnumber(result, "f_table_name")));
+      QString schemaName = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(result, idx, PQfnumber(result, "f_table_schema")));
       sql = "select oid from pg_class where relname = '" + tableName + "'";
       if (schemaName.length() > 0)
 	sql +=" and relnamespace = (select oid from pg_namespace where nspname = '" +
 	  schemaName + "')";
-      PGresult* exists = PQexec(pg, sql.toLocal8Bit().data());
+      PGresult* exists = PQexec(pg, sql.toUtf8());
       if (PQntuples(exists) == 1)
-        QString column = PQgetvalue(result, idx, PQfnumber(result, "f_geometry_column"));
-        QString type = PQgetvalue(result, idx, PQfnumber(result, "type"));
+        QString column = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(result, idx, PQfnumber(result, "f_geometry_column")));
+        QString type = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(result, idx, PQfnumber(result, "type")));
 	QString as = "";
 	if(type=="GEOMETRY" && !searchGeometryColumnsOnly) {
@@ -695,7 +687,7 @@
     "and pg_namespace.oid = pg_class.relnamespace "
     "and pg_class.relkind in ('v', 'r')"; // only from views and relations (tables)
-  result = PQexec(pg, sql.toLocal8Bit().data());
+  result = PQexec(pg, sql.toUtf8());
   for (int i = 0; i < PQntuples(result); i++)
@@ -706,10 +698,10 @@
     // Make the assumption that the geometry type for the first
     // row is the same as for all other rows. 
-    QString table  = PQgetvalue(result, i, 0); // relname
-    QString schema = PQgetvalue(result, i, 1); // nspname
-    QString column = PQgetvalue(result, i, 2); // attname
-    QString relkind = PQgetvalue(result, i, 3); // relation kind
+    QString table  = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(result, i, 0)); // relname
+    QString schema = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(result, i, 1)); // nspname
+    QString column = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(result, i, 2)); // attname
+    QString relkind = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(result, i, 3)); // relation kind
     addSearchGeometryColumn(schema, table, column);
     details.push_back(geomPair(fullDescription(schema, table, column, "WAITING"), "WAITING"));
@@ -720,6 +712,7 @@
   return ok;
 void QgsDbSourceSelect::showHelp()
@@ -800,23 +793,23 @@
-  PGconn *pd = PQconnectdb(mConnInfo.toLocal8Bit().data());
+  PGconn *pd = PQconnectdb(mConnInfo.toLocal8Bit());
   if (PQstatus(pd) == CONNECTION_OK)
-    PQsetClientEncoding(pd, "UNICODE");
+    PQsetClientEncoding(pd, QString("UNICODE").toLocal8Bit());
     for (uint i = 0; i<schemas.size(); i++)
       QString query = QgsDbSourceSelect::makeGeomQuery(schemas[i],
-      PGresult* gresult = PQexec(pd, query.toLocal8Bit().data());
+      PGresult* gresult = PQexec(pd, query.toUtf8());
       QString type;
       if (PQresultStatus(gresult) == PGRES_TUPLES_OK) {
 	QStringList types;
 	for(int j=0; j<PQntuples(gresult); j++) {
-		QString type = PQgetvalue(gresult, j, 0);
+		QString type = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(gresult, j, 0));
 		  types += type;

Modified: trunk/qgis/src/app/qgsnewconnection.cpp
--- trunk/qgis/src/app/qgsnewconnection.cpp	2008-03-12 20:44:31 UTC (rev 8212)
+++ trunk/qgis/src/app/qgsnewconnection.cpp	2008-03-12 21:02:40 UTC (rev 8213)
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 #include <libpq-fe.h>
 QgsNewConnection::QgsNewConnection(QWidget *parent, const QString& connName, Qt::WFlags fl)
 : QDialog(parent, fl)
@@ -72,18 +73,22 @@
 void QgsNewConnection::on_btnHelp_clicked()
- helpInfo();
+  helpInfo();
 void QgsNewConnection::on_btnConnect_clicked()
 void QgsNewConnection::on_btnCancel_clicked(){
   // cancel the dialog
 void QgsNewConnection::on_cb_geometryColumnsOnly_clicked()
   if (cb_geometryColumnsOnly->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
@@ -97,6 +102,7 @@
 void QgsNewConnection::testConnection()
   QgsDataSourceURI uri;
@@ -105,15 +111,15 @@
   QgsLogger::debug( "PQconnectdb(" + uri.connInfo() + ");" );
   PGconn *pd = PQconnectdb( uri.connInfo().toLocal8Bit().data() );
-//  std::cout << pd->ErrorMessage();
+  //  std::cout << pd->ErrorMessage();
   if (PQstatus(pd) == CONNECTION_OK)
-    {
-      // Database successfully opened; we can now issue SQL commands.
-      QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Test connection"), tr("Connection to %1 was successful").arg(txtDatabase->text()));
+  {
+    // Database successfully opened; we can now issue SQL commands.
+    QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Test connection"), tr("Connection to %1 was successful").arg(txtDatabase->text()));
   } else
-    {
-      QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Test connection"), tr("Connection failed - Check settings and try again.\n\nExtended error information:\n") + QString(PQerrorMessage(pd)) );
-    }
+  {
+    QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Test connection"), tr("Connection failed - Check settings and try again.\n\nExtended error information:\n") + QString(PQerrorMessage(pd)) );
+  }
   // free pg connection resources
@@ -130,36 +136,29 @@
   settings.writeEntry(baseKey + "/database", txtDatabase->text());
   settings.writeEntry(baseKey + "/port", txtPort->text());
   settings.writeEntry(baseKey + "/username", txtUsername->text());
-  settings.writeEntry(baseKey + "/password", txtPassword->text());
+  settings.writeEntry(baseKey + "/password", chkStorePassword->isChecked() ? txtPassword->text() : "");
   settings.writeEntry(baseKey + "/publicOnly", cb_publicSchemaOnly->isChecked());
   settings.writeEntry(baseKey + "/geometryColumnsOnly", cb_geometryColumnsOnly->isChecked());
-  if (chkStorePassword->isChecked())
-    {
-      settings.writeEntry(baseKey + "/save", "true");
-  } else
-    {
-      settings.writeEntry(baseKey + "/save", "false");
-    }
+  settings.writeEntry(baseKey + "/save", chkStorePassword->isChecked() ? "true" : "false");
 void QgsNewConnection::helpInfo()
-/* void QgsNewConnection::saveConnection()
+#if 0
+void QgsNewConnection::saveConnection()
-	QSettings settings;
-	QString baseKey = "/PostgreSQL/connections/";
-	baseKey += txtName->text();
-	settings.writeEntry(baseKey + "/host", txtHost->text());
-	settings.writeEntry(baseKey + "/database", txtDatabase->text());
+  QSettings settings;
+  QString baseKey = "/PostgreSQL/connections/";
+  baseKey += txtName->text();
+  settings.writeEntry(baseKey + "/host", txtHost->text());
+  settings.writeEntry(baseKey + "/database", txtDatabase->text());
-	settings.writeEntry(baseKey + "/username", txtUsername->text());
-	if (chkStorePassword->isChecked()) {
-		settings.writeEntry(baseKey + "/password", txtPassword->text());
-	} else{
-        settings.writeEntry(baseKey + "/password", "");
-    }
+  settings.writeEntry(baseKey + "/username", txtUsername->text());
+  settings.writeEntry(baseKey + "/password", chkStorePassword->isChecked() ? txtPassword->text() : "");
-} */

Modified: trunk/qgis/src/app/qgspgquerybuilder.cpp
--- trunk/qgis/src/app/qgspgquerybuilder.cpp	2008-03-12 20:44:31 UTC (rev 8212)
+++ trunk/qgis/src/app/qgspgquerybuilder.cpp	2008-03-12 21:02:40 UTC (rev 8213)
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
   QgsDebugMsg("Attempting connect using: " + connInfo); 
-  mPgConnection = PQconnectdb(connInfo.toLocal8Bit().data());
+  mPgConnection = PQconnectdb(connInfo.toLocal8Bit().data());	// use what is set based on locale; after connecting, use Utf8
   // check the connection status
   if (PQstatus(mPgConnection) == CONNECTION_OK) {
     QString datasource = QString(tr("Table <b>%1</b> in database <b>%2</b> on host <b>%3</b>, user <b>%4</b>"))
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
-    QString err = PQerrorMessage(mPgConnection);
+    QString err = QString::fromLocal8Bit(PQerrorMessage(mPgConnection));
     QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Connection Failed"), tr("Connection to the database failed:") + "\n" + err);
@@ -96,22 +96,21 @@
   // Populate the field vector for this layer. The field vector contains
   // field name, type, length, and precision (if numeric)
   QString sql = "select * from " + mUri->quotedTablename() + " limit 1";
-  PGresult *result = PQexec(mPgConnection, (const char *) (sql.utf8()));
+  PGresult *result = PQexec(mPgConnection, sql.toUtf8());
   QgsLogger::debug("Query executed: " + sql);
   if (PQresultStatus(result) == PGRES_TUPLES_OK) 
     //--std::cout << "Field: Name, Type, Size, Modifier:" << std::endl;
     for (int i = 0; i < PQnfields(result); i++) {
-      QString fieldName = PQfname(result, i);
+      QString fieldName = QString::fromUtf8(PQfname(result, i));
       int fldtyp = PQftype(result, i);
       QString typOid = QString().setNum(fldtyp);
       QgsLogger::debug("typOid is: " + typOid); 
       //int fieldModifier = PQfmod(result, i);
       QString sql = "select typelem from pg_type where typelem = " + typOid + " and typlen = -1";
       //  //--std::cout << sql << std::endl;
-      PGresult *oidResult = PQexec(mPgConnection, 
-				   (const char *) (sql.utf8()));
+      PGresult *oidResult = PQexec(mPgConnection, sql.toUtf8());
       if (PQresultStatus(oidResult) == PGRES_TUPLES_OK) 
         QgsLogger::debug("Ok fetching typelem using\n" + sql); 
@@ -123,7 +122,7 @@
       sql = "select typname, typlen from pg_type where oid = " + poid;
       // //--std::cout << sql << std::endl;
-      oidResult = PQexec(mPgConnection, (const char *) (sql.utf8()));
+      oidResult = PQexec(mPgConnection, sql.toUtf8());
       if (PQresultStatus(oidResult) == PGRES_TUPLES_OK) 
         QgsLogger::debug("Ok fetching typenam,etc\n");
@@ -180,9 +179,9 @@
   // determine the field type
   QgsField field = mFieldMap[mModelFields->data(lstFields->currentIndex()).toString()];
-  bool mActualFieldIsChar = field.typeName().find("char") > -1;
+  mActualFieldIsChar = field.typeName().contains("char") || field.typeName().contains("text");	// really should be: field.type()==QVariant::String - but is not set correctly above
-  PGresult *result = PQexec(mPgConnection, (const char *) (theSQL.utf8()));
+  PGresult *result = PQexec(mPgConnection, theSQL.toUtf8());
   if (PQresultStatus(result) == PGRES_TUPLES_OK) 
@@ -196,7 +195,7 @@
-    QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Database error"), tr("<p>Failed to get sample of field values using SQL:</p><p>") + theSQL + "</p><p>Error message was: "+ QString(PQerrorMessage(mPgConnection)) + "</p>");
+    QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Database error"), tr("<p>Failed to get sample of field values using SQL:</p><p>") + theSQL + "</p><p>Error message was: "+ QString::fromUtf8(PQerrorMessage(mPgConnection)) + "</p>");
   // free the result set
@@ -210,7 +209,6 @@
   QgsField field = mFieldMap[mModelFields->data(lstFields->currentIndex()).toString()];
-  bool mActualFieldIsChar = field.typeName().find("char") > -1;
   QString sql = "SELECT DISTINCT \"" + myFieldName + "\" " +
       "FROM (SELECT \"" + myFieldName + "\" " +
@@ -268,7 +266,7 @@
     QString numRows;
     QString sql = "select count(*) from " + mUri->quotedTablename() 
       + " where " + txtSQL->text();
-    PGresult *result = PQexec(mPgConnection, (const char *)(sql.utf8()));
+    PGresult *result = PQexec(mPgConnection, sql.toUtf8());
     if (PQresultStatus(result) == PGRES_TUPLES_OK) 
       numRows = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(result, 0, 0));
@@ -280,7 +278,7 @@
       QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Query Failed"), 
           tr("An error occurred when executing the query:") 
-          + "\n" + QString(PQresultErrorMessage(result)));
+          + "\n" + QString::fromUtf8(PQresultErrorMessage(result)));
     // free the result set
@@ -294,7 +292,7 @@
   QString sql = "select count(*) from " + mUri->quotedTablename() + " where " + where;
   long numRows;
-  PGresult *result = PQexec(mPgConnection, (const char *)(sql.utf8()));
+  PGresult *result = PQexec(mPgConnection, sql.toUtf8());
   if (PQresultStatus(result) == PGRES_TUPLES_OK) 
     QString rowCount = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(result, 0, 0));
@@ -303,7 +301,7 @@
     numRows = -1;
-    mPgErrorMessage = PQresultErrorMessage(result);
+    mPgErrorMessage = QString::fromUtf8(PQresultErrorMessage(result));
   // free the result set

Modified: trunk/qgis/src/core/qgsdatasourceuri.cpp
--- trunk/qgis/src/core/qgsdatasourceuri.cpp	2008-03-12 20:44:31 UTC (rev 8212)
+++ trunk/qgis/src/core/qgsdatasourceuri.cpp	2008-03-12 21:02:40 UTC (rev 8213)
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@
 QString QgsDataSourceURI::connInfo() const
-  QString connInfo = "dbname="+mDatabase;
+  QString connInfo = "dbname='"+mDatabase+"'";
   if( mHost != "" )
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@
   if( mUsername != "" )
-    connInfo += " user=" + mUsername;
+    connInfo += " user='" + mUsername + "'";	//needs to be escaped
     if( mPassword != "" )

Modified: trunk/qgis/src/providers/postgres/qgspostgresprovider.cpp
--- trunk/qgis/src/providers/postgres/qgspostgresprovider.cpp	2008-03-12 20:44:31 UTC (rev 8212)
+++ trunk/qgis/src/providers/postgres/qgspostgresprovider.cpp	2008-03-12 21:02:40 UTC (rev 8213)
@@ -57,20 +57,15 @@
 const QString POSTGRES_KEY = "postgres";
 const QString POSTGRES_DESCRIPTION = "PostgreSQL/PostGIS data provider";
-int QgsPostgresProvider::providerIds = 0;
-  QgsPostgresProvider::QgsPostgresProvider(QString const & uri)
+QgsPostgresProvider::QgsPostgresProvider(QString const & uri)
 : QgsVectorDataProvider(uri),
-  providerId = QString("%1").arg(providerIds++);
   // assume this is a valid layer until we determine otherwise
   valid = true;
-  /* OPEN LOG FILE */
   // Make connection to the data source
   // For postgres, the connection information is passed as a space delimited
@@ -103,24 +98,24 @@
   //pLog.open((const char *)logFile);
   //QgsDebugMsg("Opened log file for " + mTableName);
-  connection = connectDb( (const char *)mUri.connInfo() );
+  connection = connectDb( mUri.connInfo() );
   if( connection==NULL ) {
     valid = false;
-  QgsDebugMsg("Checking for select permission on the relation\n");
+  QgsDebugMsg("Checking for permissions on the relation");
   // Check that we can read from the table (i.e., we have
   // select permission).
-  QString sql = "select * from " + mSchemaTableName + " limit 1";
-  PGresult* testAccess = PQexec(connection, (const char*)(sql.utf8()));
+  QString sql = QString("select * from %1 limit 1").arg(mSchemaTableName);
+  PGresult* testAccess = PQexec(connection, sql.toUtf8());
   if (PQresultStatus(testAccess) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
     showMessageBox(tr("Unable to access relation"),
         tr("Unable to access the ") + mSchemaTableName + 
         tr(" relation.\nThe error message from the database was:\n") +
-        QString(PQresultErrorMessage(testAccess)) + ".\n" + 
+        QString::fromUtf8(PQresultErrorMessage(testAccess)) + ".\n" + 
         "SQL: " + sql);
     valid = false;
@@ -129,22 +124,67 @@
-  PGresult *schema = PQexec(connection, "SELECT current_schema()");
-  if (PQresultStatus(schema) == PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
-  {
-    mCurrentSchema = PQgetvalue(schema, 0, 0);
-    if(mCurrentSchema==mSchemaName) {
-      mUri.clearSchema();
-      setDataSourceUri( mUri.uri() );
-    }
+  sql = QString("SELECT "
+                           "has_table_privilege(%1,'DELETE'),"
+                           "has_table_privilege(%1,'UPDATE'),"
+                           "has_table_privilege(%1,'INSERT'),"
+                           "current_schema()")
+                           .arg( quotedValue(mSchemaTableName) );
+  testAccess = PQexec( connection, sql.toUtf8() );
+  if( PQresultStatus(testAccess) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK ) {
+    showMessageBox(tr("Unable to access relation"),
+        tr("Unable to determine table access privileges for the ") + mSchemaTableName + 
+        tr(" relation.\nThe error message from the database was:\n") +
+        QString::fromUtf8(PQresultErrorMessage(testAccess)) + ".\n" + 
+        "SQL: " + sql);
+    PQclear(testAccess);
+    valid = false;
+    disconnectDb();
+    return;
-  PQclear(schema);
+  enabledCapabilities = QgsVectorDataProvider::SelectGeometryAtId;
+  if( QString::fromUtf8( PQgetvalue(testAccess, 0, 0) )=="t" ) {
+    // DELETE
+    enabledCapabilities |= QgsVectorDataProvider::DeleteFeatures;
+  }
+  if( QString::fromUtf8( PQgetvalue(testAccess, 0, 1) )=="t" ) {
+    // UPDATE
+    enabledCapabilities |= QgsVectorDataProvider::ChangeGeometries | QgsVectorDataProvider::ChangeAttributeValues;
+  }
+  if( QString::fromUtf8( PQgetvalue(testAccess, 0, 2) )=="t" ) {
+    // INSERT
+    enabledCapabilities |= QgsVectorDataProvider::AddFeatures;
+  }
+  mCurrentSchema = QString::fromUtf8( PQgetvalue(testAccess, 0, 3) );
+  if(mCurrentSchema==mSchemaName) {
+    mUri.clearSchema();
+    setDataSourceUri( mUri.uri() );
+  }
+  PQclear(testAccess);
-  if (!getGeometryDetails()) // gets srid and geometry type
+  sql = QString("SELECT 1 FROM pg_class,pg_namespace WHERE "
+                   "pg_class.relnamespace=pg_namespace.oid AND "
+                   "pg_get_userbyid(relowner)=current_user AND "
+                   "relname=%1 AND nspname=%2")
+          .arg( quotedValue(mTableName) )
+          .arg( quotedValue(mSchemaName) );
+  testAccess = PQexec(connection, sql.toUtf8());
+  if (PQresultStatus(testAccess) == PGRES_TUPLES_OK && PQntuples(testAccess)==1)
+    enabledCapabilities |= QgsVectorDataProvider::AddAttributes | QgsVectorDataProvider::DeleteAttributes;
+  }
+  PQclear(testAccess);
+  if ( !getGeometryDetails() ) // gets srid and geometry type
+  {
     // the table is not a geometry table
     numberFeatures = 0;
     valid = false;
@@ -167,7 +207,7 @@
   // Set the postgresql message level so that we don't get the
   // 'there is no transaction in progress' warning.
 #ifndef QGISDEBUG
-  PQexec(connection, "set client_min_messages to error");
+  PQexec(connection, QString("set client_min_messages to error").toUtf8());
   // Kick off the long running threads
@@ -241,18 +281,11 @@
-PGconn *QgsPostgresProvider::connectDb(const char *conninfo)
+PGconn *QgsPostgresProvider::connectDb(const QString & conninfo)
-  if( connections.contains(conninfo) ) 
-  {
-    QgsDebugMsg(QString("Using cached connection for ") + conninfo);
-    connections[conninfo]->ref++;
-    return connections[conninfo]->conn;
-  }
   QgsDebugMsg(QString("New postgres connection for ") + conninfo);
-  PGconn *pd = PQconnectdb(conninfo);
+  PGconn *pd = PQconnectdb(conninfo.toLocal8Bit());	// use what is set based on locale; after connecting, use Utf8
   // check the connection status
   if (PQstatus(pd) != CONNECTION_OK) 
@@ -263,7 +296,7 @@
   //set client encoding to unicode because QString uses UTF-8 anyway
   QgsDebugMsg("setting client encoding to UNICODE");
-  int errcode=PQsetClientEncoding(pd, "UNICODE");
+  int errcode=PQsetClientEncoding(pd, QString("UNICODE").toLocal8Bit());
@@ -292,32 +325,13 @@
   //--std::cout << "Connection to the database was successful\n";
-  Conn *conn = new Conn(pd);
-  connections.insert( conninfo, conn );
   return pd;
 void QgsPostgresProvider::disconnectDb()
-  QMapIterator <QString, Conn *> i(connections);
-  while( i.hasNext() ) 
-  {
-    i.next();
-    if( i.value()->conn == connection )
-      break;
-  }
-  assert( i.value()->conn==connection );
-  assert( i.value()->ref>0 );
-  if( --i.value()->ref==0 ) 
-  {
-    PQfinish( i.value()->conn );
-    delete (i.value());
-    connections.remove( i.key() );
-  }
+  PQfinish( connection );
+  connection = 0;
 QString QgsPostgresProvider::storageType()
@@ -333,12 +347,12 @@
     // Top up our queue if it is empty
     if (mFeatureQueue.empty())
-      QString fetch = QString("fetch forward %1 from qgisf" + providerId)
+      QString fetch = QString("fetch forward %1 from qgisf")
-        if(PQsendQuery(connection, (const char *)fetch) == 0) //fetch features in asynchronously
+        if(PQsendQuery(connection, fetch.toUtf8()) == 0) //fetch features in asynchronously
           qWarning("PQsendQuery failed (1)");
@@ -353,20 +367,22 @@
         QgsDebugMsg("End of features");
+        PQclear(queryResult);
         if (ready)
-          PQexec(connection, "end work");
+          PQexec(connection, QString("end work").toUtf8());
         ready = false;
         return false;
       for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
-        int oid = *(int *)PQgetvalue(queryResult, row, PQfnumber(queryResult,"\""+primaryKey+"\""));
+        int oid = *(int *)PQgetvalue(queryResult, row, PQfnumber(queryResult,quotedIdentifier(primaryKey).toUtf8()));
         if (swapEndian)
           oid = ntohl(oid); // convert oid to opposite endian
-	mFeatureQueue.push(QgsFeature());
+        mFeatureQueue.push(QgsFeature());
         // set ID
@@ -383,12 +399,14 @@
-            char* attribute = PQgetvalue(queryResult, row, PQfnumber(queryResult,"\""+*name_it+"\""));
-            val = QString::fromUtf8(attribute);
+            val = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(queryResult, row, PQfnumber(queryResult,quotedIdentifier(*name_it).toUtf8())));
           switch (attributeFields[*index_it].type())
+            case QVariant::LongLong:
+              mFeatureQueue.back().addAttribute(*index_it, val.toLongLong());
+              break;
             case QVariant::Int:
               mFeatureQueue.back().addAttribute(*index_it, val.toInt());
@@ -411,12 +429,12 @@
             unsigned char *featureGeom = new unsigned char[returnedLength + 1];
             memset(featureGeom, '\0', returnedLength + 1);
-            memcpy(featureGeom, PQgetvalue(queryResult, row, PQfnumber(queryResult,"qgs_feature_geometry")), returnedLength); 
+            memcpy(featureGeom, PQgetvalue(queryResult, row, PQfnumber(queryResult,QString("qgs_feature_geometry").toUtf8())), returnedLength); 
             mFeatureQueue.back().setGeometryAndOwnership(featureGeom, returnedLength + 1);
-	    mFeatureQueue.back().setGeometryAndOwnership(0, 0);
+            mFeatureQueue.back().setGeometryAndOwnership(0, 0);
             QgsDebugMsg("Couldn't get the feature geometry in binary form");
@@ -424,7 +442,7 @@
-      if(PQsendQuery(connection, (const char *)fetch) == 0) //already fetch the next couple of features asynchronously
+      if(PQsendQuery(connection, fetch.toUtf8()) == 0) //already fetch the next couple of features asynchronously
         qWarning("PQsendQuery failed (2)");
@@ -433,14 +451,14 @@
     // Now return the next feature from the queue
-      {
-	QgsGeometry* featureGeom = mFeatureQueue.front().geometryAndOwnership();
-	feature.setGeometry(featureGeom);
-      }
+    {
+      QgsGeometry* featureGeom = mFeatureQueue.front().geometryAndOwnership();
+	    feature.setGeometry(featureGeom);
+    }
-      {
-	feature.setGeometryAndOwnership(0, 0);
-      }
+    {
+	    feature.setGeometryAndOwnership(0, 0);
+    }
@@ -467,7 +485,7 @@
   QgsFieldMap attributeMap = fields();
   QgsFieldMap::const_iterator fieldIt;
-  for(QgsAttributeList::const_iterator it = mAttributesToFetch.constBegin(); \
+  for(QgsAttributeList::const_iterator it = mAttributesToFetch.constBegin();
       it != mAttributesToFetch.constEnd(); ++it)
     fieldIt = attributeMap.find(*it);
@@ -477,22 +495,23 @@
-  QString declare = "declare qgisf" + providerId + " binary cursor for select \"" + primaryKey + "\"";
+  QString declare = "declare qgisf binary cursor for select " + quotedIdentifier(primaryKey);
-    declare += QString(",asbinary(\"%1\",'%2') as qgs_feature_geometry").arg(geometryColumn).arg(endianString()); 
+    declare += QString(",asbinary(%1,'%2') as qgs_feature_geometry")
+                  .arg( quotedIdentifier(geometryColumn) )
+                  .arg( endianString() ); 
   for(std::list<QString>::const_iterator it = mFetchAttributeNames.begin(); it != mFetchAttributeNames.end(); ++it)
     if( (*it) != primaryKey) //no need to fetch primary key again
-      declare += ",\"" + *it + "\"::text";
+      declare += "," + quotedIdentifier(*it) + "::text";
-  declare += " ";
-  declare += QString("from %1").arg(mSchemaTableName);
+  declare += QString(" from %1").arg(mSchemaTableName);
   QgsDebugMsg("Binary cursor: " + declare);
@@ -504,12 +523,12 @@
       // Contributed by #qgis irc "creeping"
       // This version actually invokes PostGIS's use of spatial indexes
-      declare += " where " + geometryColumn;
+      declare += " where " + quotedIdentifier(geometryColumn);
       declare += " && setsrid('BOX3D(" + rect.asWKTCoords();
       declare += ")'::box3d,";
       declare += srid;
       declare += ")";
-      declare += " and intersects(" + geometryColumn;
+      declare += " and intersects(" + quotedIdentifier(geometryColumn);
       declare += ", setsrid('BOX3D(" + rect.asWKTCoords();
       declare += ")'::box3d,";
       declare += srid;
@@ -517,7 +536,7 @@
-      declare += " where " + geometryColumn;
+      declare += " where " + quotedIdentifier(geometryColumn);
       declare += " && setsrid('BOX3D(" + rect.asWKTCoords();
       declare += ")'::box3d,";
       declare += srid;
@@ -540,11 +559,11 @@
   // set up the cursor
-    PQexec(connection, "end work");
+    PQexec(connection, QString("end work").toUtf8());
-  PQexec(connection,"begin work");
+  PQexec(connection,QString("begin work").toUtf8());
   ready = true;
-  PQexec(connection, (const char *)(declare.utf8()));
+  PQexec(connection, declare.toUtf8());
@@ -558,7 +577,6 @@
     bool fetchGeometry,
     QgsAttributeList fetchAttributes)
   std::list<QString> attributeNames;
   QgsFieldMap fldMap = fields();
   QgsFieldMap::const_iterator fieldIt;
@@ -574,43 +592,46 @@
-  QString sql = "declare qgisfid" + providerId + " binary cursor for select \"" + primaryKey + "\"";
+  QString sql = "declare qgisfid binary cursor for select " + quotedIdentifier(primaryKey);
-    sql += QString(",asbinary(\"%1\",'%2') as qgs_feature_geometry").arg(geometryColumn).arg(endianString()); 
+    sql += QString(",asbinary(%1,'%2') as qgs_feature_geometry")
+             .arg( quotedIdentifier(geometryColumn) )
+             .arg( endianString() ); 
   for(namesIt = attributeNames.begin(); namesIt != attributeNames.end(); ++namesIt)
     if( (*namesIt) != primaryKey) //no need to fetch primary key again
-      sql += ",\"" + *namesIt + "\"::text";
+      sql += "," + quotedIdentifier(*namesIt) + "::text";
   sql += " " + QString("from %1").arg(mSchemaTableName);
-  sql += " where " + primaryKey + " = " + QString::number(featureId);
+  sql += " where " + quotedIdentifier(primaryKey) + "=" + QString::number(featureId);
   QgsDebugMsg("Selecting feature using: " + sql);
-  PQexec(connection,"begin work");
+  PQexec(connection,QString("begin work").toUtf8());
   // execute query
-  PQexec(connection, (const char *)(sql.utf8()));
+  PQexec(connection, sql.toUtf8());
-  PGresult *res = PQexec(connection, "fetch forward 1 from qgisfid" + providerId);
+  PGresult *res = PQexec(connection, QString("fetch forward 1 from qgisfid").toUtf8());
   int rows = PQntuples(res);
   if (rows == 0)
-    PQexec(connection, "end work");
+    PQclear(res);
+    PQexec(connection, QString("end work").toUtf8());
     QgsDebugMsg("feature " + QString::number(featureId) + " not found");
     return FALSE;
   // set ID
-  int oid = *(int *)PQgetvalue(res, 0, PQfnumber(res,"\""+primaryKey+"\""));
+  int oid = *(int *)PQgetvalue(res, 0, PQfnumber(res,quotedIdentifier(primaryKey).toUtf8()));
   if (swapEndian)
     oid = ntohl(oid); // convert oid to opposite endian
@@ -627,12 +648,14 @@
-      char* attribute = PQgetvalue(res, 0, PQfnumber(res,*namesIt));
-      val = QString::fromUtf8(attribute);
+      val = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(res, 0, PQfnumber(res,quotedIdentifier(*namesIt).toUtf8())));
     switch (attributeFields[*it].type())
+      case QVariant::LongLong:
+        feature.addAttribute(*it, val.toLongLong());
+        break;
       case QVariant::Int:
         feature.addAttribute(*it, val.toInt());
@@ -655,12 +678,13 @@
       unsigned char *featureGeom = new unsigned char[returnedLength + 1];
       memset(featureGeom, '\0', returnedLength + 1);
-      memcpy(featureGeom, PQgetvalue(res, 0, PQfnumber(res,"qgs_feature_geometry")), returnedLength); 
+      memcpy(featureGeom, PQgetvalue(res, 0, PQfnumber(res,QString("qgs_feature_geometry").toUtf8())), returnedLength); 
       feature.setGeometryAndOwnership(featureGeom, returnedLength + 1);
-  PQexec(connection, "end work");
+  PQclear(res);
+  PQexec(connection, QString("end work").toUtf8());
   return TRUE;
@@ -720,8 +744,8 @@
 void QgsPostgresProvider::reset()
-  QString move = "move 0 in qgisf" + providerId; //move cursor to first record
-  PQexec(connection, (const char *)(move.utf8()));
+  QString move = "move 0 in qgisf"; //move cursor to first record
+  PQexec(connection, move.toUtf8());
@@ -747,58 +771,59 @@
   QgsDebugMsg("Loading fields for table " + mTableName);
   // Get the relation oid for use in later queries
-  QString sql = "SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relname = '" + mTableName + "' AND relnamespace = ("
-    "SELECT oid FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = '" + mSchemaName + "')";
-  PGresult *tresult= PQexec(connection, (const char *)(sql.utf8()));
-  QString tableoid = PQgetvalue(tresult, 0, 0);
+  QString sql = "SELECT regclass(" + quotedValue(mSchemaTableName) + ")::oid";
+  PGresult *tresult= PQexec(connection, sql.toUtf8());
+  QString tableoid = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(tresult, 0, 0));
   // Get the table description
   sql = "SELECT description FROM pg_description WHERE "
     "objoid = " + tableoid + " AND objsubid = 0";
-  tresult = PQexec(connection, (const char*) sql.utf8());
+  tresult = PQexec(connection, sql.toUtf8());
   if (PQntuples(tresult) > 0)
-    mDataComment = PQgetvalue(tresult, 0, 0);
+    mDataComment = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(tresult, 0, 0));
   // Populate the field vector for this layer. The field vector contains
   // field name, type, length, and precision (if numeric)
   sql = "select * from " + mSchemaTableName + " limit 0";
-  PGresult *result = PQexec(connection, (const char *) (sql.utf8()));
+  PGresult *result = PQexec(connection, sql.toUtf8());
   //--std::cout << "Field: Name, Type, Size, Modifier:" << std::endl;
   // The queries inside this loop could possibly be combined into one
   // single query - this would make the code run faster.
+  attributeFields.clear();
   for (int i = 0; i < PQnfields(result); i++)
-    QString fieldName = PQfname(result, i);
+    QString fieldName = QString::fromUtf8(PQfname(result, i));
     int fldtyp = PQftype(result, i);
     QString typOid = QString().setNum(fldtyp);
     int fieldModifier = PQfmod(result, i);
     QString fieldComment("");
-    sql = "SELECT typname, typlen FROM pg_type WHERE "
-      "oid = (SELECT typelem FROM pg_type WHERE "
-      "typelem = " + typOid + " AND typlen = -1)";
+    sql = "SELECT typname, typlen FROM pg_type WHERE " 
+      "oid="+typOid;	// just oid; needs more work to support array type
+//      "oid = (SELECT Distinct typelem FROM pg_type WHERE "	//needs DISTINCT to guard against 2 or more rows on int2
+//      "typelem = " + typOid + " AND typlen = -1)";
-    PGresult* oidResult = PQexec(connection, (const char *) sql);
-    QString fieldTypeName = PQgetvalue(oidResult, 0, 0);
-    QString fieldSize = PQgetvalue(oidResult, 0, 1);
+    PGresult* oidResult = PQexec(connection, sql.toUtf8());
+    QString fieldTypeName = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(oidResult, 0, 0));
+    QString fieldSize = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(oidResult, 0, 1));
     sql = "SELECT attnum FROM pg_attribute WHERE "
-      "attrelid = " + tableoid + " AND attname = '" + fieldName + "'";
-    PGresult *tresult = PQexec(connection, (const char *)(sql.utf8()));
-    QString attnum = PQgetvalue(tresult, 0, 0);
+      "attrelid = " + tableoid + " AND attname = " + quotedValue(fieldName);
+    PGresult *tresult = PQexec(connection, sql.toUtf8());
+    QString attnum = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(tresult, 0, 0));
     sql = "SELECT description FROM pg_description WHERE "
       "objoid = " + tableoid + " AND objsubid = " + attnum;
-    tresult = PQexec(connection, (const char*)(sql.utf8()));
+    tresult = PQexec(connection, sql.toUtf8());
     if (PQntuples(tresult) > 0)
-      fieldComment = PQgetvalue(tresult, 0, 0);
+      fieldComment = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(tresult, 0, 0));
     QgsDebugMsg("Field: " + attnum + " maps to " + QString::number(i) + " " + fieldName + ", " 
@@ -807,11 +832,14 @@
       QVariant::Type fieldType;
-      if (fieldTypeName.find("int") != -1 || fieldTypeName.find("serial") != -1)
+      if (fieldTypeName.find("int8") != -1)
+        fieldType = QVariant::LongLong;
+      else if (fieldTypeName.find("int") != -1 || fieldTypeName.find("serial") != -1)
         fieldType = QVariant::Int;
-      else if (fieldTypeName == "real" || fieldTypeName == "double precision" || \
-          fieldTypeName.find("float") != -1)
+      else if (fieldTypeName == "real" || fieldTypeName == "double precision" || fieldTypeName.find("float") != -1)
         fieldType = QVariant::Double;
+      else if (fieldTypeName == "bytea")
+        continue;
         fieldType = QVariant::String;
       attributeFields.insert(i, QgsField(fieldName, fieldType, fieldTypeName, fieldSize.toInt(), fieldModifier, fieldComment));
@@ -826,10 +854,8 @@
   // can be used as a key into the table. Primary keys are always
   // unique indices, so we catch them as well.
-  QString sql = "select indkey from pg_index where indisunique = 't' and "
-    "indrelid = (select oid from pg_class where relname = '"
-    + mTableName + "' and relnamespace = (select oid from pg_namespace where "
-    "nspname = '" + mSchemaName + "'))";
+  QString sql ="select indkey from pg_index where indisunique = 't' and "
+    "indrelid = regclass(" + quotedValue(mSchemaTableName) + ")::oid";
   QgsDebugMsg("Getting unique index using '" + sql + "'");
@@ -849,11 +875,9 @@
     // If the relation is a view try to find a suitable column to use as
     // the primary key.
-    sql = "select relkind from pg_class where relname = '" + mTableName + 
-      "' and relnamespace = (select oid from pg_namespace where "
-      "nspname = '" + mSchemaName + "')";
+    sql = "SELECT relkind FROM pg_class WHERE oid = regclass(" + quotedValue(mSchemaTableName) + ")::oid";
     PGresult* tableType = executeDbCommand(connection, sql);
-    QString type = PQgetvalue(tableType, 0, 0);
+    QString type = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(tableType, 0, 0));
     primaryKey = "";
@@ -864,10 +888,9 @@
       // If there is an oid on the table, use that instead,
       // otherwise give up
-      sql = "select attname from pg_attribute where attname = 'oid' and "
-        "attrelid = (select oid from pg_class where relname = '" +
-        mTableName + "' and relnamespace = (select oid from pg_namespace "
-        "where nspname = '" + mSchemaName + "'))";
+      sql = "SELECT attname FROM pg_attribute WHERE attname = 'oid' AND "
+        "attrelid = regclass(" + quotedValue(mSchemaTableName) + ")";
       PGresult* oidCheck = executeDbCommand(connection, sql);
       if (PQntuples(oidCheck) != 0)
@@ -909,22 +932,20 @@
     std::vector<std::pair<QString, QString> > suitableKeyColumns;
     for (int i = 0; i < PQntuples(pk); ++i)
-      QString col = PQgetvalue(pk, i, 0);
+      QString col = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(pk, i, 0));
       QStringList columns = QStringList::split(" ", col);
       if (columns.count() == 1)
         // Get the column name and data type
         sql = "select attname, pg_type.typname from pg_attribute, pg_type where "
           "atttypid = pg_type.oid and attnum = " +
-          col + " and attrelid = (select oid from pg_class where " +
-          "relname = '" + mTableName + "' and relnamespace = (select oid "
-          "from pg_namespace where nspname = '" + mSchemaName + "'))";
+          col + " and attrelid = regclass(" + quotedValue(mSchemaTableName) + ")";
         PGresult* types = executeDbCommand(connection, sql);
         if( PQntuples(types) > 0 )
-          QString columnName = PQgetvalue(types, 0, 0);
-          QString columnType = PQgetvalue(types, 0, 1);
+          QString columnName = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(types, 0, 0));
+          QString columnType = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(types, 0, 1));
           if (columnType != "int4")
             log.append(tr("The unique index on column") + 
@@ -946,9 +967,7 @@
         sql = "select attname from pg_attribute, pg_type where "
           "atttypid = pg_type.oid and attnum in (" +
           col.replace(" ", ",") 
-          + ") and attrelid = (select oid from pg_class where " +
-          "relname = '" + mTableName + "' and relnamespace = (select oid "
-          "from pg_namespace where nspname = '" + mSchemaName + "'))";
+          + ") and attrelid = regclass(" + quotedValue(mSchemaTableName) + ")::oid";
         PGresult* types = executeDbCommand(connection, sql);
         QString colNames;
         int numCols = PQntuples(types);
@@ -956,8 +975,9 @@
           if (j == numCols-1)
             colNames += tr("and ");
-          colNames += "'" + QString(PQgetvalue(types, j, 0)) 
-            + (j < numCols-2 ? "', " : "' ");
+          colNames += quotedValue( QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(types, j, 0)) );
+          if ( j < numCols-2 )
+            colNames+= ",";
         log.append(tr("The unique index based on columns ") + colNames + 
@@ -982,9 +1002,7 @@
       // If there is an oid on the table, use that instead,
       // otherwise give up
       sql = "select attname from pg_attribute where attname = 'oid' and "
-        "attrelid = (select oid from pg_class where relname = '" +
-        mTableName + "' and relnamespace = (select oid from pg_namespace "
-        "where nspname = '" + mSchemaName + "'))";
+        "attrelid = regclass('" + mSchemaTableName + "')::oid";
       PGresult* oidCheck = executeDbCommand(connection, sql);
       if (PQntuples(oidCheck) != 0)
@@ -1051,10 +1069,8 @@
     // Get the oid from pg_class for the given schema.relation for use
     // in subsequent queries.
-    sql = "select oid from pg_class where relname = '" + tableName +
-      "' and relnamespace = (select oid from pg_namespace where "
-      " nspname = '" + schemaName + "')";
-    PGresult* result = PQexec(connection, (const char*)(sql.utf8()));
+    sql = "select regclass('" + quotedIdentifier(schemaName) + "." + quotedIdentifier(tableName) + "')::oid";
+    PGresult* result = PQexec(connection, sql.toUtf8());
     QString rel_oid;
     if (PQntuples(result) == 1)
@@ -1086,7 +1102,7 @@
       "and (contype = 'p' or contype = 'u') "
       "and array_dims(conkey) = '[1:1]'";
-    result = PQexec(connection, (const char*)(sql.utf8()));
+    result = PQexec(connection, sql.toUtf8());
     if (PQntuples(result) == 1 && colType == "int4")
       suitable[viewCol] = iter->second;
@@ -1145,7 +1161,7 @@
     sql = "select * from pg_index where indrelid = " + rel_oid +
       " and indkey[0] = (select attnum from pg_attribute where "
       "attrelid = " +	rel_oid + " and attname = '" + i->second.column + "')";
-    PGresult* result = PQexec(connection, (const char*)(sql.utf8()));
+    PGresult* result = PQexec(connection, sql.toUtf8());
     if (PQntuples(result) > 0 && uniqueData(mSchemaName, mTableName, i->first))
     { // Got one. Use it.
@@ -1226,13 +1242,13 @@
   bool isUnique = false;
-  QString sql = "select count(distinct \"" + colName + "\") = count(\"" +
-    colName + "\") from \"" + schemaName + "\".\"" + tableName + "\"";
+  QString sql = "select count(distinct " + quotedIdentifier(colName) + ") = count(" +  quotedIdentifier(colName) + ") from " + quotedIdentifier(schemaName) + "." + quotedIdentifier(tableName);
-  PGresult* unique = PQexec(connection, (const char*) (sql.utf8()));
+  PGresult* unique = PQexec(connection, sql.toUtf8());
   if (PQntuples(unique) == 1)
-    if (strncmp(PQgetvalue(unique, 0, 0),"t", 1) == 0)
+//    if (strncmp(PQgetvalue(unique, 0, 0),"t", 1) == 0)
+    if (QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(unique, 0, 0)).compare("t") == 0)	//really should compare just first character as original did
       isUnique = true;
@@ -1243,12 +1259,12 @@
 int QgsPostgresProvider::SRCFromViewColumn(const QString& ns, const QString& relname, const QString& attname_table, const QString& attname_view, const QString& viewDefinition, SRC& result) const
   QString newViewDefSql = "SELECT definition FROM pg_views WHERE schemaname = '" + ns + "' AND viewname = '" + relname + "'";
-  PGresult* newViewDefResult = PQexec(connection, (const char*)(newViewDefSql.utf8()));
+  PGresult* newViewDefResult = PQexec(connection, newViewDefSql.toUtf8());
   int numEntries = PQntuples(newViewDefResult);
   if(numEntries > 0) //relation is a view
-    QString newViewDefinition(PQgetvalue(newViewDefResult, 0, 0));
+    QString newViewDefinition(QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(newViewDefResult, 0, 0)));
     QString newAttNameView = attname_table;
     QString newAttNameTable = attname_table;
@@ -1263,12 +1279,15 @@
-    QString viewColumnSql = "SELECT table_schema, table_name, column_name FROM information_schema.view_column_usage WHERE view_schema = '" + ns + "' AND view_name = '" + relname + "' AND column_name = '" + newAttNameTable +"'";
-    PGresult* viewColumnResult = PQexec(connection, (const char*)(viewColumnSql.utf8()));
+    QString viewColumnSql = "SELECT table_schema, table_name, column_name FROM (SELECT DISTINCT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS view_catalog, nv.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS view_schema, v.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS view_name, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_catalog, nt.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_schema, t.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_name, a.attname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS column_name "
+" FROM pg_namespace nv, pg_class v, pg_depend dv, pg_depend dt, pg_class t, pg_namespace nt, pg_attribute a "
+" WHERE nv.oid = v.relnamespace AND v.relkind = 'v'::\"char\" AND v.oid = dv.refobjid AND dv.refclassid = 'pg_class'::regclass::oid AND dv.classid = 'pg_rewrite'::regclass::oid AND dv.deptype = 'i'::\"char\" AND dv.objid = dt.objid AND dv.refobjid <> dt.refobjid AND dt.classid = 'pg_rewrite'::regclass::oid AND dt.refclassid = 'pg_class'::regclass::oid AND dt.refobjid = t.oid AND t.relnamespace = nt.oid AND (t.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r'::\"char\", 'v'::\"char\"])) AND t.oid = a.attrelid AND dt.refobjsubid = a.attnum "
+"ORDER BY current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier, nv.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier, v.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier, nt.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier, t.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier, a.attname::information_schema.sql_identifier) x WHERE view_schema = '" + ns + "' AND view_name = '" + relname + "' AND column_name = '" + newAttNameTable +"'";
+    PGresult* viewColumnResult = PQexec(connection, viewColumnSql.toUtf8());
     if(PQntuples(viewColumnResult) > 0)
-      QString newTableSchema = PQgetvalue(viewColumnResult, 0, 0);
-      QString newTableName = PQgetvalue(viewColumnResult, 0, 1);
+      QString newTableSchema = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(viewColumnResult, 0, 0));
+      QString newTableName = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(viewColumnResult, 0, 1));
       int retvalue = SRCFromViewColumn(newTableSchema, newTableName, newAttNameTable, newAttNameView, newViewDefinition, result);
       return retvalue;
@@ -1288,12 +1307,12 @@
-  PGresult* typeSqlResult = PQexec(connection, (const char*)(typeSql.utf8()));
+  PGresult* typeSqlResult = PQexec(connection, typeSql.toUtf8());
   if(PQntuples(typeSqlResult) < 1)
     return 1;
-  QString type = PQgetvalue(typeSqlResult, 0, 0);
+  QString type = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(typeSqlResult, 0, 0));
@@ -1309,18 +1328,21 @@
 void QgsPostgresProvider::findColumns(tableCols& cols)
-  QString viewColumnSql = "SELECT table_schema, table_name, column_name FROM information_schema.view_column_usage WHERE view_schema = '" + mSchemaName + "' AND view_name = '" + mTableName + "'";
-  PGresult* viewColumnResult = PQexec(connection, (const char*)(viewColumnSql.utf8()));
+  QString viewColumnSql = "SELECT table_schema, table_name, column_name FROM (SELECT DISTINCT current_database() AS view_catalog, nv.nspname AS view_schema, v.relname AS view_name, current_database() AS table_catalog, nt.nspname AS table_schema, t.relname AS table_name, a.attname AS column_name "
+" FROM pg_namespace nv, pg_class v, pg_depend dv, pg_depend dt, pg_class t, pg_namespace nt, pg_attribute a "
+" WHERE nv.oid = v.relnamespace AND v.relkind = 'v'::\"char\" AND v.oid = dv.refobjid AND dv.refclassid = 'pg_class'::regclass::oid AND dv.classid = 'pg_rewrite'::regclass::oid AND dv.deptype = 'i'::\"char\" AND dv.objid = dt.objid AND dv.refobjid <> dt.refobjid AND dt.classid = 'pg_rewrite'::regclass::oid AND dt.refclassid = 'pg_class'::regclass::oid AND dt.refobjid = t.oid AND t.relnamespace = nt.oid AND (t.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r'::\"char\", 'v'::\"char\"])) AND t.oid = a.attrelid AND dt.refobjsubid = a.attnum "
+"ORDER BY current_database(), nv.nspname, v.relname, current_database(), nt.nspname, t.relname, a.attname) x WHERE view_schema = '" + mSchemaName + "' AND view_name = '" + mTableName + "'";
+  PGresult* viewColumnResult = PQexec(connection, viewColumnSql.toUtf8());
   //find out view definition
   QString viewDefSql = "SELECT definition FROM pg_views WHERE schemaname = '" + mSchemaName + "' AND viewname = '" + mTableName + "'";
-  PGresult* viewDefResult = PQexec(connection, (const char*)(viewDefSql.utf8()));
+  PGresult* viewDefResult = PQexec(connection, viewDefSql.toUtf8());
   if(PQntuples(viewDefResult) < 1)
-  QString viewDefinition(PQgetvalue(viewDefResult, 0, 0));
+  QString viewDefinition(QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(viewDefResult, 0, 0)));
   QString ns, relname, attname_table, attname_view;
@@ -1328,9 +1350,9 @@
   for(int i = 0; i < PQntuples(viewColumnResult); ++i)
-    ns = PQgetvalue(viewColumnResult, i, 0);
-    relname = PQgetvalue(viewColumnResult, i, 1);
-    attname_table = PQgetvalue(viewColumnResult, i, 2);
+    ns = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(viewColumnResult, i, 0));
+    relname = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(viewColumnResult, i, 1));
+    attname_table = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(viewColumnResult, i, 2));
     //find out original attribute name
     attname_view = attname_table;
@@ -1574,14 +1596,14 @@
   QString sql;
-    sql = QString("select min(\"%1\") from %2").arg(fld.name()).arg(mSchemaTableName);
+    sql = QString("select min(%1) from %2").arg(quotedIdentifier(fld.name())).arg(mSchemaTableName);
-    sql = QString("select min(\"%1\") from %2").arg(fld.name()).arg(mSchemaTableName)+" where "+sqlWhereClause;
+    sql = QString("select min(%1) from %2").arg(quotedIdentifier(fld.name())).arg(mSchemaTableName)+" where "+sqlWhereClause;
-  PGresult *rmin = PQexec(connection,(const char *)(sql.utf8()));
-  QString minValue = PQgetvalue(rmin,0,0);
+  PGresult *rmin = PQexec(connection, sql.toUtf8());
+  QString minValue = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(rmin,0,0));
   return minValue.toDouble();
@@ -1595,14 +1617,14 @@
   QString sql;
-    sql = QString("select max(\"%1\") from %2").arg(fld.name()).arg(mSchemaTableName);
+    sql = QString("select max(%1) from %2").arg(quotedIdentifier(fld.name())).arg(mSchemaTableName);
-    sql = QString("select max(\"%1\") from %2").arg(fld.name()).arg(mSchemaTableName)+" where "+sqlWhereClause;
+    sql = QString("select max(%1) from %2").arg(quotedIdentifier(fld.name())).arg(mSchemaTableName)+" where "+sqlWhereClause;
-  PGresult *rmax = PQexec(connection,(const char *)(sql.utf8()));
-  QString maxValue = PQgetvalue(rmax,0,0);
+  PGresult *rmax = PQexec(connection, sql.toUtf8());
+  QString maxValue = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(rmax,0,0));
   return maxValue.toDouble();
@@ -1612,12 +1634,12 @@
   QString sql;
-  sql = QString("select max(\"%1\") from %2")
-    .arg(primaryKey)
+  sql = QString("select max(%1) from %2")
+    .arg(quotedIdentifier(primaryKey))
-  PGresult *rmax = PQexec(connection,(const char *)(sql.utf8()));
-  QString maxValue = PQgetvalue(rmax,0,0);
+  PGresult *rmax = PQexec(connection, sql.toUtf8());
+  QString maxValue = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(rmax,0,0));
   return maxValue.toInt();
@@ -1628,203 +1650,6 @@
   return valid;
-bool QgsPostgresProvider::addFeature(QgsFeature& f, int primaryKeyHighWater)
-  QgsDebugMsg("Entering.");
-  // Determine which insertion method to use for WKB
-  // PostGIS 1.0+ uses BYTEA
-  // earlier versions use HEX
-  bool useWkbHex(FALSE);
-  if (!gotPostgisVersion)
-  {
-    postgisVersion(connection);
-  }
-  QgsDebugMsg("PostGIS version is  major: "  + QString::number(postgisVersionMajor) +
-      ", minor: " + QString::number(postgisVersionMinor));
-  if (postgisVersionMajor < 1)
-  {
-    useWkbHex = TRUE;
-  }
-  // Start building insert string
-  QString insert("INSERT INTO ");
-  insert+=mSchemaTableName;
-  insert+=" (";
-  // add the name of the geometry column to the insert statement
-  insert += "\"" + geometryColumn;
-  // add the name of the primary key column to the insert statement
-  insert += "\",\"";
-  insert += primaryKey + "\"";
-  QgsDebugMsg("Constructing insert SQL, currently at: " + insert);
-  //add the names of the other fields to the insert
-  const QgsAttributeMap& attributevec = f.attributeMap();
-  QgsDebugMsg("Got attribute map.");
-  for(QgsAttributeMap::const_iterator it = attributevec.begin(); it != attributevec.end(); ++it)
-  {
-    QString fieldname;
-    QgsFieldMap::const_iterator fit = attributeFields.find(it.key());
-    if (fit != attributeFields.end())
-      fieldname = fit->name();
-    QgsDebugMsg("Checking field against: " + fieldname);
-    if (
-        (fieldname != "") &&
-        (fieldname != geometryColumn) &&
-        (fieldname != primaryKey) &&
-        (!(it->isNull()))
-       )
-    {
-      insert+=",\"";
-      insert+=fieldname +"\"";
-    }
-  }
-  insert+=") VALUES (GeomFromWKB('";
-  // Add the WKB geometry to the INSERT statement
-  QgsGeometry* geometry = f.geometry();
-  unsigned char* geom = geometry->wkbBuffer();
-  for (uint i=0; i < geometry->wkbSize(); ++i)
-  {
-    if (useWkbHex)
-    {
-      // PostGIS < 1.0 wants hex
-      QString hex = QString::number((int) geom[i], 16).upper();
-      if (hex.length() == 1)
-      {
-        hex = "0" + hex;
-      }
-      insert += hex;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      // Postgis 1.0 wants bytea
-      QString oct = QString::number((int) geom[i], 8);
-      if(oct.length()==3)
-      {
-        oct="\\\\"+oct;
-      }
-      else if(oct.length()==1)
-      {
-        oct="\\\\00"+oct;
-      }
-      else if(oct.length()==2)
-      {
-        oct="\\\\0"+oct; 
-      }
-      insert += oct;
-    }
-  }
-  if (useWkbHex)
-  {
-    insert += "',"+srid+")";
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    insert += "::bytea',"+srid+")";
-  }
-  //add the primary key value to the insert statement
-  insert += ",";
-  insert += QString::number(primaryKeyHighWater);
-  //add the field values to the insert statement
-  for(QgsAttributeMap::const_iterator it=attributevec.begin();it!=attributevec.end();++it)
-  {
-    QString fieldname;
-    QgsFieldMap::const_iterator fit = attributeFields.find(it.key());
-    if (fit != attributeFields.end())
-      fieldname = fit->name();
-    QgsDebugMsg("Checking field name " + fieldname);
-    if (
-        (fieldname != "") &&
-        (fieldname != geometryColumn) &&
-        (fieldname != primaryKey) &&
-        (!(it->isNull()))
-       )
-    {
-      QString fieldvalue = it->toString();
-      bool charactertype=false;
-      insert+=",";
-      QgsDebugMsg("Field is in layer with value " + fieldvalue);
-      //add quotes if the field is a character or date type and not
-      //the postgres provided default value
-      if(fieldvalue != "NULL" && fieldvalue != getDefaultValue(it.key()).toString() )
-      {
-        if(it->type() == QVariant::String || it->type() == QVariant::Char)
-        {
-          charactertype=true;
-        }
-      }
-      // important: escape quotes in field value
-      fieldvalue.replace("'", "''");
-      //request default value explicitly if fieldvalue is an empty string
-      if(fieldvalue.isEmpty())
-      {
-        insert += "DEFAULT";
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        // XXX isn't it better to always escape field value?
-        if(charactertype)
-        {
-          insert+="'";
-        }
-        insert+=fieldvalue;
-        if(charactertype)
-        {
-          insert+="'";
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  insert+=")";
-  QgsDebugMsg("insert statement is: "+insert);
-  qWarning("insert statement is: "+insert);
-  //send INSERT statement and do error handling
-  PGresult* result=PQexec(connection, (const char *)(insert.utf8()));
-  if(result==0)
-  {
-    showMessageBox(tr("INSERT error"),tr("An error occured during feature insertion"));
-    return false;
-  }
-  ExecStatusType message=PQresultStatus(result);
-  if(message==PGRES_FATAL_ERROR)
-  {
-    showMessageBox(tr("INSERT error"),QString(PQresultErrorMessage(result)));
-    return false;
-  }
-  QgsDebugMsg("Exiting with true.");
-  return true;
 QVariant QgsPostgresProvider::getDefaultValue(int fieldId)
   // Get the default column value from the Postgres information
@@ -1844,39 +1669,16 @@
   QString defaultValue("");
-  PGresult* result = PQexec(connection, (const char*)(sql.utf8()));
+  PGresult* result = PQexec(connection, sql.toUtf8());
   if (PQntuples(result) == 1)
-    defaultValue = PQgetvalue(result, 0, 0);
+    defaultValue = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(result, 0, 0));
   return defaultValue;
-bool QgsPostgresProvider::deleteFeature(int id)
-  QString sql("DELETE FROM "+mSchemaTableName+" WHERE \""+primaryKey+"\" = "+QString::number(id));
-  QgsDebugMsg("delete sql: "+sql);
-  //send DELETE statement and do error handling
-  PGresult* result=PQexec(connection, (const char *)(sql.utf8()));
-  if(result==0)
-  {
-    showMessageBox(tr("DELETE error"),tr("An error occured during deletion from disk"));
-    return false;
-  }
-  ExecStatusType message=PQresultStatus(result);
-  if(message==PGRES_FATAL_ERROR)
-  {
-    showMessageBox(tr("DELETE error"),QString(PQresultErrorMessage(result)));
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
  * Check to see if GEOS is available
@@ -1890,8 +1692,8 @@
 /* Functions for determining available features in postGIS */
 QString QgsPostgresProvider::postgisVersion(PGconn *connection)
-  PGresult *result = PQexec(connection, "select postgis_version()");
-  postgisVersionInfo = PQgetvalue(result,0,0);
+  PGresult *result = PQexec(connection, QString("select postgis_version()").toUtf8());
+  postgisVersionInfo = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(result,0,0));
   QgsDebugMsg("PostGIS version info: " + postgisVersionInfo);
@@ -1912,40 +1714,169 @@
   // parse out the capabilities and store them
   QStringList geos = postgisParts.grep("GEOS");
-  if(geos.size() == 1){
+  if(geos.size() == 1) {
     geosAvailable = (geos[0].find("=1") > -1);  
   QStringList gist = postgisParts.grep("STATS");
-  if(gist.size() == 1){
+  if(gist.size() == 1) {
     gistAvailable = (geos[0].find("=1") > -1);
   QStringList proj = postgisParts.grep("PROJ");
-  if(proj.size() == 1){
+  if(proj.size() == 1) {
     projAvailable = (proj[0].find("=1") > -1);
+  useWkbHex = postgisVersionMajor < 1;
   gotPostgisVersion = TRUE;
   return postgisVersionInfo;
+QByteArray QgsPostgresProvider::paramValue(QString fieldValue, const QString &defaultValue) const
+  if( fieldValue=="NULL" )
+    return 0;
+  if( fieldValue==defaultValue && !defaultValue.isEmpty() )
+  {
+    PGresult *result = PQexec( connection, QString("select %1").arg(defaultValue).toUtf8() );
+    fieldValue = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(result,0,0));
+    PQclear(result);
+  }
+  return fieldValue.toUtf8();
 bool QgsPostgresProvider::addFeatures(QgsFeatureList & flist)
+  if( flist.size() == 0 )
+    return true;
   bool returnvalue=true;
-  PQexec(connection,"BEGIN");
-  int primaryKeyHighWater = maxPrimaryKeyValue();
+  try {
+    PQexec(connection,QString("BEGIN").toUtf8());
-  for(QgsFeatureList::iterator it=flist.begin();it!=flist.end();++it)
-  {
-    primaryKeyHighWater++;
-    if(!addFeature(*it, primaryKeyHighWater))
+    // Prepare the INSERT statement
+    QString insert = QString("INSERT INTO %1(%2,%3")
+      .arg( mSchemaTableName )
+      .arg( quotedIdentifier(geometryColumn) )
+      .arg( quotedIdentifier(primaryKey) ),
+      values = QString(") VALUES (GeomFromWKB($1%1,%2),$2")
+      .arg( useWkbHex ? "" : "::bytea" )
+      .arg( srid );
+    const QgsAttributeMap &attributevec = flist[0].attributeMap();
+    QStringList defaultValue;
+    QList<int> fieldId;
+    // look for unique attribute values to place in statement instead of passing as parameter
+    // e.g. for defaults
+    for(QgsAttributeMap::const_iterator it = attributevec.begin(); it != attributevec.end(); it++)
-      returnvalue=false;
-      // TODO: exit loop here?
+      QgsFieldMap::const_iterator fit = attributeFields.find( it.key() );     
+      if (fit == attributeFields.end() )
+        continue;
+      QString fieldname = fit->name();
+      QgsDebugMsg("Checking field against: " + fieldname);
+      if( fieldname.isEmpty() || fieldname==geometryColumn || fieldname==primaryKey || it->isNull() )
+        continue;
+      QString fieldvalue = it->toString();
+      int i;
+      for(i=1; i<flist.size(); i++)
+      {
+        const QgsAttributeMap &attributevec = flist[i].attributeMap();
+        QgsAttributeMap::const_iterator thisit = attributevec.find( it.key() );
+        if( thisit == attributevec.end() )
+          break;
+        if( thisit->toString() != fieldvalue )
+          break;
+      }
+      insert += "," + quotedIdentifier(fieldname);
+      QString defVal = getDefaultValue( it.key() ).toString();
+      if( i==flist.size() )
+      {
+        if( fieldvalue=="NULL" || (fieldvalue==defVal && !defVal.isEmpty()) )
+        {
+          values += "," + fieldvalue;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          values += "," + quotedValue(fieldvalue);
+        }
+      } 
+      else
+      {
+        // value is not unique => add parameter
+        values += QString(",$%1").arg( defaultValue.size()+3 );
+        defaultValue.append( defVal );
+        fieldId.append( it.key() );
+      }
+    insert += values + ")";
+    PGresult *stmt = PQprepare(connection, "addfeatures", insert.toUtf8(), fieldId.size()+2, NULL);
+    if(stmt==0 || PQresultStatus(stmt)==PGRES_FATAL_ERROR)
+      throw PGException(stmt);
+    int primaryKeyHighWater = maxPrimaryKeyValue();
+    const char **param = new const char *[ fieldId.size()+2 ];
+    for(QgsFeatureList::iterator features=flist.begin(); features!=flist.end(); features++)
+    {
+      const QgsAttributeMap &attributevec = features->attributeMap();
+      QString geomParam;
+      appendGeomString( features->geometry(), geomParam);
+      QList<QByteArray> qparam;
+      qparam.append( geomParam.toUtf8() );
+      qparam.append( QString("%1").arg( ++primaryKeyHighWater ).toUtf8() );
+      param[0] = qparam[0];
+      param[1] = qparam[1];
+      for(int i=0; i<fieldId.size(); i++)
+      {
+        qparam.append( paramValue( attributevec[ fieldId[i] ].toString(), defaultValue[i] ) );
+        param[i+2] = qparam[i+2];
+      }
+      PGresult *result = PQexecPrepared(connection, "addfeatures", fieldId.size()+2, param, NULL, NULL, 0);
+      if( result==0 || PQresultStatus(result)==PGRES_FATAL_ERROR )
+      {
+        PQclear(stmt);
+        delete param;
+        throw PGException(result);
+      }
+      PQclear(result);
+    }
+    PQclear(stmt);
+    delete param;
+    PQexec(connection,QString("COMMIT").toUtf8());
+  } catch(PGException &e) {
+    e.showErrorMessage( tr("Error while adding features") );
+    PQexec(connection,QString("ROLLBACK").toUtf8());
+    returnvalue = false;
-  PQexec(connection,"COMMIT");
   return returnvalue;
@@ -1953,15 +1884,28 @@
 bool QgsPostgresProvider::deleteFeatures(const QgsFeatureIds & id)
   bool returnvalue=true;
-  PQexec(connection,"BEGIN");
-  for(QgsFeatureIds::const_iterator it=id.begin();it!=id.end();++it)
-  {
-    if(!deleteFeature(*it))
-    {
-      returnvalue=false;
+  try {
+    PQexec(connection,QString("BEGIN").toUtf8());
+    for(QgsFeatureIds::const_iterator it=id.begin();it!=id.end();++it) {
+      QString sql("DELETE FROM "+mSchemaTableName+" WHERE "+quotedIdentifier(primaryKey)+"="+QString::number(*it));
+      QgsDebugMsg("delete sql: "+sql);
+      //send DELETE statement and do error handling
+      PGresult* result=PQexec(connection, sql.toUtf8());
+      if( result==0 || PQresultStatus(result)==PGRES_FATAL_ERROR )
+        throw PGException(result);
+      PQclear(result);
+    PQexec(connection,QString("COMMIT").toUtf8());
+  } catch(PGException &e) {
+    e.showErrorMessage( tr("Error while deleting features") );
+    PQexec(connection,QString("ROLLBACK").toUtf8());
+    returnvalue = false;
-  PQexec(connection,"COMMIT");
   return returnvalue;
@@ -1969,26 +1913,30 @@
 bool QgsPostgresProvider::addAttributes(const QgsNewAttributesMap & name)
   bool returnvalue=true;
-  PQexec(connection,"BEGIN");
-  for(QgsNewAttributesMap::const_iterator iter=name.begin();iter!=name.end();++iter)
-  {
-    QString sql="ALTER TABLE "+mSchemaTableName+" ADD COLUMN \""+iter.key()+"\" "+iter.value();
-    QgsDebugMsg(sql);
+  try {
+    PQexec(connection,QString("BEGIN").toUtf8());
-    //send sql statement and do error handling
-    PGresult* result=PQexec(connection, (const char *)(sql.utf8()));
-    if(result==0)
+    for(QgsNewAttributesMap::const_iterator iter=name.begin();iter!=name.end();++iter)
-      returnvalue=false;
-      ExecStatusType message=PQresultStatus(result);
-      if(message==PGRES_FATAL_ERROR)
-      {
-        showMessageBox("ALTER TABLE error",QString(PQresultErrorMessage(result)));
-      } 
+      QString sql="ALTER TABLE "+mSchemaTableName+" ADD COLUMN "+quotedIdentifier(iter.key())+" " +iter.value();
+      QgsDebugMsg(sql);
+      //send sql statement and do error handling
+      PGresult* result=PQexec(connection, sql.toUtf8());
+      if( result==0 || PQresultStatus(result)==PGRES_FATAL_ERROR )
+        throw PGException(result);
+      PQclear(result);
+    PQexec(connection,QString("COMMIT").toUtf8());
+  } catch(PGException &e) {
+    e.showErrorMessage( tr("Error while adding attributes") );
+    PQexec(connection,QString("ROLLBACK").toUtf8());
+    returnvalue = false;
-  PQexec(connection,"COMMIT");
   return returnvalue;
@@ -1996,208 +1944,149 @@
 bool QgsPostgresProvider::deleteAttributes(const QgsAttributeIds& ids)
   bool returnvalue=true;
-  PQexec(connection,"BEGIN");
-  for(QgsAttributeIds::const_iterator iter=ids.begin();iter != ids.end();++iter)
-  {
-    QgsFieldMap::const_iterator field_it = attributeFields.find(*iter);
-    if(field_it == attributeFields.constEnd())
-    {
-      continue;
-    }
-    QString column = field_it->name();
-    QString sql="ALTER TABLE "+mSchemaTableName+" DROP COLUMN \""+column+"\"";
+  try {
+    PQexec(connection,QString("BEGIN").toUtf8());
-    //send sql statement and do error handling
-    PGresult* result=PQexec(connection, (const char *)(sql.utf8()));
-    if(result==0)
+    for(QgsAttributeIds::const_iterator iter=ids.begin();iter != ids.end();++iter)
-      returnvalue=false;
-      ExecStatusType message=PQresultStatus(result);
-      if(message==PGRES_FATAL_ERROR)
-      {
-        showMessageBox("ALTER TABLE error",QString(PQresultErrorMessage(result)));
-      }
-    }
-    else
-    {
+      QgsFieldMap::const_iterator field_it = attributeFields.find(*iter);
+      if(field_it == attributeFields.constEnd())
+        continue;
+      QString column = field_it->name();
+      QString sql="ALTER TABLE "+mSchemaTableName+" DROP COLUMN "+quotedIdentifier(column);
+      //send sql statement and do error handling
+      PGresult* result=PQexec(connection, sql.toUtf8());
+      if( result==0 || PQresultStatus(result)==PGRES_FATAL_ERROR )
+        throw PGException(result);
+      PQclear(result);
       //delete the attribute from attributeFields
+    PQexec(connection,QString("COMMIT").toUtf8());
+  } catch(PGException &e) {
+    e.showErrorMessage( tr("Error while deleting attributes") );
+    PQexec(connection,QString("ROLLBACK").toUtf8());
+    returnvalue = false;
-  PQexec(connection,"COMMIT");
   return returnvalue;
 bool QgsPostgresProvider::changeAttributeValues(const QgsChangedAttributesMap & attr_map)
-  bool returnvalue=true; 
-  PQexec(connection,"BEGIN");
+  bool returnvalue=true;
-  // cycle through the features
-  for(QgsChangedAttributesMap::const_iterator iter=attr_map.begin();iter!=attr_map.end();++iter)
-  {
-    int fid = iter.key();
-    const QgsAttributeMap& attrs = iter.value();
+  try {
+    PQexec(connection,QString("BEGIN").toUtf8());
-    // cycle through the changed attributes of the feature
-    for(QgsAttributeMap::const_iterator siter = attrs.begin(); siter != attrs.end(); ++siter)
+    // cycle through the features
+    for(QgsChangedAttributesMap::const_iterator iter=attr_map.begin();iter!=attr_map.end();++iter)
-      QString val = siter->toString();
-      QString fieldName = attributeFields[siter.key()].name();
+      int fid = iter.key();
+      // skip added features
+      if(fid<0)
+        continue;
-      // escape quotes
-      val.replace("'", "''");
+      const QgsAttributeMap& attrs = iter.value();
-      QString sql="UPDATE "+mSchemaTableName+" SET \""+fieldName+"\"='"+val+"' WHERE \"" +primaryKey+"\"="+QString::number(fid);
-      QgsDebugMsg(sql);
-      // s end sql statement and do error handling
-      // TODO: Make all error handling like this one
-      PGresult* result=PQexec(connection, (const char *)(sql.utf8()));
-      if (result==0)
+      // cycle through the changed attributes of the feature
+      for(QgsAttributeMap::const_iterator siter = attrs.begin(); siter != attrs.end(); ++siter)
-        showMessageBox(tr("PostGIS error"),
-            tr("An error occured contacting the PostgreSQL database"));
-        return false;
-      }
-      ExecStatusType message=PQresultStatus(result);
-      if(message==PGRES_FATAL_ERROR)
-      {
-        showMessageBox(tr("PostGIS error"),tr("The PostgreSQL database returned: ")
-            + QString(PQresultErrorMessage(result))
-            + "\n" + tr("When trying: ") + sql);
-        return false;
-      }
+        QString fieldName = attributeFields[siter.key()].name();
+        QString sql = QString("UPDATE %1 SET %2=%3 WHERE %4=%5")
+                        .arg( mSchemaTableName )
+                        .arg( quotedIdentifier(fieldName) )
+                        .arg( quotedValue( siter->toString() ) )
+                        .arg( quotedIdentifier(primaryKey) )
+                        .arg( fid );
+        QgsDebugMsg(sql);
+        PGresult* result=PQexec(connection, sql.toUtf8());
+        if( result==0 || PQresultStatus(result)==PGRES_FATAL_ERROR )
+          throw PGException(result);
+        PQclear(result);
+      }
+    PQexec(connection,QString("COMMIT").toUtf8());
+  } catch(PGException &e) {
+    e.showErrorMessage( tr("Error while changing attributes") );
+    PQexec(connection,QString("ROLLBACK").toUtf8());
+    returnvalue = false;
-  PQexec(connection,"COMMIT");
   return returnvalue;
+void QgsPostgresProvider::appendGeomString(QgsGeometry *geom, QString &geomString) const
+  unsigned char *buf = geom->wkbBuffer();
+  for (uint i=0; i < geom->wkbSize(); ++i)
+  {
+    if (useWkbHex)
+      geomString += QString("%1").arg( (int) buf[i], 2, 16, QChar('0'));
+    else
+      geomString += QString("\\%1").arg( (int) buf[i], 3, 8, QChar('0'));
+  }
 bool QgsPostgresProvider::changeGeometryValues(QgsGeometryMap & geometry_map)
   bool returnvalue = true;
-  // Determine which insertion method to use for WKB
-  // PostGIS 1.0+ uses BYTEA
-  // earlier versions use HEX
-  bool useWkbHex(FALSE);
+  try {
+    // Start the PostGIS transaction
+    PQexec(connection,QString("BEGIN").toUtf8());
-  if (!gotPostgisVersion)
-  {
-    postgisVersion(connection);
-  }
-  QgsDebugMsg("PostGIS version is  major: " + QString::number(postgisVersionMajor) +
-      ", minor: " + QString::number(postgisVersionMinor));
-  if (postgisVersionMajor < 1)
-  {
-    useWkbHex = TRUE;
-  }
-  // Start the PostGIS transaction
-  PQexec(connection,"BEGIN");
-  for(QgsGeometryMap::iterator iter  = geometry_map.begin();
+    for(QgsGeometryMap::iterator iter  = geometry_map.begin();
       iter != geometry_map.end();
-  {
-    QgsDebugMsg("iterating over the map of changed geometries...");
-    if (iter->wkbBuffer())
-      QgsDebugMsg("iterating over feature id " + QString::number(iter.key()));
-      QString sql = "UPDATE "+ mSchemaTableName +" SET \"" + 
-        geometryColumn + "\"=";
+      QgsDebugMsg("iterating over the map of changed geometries...");
-      sql += "GeomFromWKB('";
-      // Add the WKB geometry to the UPDATE statement
-      unsigned char* geom = iter->wkbBuffer();
-      for (uint i=0; i < iter->wkbSize(); ++i)
+      if (iter->wkbBuffer())
-        if (useWkbHex)
-        {
-          // PostGIS < 1.0 wants hex
-          QString hex = QString::number((int) geom[i], 16).upper();
+        QgsDebugMsg("iterating over feature id " + QString::number(iter.key()));
-          if (hex.length() == 1)
-          {
-            hex = "0" + hex;
-          }
+        QString sql = QString("UPDATE %1 SET %2=GeomFromWKB('")
+                        .arg( mSchemaTableName )
+                        .arg( quotedIdentifier(geometryColumn) );
+        appendGeomString(&*iter, sql);
+        sql += QString("'%1,%2) WHERE %3=%4")
+                 .arg( useWkbHex ? "::bytea" : "" )
+                 .arg( srid )
+                 .arg( quotedIdentifier(primaryKey) )
+                 .arg( iter.key() );
-          sql += hex;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          // Postgis 1.0 wants bytea
-          QString oct = QString::number((int) geom[i], 8);
+        QgsDebugMsg("Updating with: " + sql);
-          if(oct.length()==3)
-          {
-            oct="\\\\"+oct;
-          }
-          else if(oct.length()==1)
-          {
-            oct="\\\\00"+oct;
-          }
-          else if(oct.length()==2)
-          {
-            oct="\\\\0"+oct; 
-          }
+        PGresult* result=PQexec(connection, sql.toUtf8());
+        if( result==0 || PQresultStatus(result)==PGRES_FATAL_ERROR )
+          throw PGException(result);
+        PQclear(result);
+      } // if (*iter)
+    } // for each feature
-          sql += oct;
-        }
-      }
+    PQexec(connection,QString("COMMIT").toUtf8());
+  } catch(PGException &e) {
+    e.showErrorMessage( tr("Error while changing attributes") );
+    PQexec(connection,QString("ROLLBACK").toUtf8());
+    returnvalue = false;
+  }
-      if (useWkbHex)
-      {
-        sql += "',"+srid+")";
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        sql += "::bytea',"+srid+")";
-      }
-      sql += " WHERE \"" +primaryKey+"\"="+QString::number(iter.key());
-      QgsDebugMsg("Updating with: " + sql);
-      // send sql statement and do error handling
-      // TODO: Make all error handling like this one
-      PGresult* result=PQexec(connection, (const char *)(sql.utf8()));
-      if (result==0)
-      {
-        showMessageBox(tr("PostGIS error"), tr("An error occured contacting the PostgreSQL database"));
-        return false;
-      }
-      ExecStatusType message=PQresultStatus(result);
-      if(message==PGRES_FATAL_ERROR)
-      {
-        showMessageBox(tr("PostGIS error"), tr("The PostgreSQL database returned: ")
-            + QString(PQresultErrorMessage(result))
-            + "\n" + tr("When trying: ") + sql);
-        return false;
-      }
-    } // if (*iter)
-  } // for each feature
-  PQexec(connection,"COMMIT");
-  // TODO: Reset Geometry dirty if commit was OK
@@ -2218,15 +2107,7 @@
 int QgsPostgresProvider::capabilities() const
-  return (
-      QgsVectorDataProvider::AddFeatures |
-      QgsVectorDataProvider::DeleteFeatures |
-      QgsVectorDataProvider::ChangeAttributeValues |
-      QgsVectorDataProvider::AddAttributes |
-      QgsVectorDataProvider::DeleteAttributes |
-      QgsVectorDataProvider::ChangeGeometries |
-      QgsVectorDataProvider::SelectGeometryAtId
-      );
+  return enabledCapabilities;
 void QgsPostgresProvider::setSubsetString(QString theSQL)
@@ -2264,12 +2145,12 @@
-  PGresult *result = PQexec(connection, (const char *) (sql.utf8()));
+  PGresult *result = PQexec(connection, sql.toUtf8());
   QgsDebugMsg("Approximate Number of features as text: " +
-      QString(PQgetvalue(result, 0, 0)));
+      QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(result, 0, 0)));
-  numberFeatures = QString(PQgetvalue(result, 0, 0)).toLong();
+  numberFeatures = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(result, 0, 0)).toLong();
   QgsDebugMsg("Approximate Number of features: " + QString::number(numberFeatures));
@@ -2285,7 +2166,7 @@
   // get the approximate extent by retreiving the bounding box
   // of the first few items with a geometry
-  QString sql = "select box3d(" + geometryColumn + ") from " 
+  QString sql = "select box3d(" + quotedIdentifier(geometryColumn) + ") from " 
     + mSchemaTableName + " where ";
   if(sqlWhereClause.length() > 0)
@@ -2293,20 +2174,20 @@
     sql += "(" + sqlWhereClause + ") and ";
-  sql += "not IsEmpty(" + geometryColumn + ") limit 5";
+  sql += "not IsEmpty(" + quotedIdentifier(geometryColumn) + ") limit 5";
-  sql = "select xmax(extent(\"" + geometryColumn + "\")) as xmax,"
-    "xmin(extent(\"" + geometryColumn + "\")) as xmin,"
-    "ymax(extent(\"" + geometryColumn + "\")) as ymax," 
-    "ymin(extent(\"" + geometryColumn + "\")) as ymin" 
+  sql = "select xmax(extent(" + quotedIdentifier(geometryColumn) + ")) as xmax,"
+    "xmin(extent(" + quotedIdentifier(geometryColumn) + ")) as xmin,"
+    "ymax(extent(" + quotedIdentifier(geometryColumn) + ")) as ymax," 
+    "ymin(extent(" + quotedIdentifier(geometryColumn) + ")) as ymin" 
     " from " + mSchemaTableName;
   QgsDebugMsg("Getting approximate extent using: '" + sql + "'");
-  PGresult *result = PQexec(connection, (const char *) (sql.utf8()));
+  PGresult *result = PQexec(connection, sql.toUtf8());
   // TODO: Guard against the result having no rows
@@ -2338,7 +2219,7 @@
   // get the extents
-  QString sql = "select extent(\"" + geometryColumn + "\") from " + 
+  QString sql = "select extent(" + quotedIdentifier(geometryColumn) + ") from " + 
   if(sqlWhereClause.length() > 0)
@@ -2346,16 +2227,16 @@
-  sql = "select xmax(extent(\"" + geometryColumn + "\")) as xmax,"
-    "xmin(extent(\"" + geometryColumn + "\")) as xmin,"
-    "ymax(extent(\"" + geometryColumn + "\")) as ymax," 
-    "ymin(extent(\"" + geometryColumn + "\")) as ymin" 
+  sql = "select xmax(extent(" + quotedIdentifier(geometryColumn) + ")) as xmax,"
+    "xmin(extent(" + quotedIdentifier(geometryColumn) + ")) as xmin,"
+    "ymax(extent(" + quotedIdentifier(geometryColumn) + ")) as ymax," 
+    "ymin(extent(" + quotedIdentifier(geometryColumn) + ")) as ymin" 
     " from " + mSchemaTableName;
   QgsDebugMsg("Getting extents using schema.table: " + sql);
-  PGresult *result = PQexec(connection, (const char *) (sql.utf8()));
+  PGresult *result = PQexec(connection, sql.toUtf8());
     std::string box3d = PQgetvalue(result, 0, 0);
@@ -2473,28 +2354,26 @@
   // version 7.4, binary cursors return data in XDR whereas previous versions
   // return data in the endian of the server
-  QString firstOid = "select oid from pg_class where relname = '" + 
-    mTableName + "' and relnamespace = (select oid from pg_namespace where nspname = '"
-    + mSchemaName + "')";
-  PGresult * oidResult = PQexec(connection, (const char*)(firstOid.utf8()));
+  QString firstOid = "select regclass('" + mSchemaTableName + "')::oid";
+  PGresult * oidResult = PQexec(connection, firstOid.toUtf8());
   // get the int value from a "normal" select
-  QString oidValue = PQgetvalue(oidResult,0,0);
+  QString oidValue = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(oidResult,0,0));
   QgsDebugMsg("Creating binary cursor");
   // get the same value using a binary cursor
-  PQexec(connection,"begin work");
-  QString oidDeclare = QString("declare oidcursor binary cursor for select oid from pg_class where relname = '%1' and relnamespace = (select oid from pg_namespace where nspname = '%2')").arg(mTableName).arg(mSchemaName);
+  PQexec(connection,QString("begin work").toUtf8());
+  QString oidDeclare = "declare oidcursor binary cursor for select regclass('" + mSchemaTableName + "')::oid";
   // set up the cursor
-  PQexec(connection, (const char *)oidDeclare);
+  PQexec(connection, oidDeclare.toUtf8());
   QString fetch = "fetch forward 1 from oidcursor";
   QgsDebugMsg("Fetching a record and attempting to get check endian-ness");
-  PGresult *fResult = PQexec(connection, (const char *)fetch);
-  PQexec(connection, "end work");
+  PGresult *fResult = PQexec(connection, fetch.toUtf8());
+  PQexec(connection, QString("end work").toUtf8());
   swapEndian = true;
   if(PQntuples(fResult) > 0){
     // get the oid value from the binary cursor
@@ -2531,8 +2410,8 @@
   if (PQntuples(result) > 0)
-    srid = PQgetvalue(result, 0, PQfnumber(result, "srid"));
-    fType = PQgetvalue(result, 0, PQfnumber(result, "type"));
+    srid = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(result, 0, PQfnumber(result, QString("srid").toUtf8())));
+    fType = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(result, 0, PQfnumber(result, QString("type").toUtf8())));
@@ -2542,8 +2421,8 @@
     // fail if there is no data in the relevant table.
     PQclear(result); // for the query just before the if() statement
     sql = "select "
-      "srid(\""         + geometryColumn + "\"), "
-      "geometrytype(\"" + geometryColumn + "\") from " + 
+      "srid(" + quotedIdentifier(geometryColumn) + "), "
+      "geometrytype(" + quotedIdentifier(geometryColumn) + ") from " + 
     //it is possible that the where clause restricts the feature type
@@ -2559,8 +2438,8 @@
     if (PQntuples(result) > 0)
-      srid = PQgetvalue(result, 0, PQfnumber(result, "srid"));
-      fType = PQgetvalue(result, 0, PQfnumber(result, "geometrytype"));
+      srid = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(result, 0, PQfnumber(result, QString("srid").toUtf8())));
+      fType = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(result, 0, PQfnumber(result, QString("geometrytype").toUtf8())));
@@ -2577,7 +2456,7 @@
           " when geometrytype(%1) IN ('LINESTRING','MULTILINESTRING') THEN 'LINESTRING'"
           " when geometrytype(%1) IN ('POLYGON','MULTIPOLYGON') THEN 'POLYGON'"
           " end "
-          "from %2").arg(geometryColumn).arg(mSchemaTableName);
+          "from %2").arg(quotedIdentifier(geometryColumn)).arg(mSchemaTableName);
         sql += " where " + mUri.sql();
@@ -2585,7 +2464,7 @@
       if (PQntuples(result)==1)
-        fType = PQgetvalue(result, 0, 0);
+        fType = QString::fromUtf8(PQgetvalue(result, 0, 0));
@@ -2649,18 +2528,31 @@
 PGresult* QgsPostgresProvider::executeDbCommand(PGconn* connection, 
     const QString& sql)
-  PGresult *result = PQexec(connection, (const char *) (sql.utf8()));
+  PGresult *result = PQexec(connection, sql.toUtf8());
   QgsDebugMsg("Executed SQL: " + sql);
   if (PQresultStatus(result) == PGRES_TUPLES_OK) {
     QgsDebugMsg("Command was successful.");
   } else {
     QgsDebugMsg("Command was unsuccessful. The error message was: "
-        + QString( PQresultErrorMessage(result) ) );
+        + QString::fromUtf8( PQresultErrorMessage(result) ) );
   return result;
+QString QgsPostgresProvider::quotedIdentifier( QString ident )
+  ident.replace('"', "\"\"");
+  return ident.prepend("\"").append("\"");
+QString QgsPostgresProvider::quotedValue( QString value )
+  // FIXME: use PQescapeStringConn
+  value.replace("'", "''");
+  return value.prepend("'").append("'");
 void QgsPostgresProvider::showMessageBox(const QString& title, 
     const QString& text)
@@ -2747,8 +2639,7 @@
  * Required isProvider function. Used to determine if this shared library
  * is a data provider plugin
-QGISEXTERN bool isProvider(){
+QGISEXTERN bool isProvider()
   return true;
-QMap<QString, QgsPostgresProvider::Conn *> QgsPostgresProvider::connections;

Modified: trunk/qgis/src/providers/postgres/qgspostgresprovider.h
--- trunk/qgis/src/providers/postgres/qgspostgresprovider.h	2008-03-12 20:44:31 UTC (rev 8212)
+++ trunk/qgis/src/providers/postgres/qgspostgresprovider.h	2008-03-12 21:02:40 UTC (rev 8213)
@@ -327,6 +327,15 @@
     void repaintRequested();
+    /** Double quote a PostgreSQL identifier for placement in a SQL string.
+     */
+    QString quotedIdentifier( QString ident );
+    /** Quote a value for placement in a SQL string.
+     */
+    QString quotedValue( QString value );
     /** Load the field list
     void loadFields();
@@ -445,8 +454,8 @@
     // Produces a QMessageBox with the given title and text. Doesn't
     // return until the user has dismissed the dialog box.
-    void showMessageBox(const QString& title, const QString& text);
-    void showMessageBox(const QString& title, const QStringList& text);
+    static void showMessageBox(const QString& title, const QString& text);
+    static void showMessageBox(const QString& title, const QStringList& text);
     // A simple class to store the rows of the sql executed in the
     // findColumns() function.
@@ -465,14 +474,44 @@
       QString column_type;
+    struct PGException {
+      PGException(PGresult *r) : result(r)
+      {
+      }
+      PGException(const PGException &e) : result(e.result) 
+      {
+      }
+      ~PGException()
+      {
+        if(result)
+          PQclear(result);
+      }
+      QString errorMessage() const
+      {
+        return result ?
+          QString::fromUtf8(PQresultErrorMessage(result)) :
+          tr("unexpected PostgreSQL error");
+      }
+      void showErrorMessage(QString title) const
+      {
+        showMessageBox(title, errorMessage() );
+      }
+    private:
+      PGresult *result;
+    };
     // A simple class to store four strings
     class SRC 
       SRC() {};
       SRC(QString s, QString r, QString c, QString t) :
-	schema(s), relation(r), column(c), type(t) {};
+        schema(s), relation(r), column(c), type(t) {};
       QString schema, relation, column, type; 
@@ -529,6 +568,8 @@
     //! PROJ4 capability
     bool projAvailable;
+    int enabledCapabilities;
     /**Returns the maximum value of the primary key attribute
        @note  You should run this inside of a PostgreSQL transaction
               so that you can safely increment the value returned for
@@ -536,13 +577,6 @@
     int maxPrimaryKeyValue();
-    /** Writes a single feature 
-        @param primaryKeyHighWater   is the recommended value of the primary key for this new feature. */
-    bool addFeature(QgsFeature& f, int primaryKeyHighWater);
-    /**Deletes a feature*/
-    bool deleteFeature(int id);
     //! Get the feature count based on the where clause
     long getFeatureCount();
@@ -552,22 +586,15 @@
      * Event sink for events from threads
-    void customEvent ( QCustomEvent * e );
+    void customEvent ( QCustomEvent *e );
-    struct Conn {
-	Conn(PGconn *connection) : ref(1), conn(connection) {}
-	int ref;
-    	PGconn *conn;
-    };
-    PGconn *connectDb(const char *conninfo);
+    PGconn *connectDb(const QString &conninfo);
     void disconnectDb();
-    static QMap<QString, Conn *> connections;
-    static int providerIds;
-    QString providerId;
+    bool useWkbHex;
+    void appendGeomString(QgsGeometry *geom, QString &geomParam) const;
+    QByteArray paramValue(QString fieldvalue, const QString &defaultValue) const;

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