[QGIS Commit] r9339 - in docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide: . appendices

svn_qgis at osgeo.org svn_qgis at osgeo.org
Tue Sep 16 13:46:03 EDT 2008

Author: dassau
Date: 2008-09-16 13:46:02 -0400 (Tue, 16 Sep 2008)
New Revision: 9339

started to add all GRASS Toolbox modules in appendix

Added: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/appendices/grass_toolbox_modules.tex
--- docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/appendices/grass_toolbox_modules.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/appendices/grass_toolbox_modules.tex	2008-09-16 17:46:02 UTC (rev 9339)
@@ -0,0 +1,634 @@
+\section{GRASS Toolbox modules}\label{appdx_grass_toolbox_modules}
+% when the revision of a section has been finalized, 
+% comment out the following line:
+\subsubsection{Data import and export modules}\index{GRASS!toolbox!modules}
+In the GRASS Toolbox you find many modules to import and export data into
+the binary GRASS raster and vector format.   
+\caption{GRASS Toolbox data import modules}\medskip
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|p{5.3in}|}
+  \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textbf{Data import modules in the GRASS
+  Toolbox}} \\ 
+  \hline \textbf{Module name} & \textbf{Purpose} \\
+  \hline r.in.arc & Convert an ESRI ARC/INFO ascii raster file (GRID) into a
+  (binary) raster map layer\\
+  \hline r.in.ascii & Convert an ASCII raster text file into a (binary)
+  raster map layer \\
+  \hline r.in.aster & Georeferencing, rectification, and import of
+  Terra-ASTER imagery and relative DEM's using gdalwarp \\
+  \hline r.in.gdal &  Import GDAL supported raster file into a GRASS binary
+  raster map layer \\
+  \hline r.in.gdal.loc &  Import GDAL supported raster file into a GRASS
+  binary raster map layer and create a fitted location \\
+  \hline r.in.gridatb & Imports GRIDATB.FOR map file (TOPMODEL) into GRASS
+  raster map \\
+  \hline r.in.mat  & Import a binary MAT-File(v4) to a GRASS raster  \\
+  \hline r.in.poly  &  Create raster maps from ascii polygon/line data files
+  in the current directory \\
+  \hline r.in.srtm  & Import SRTM HGT files into GRASS \\
+  \hline v.in.db & Import vector points from a database table containing
+  coordinates \\
+  \hline v.in.dxf.multiple & Import only same layers of a DXF vector \\
+  \hline v.in.dxf & Import DXF vector layer \\
+  \hline v.in.e00 & Import ESRI E00 file in a vector map \\
+  \hline v.in.garmin & Import vector from gps using gpstrans \\
+  \hline v.in.gpsbabel & Import vector from gps using gpsbabel \\
+  \hline v.in.mapgen & Import MapGen or MatLab vectors in GRASS \\
+  \hline v.in.ogr.all.loc & Import all the OGR/PostGIS vector layers in a
+  given data source and create a fitted location \\
+  \hline v.in.ogr.all & Import all the OGR/PostGIS vector layers in a given
+  data source \\
+  \hline v.in.ogr.loc & Import OGR/PostGIS vector layers and create a fitted
+  location\\
+  \hline v.in.ogr & Import OGR/PostGIS vector layers \\
+  \hline v.in.region & Create new vector area map with current region extent \\
+\caption{GRASS Toolbox data export modules}\medskip
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|p{5.3in}|}
+  \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textbf{Data export modules in the GRASS
+  Toolbox}} \\ 
+  \hline \textbf{Module name} & \textbf{Purpose} \\
+  \hline r.out.gdal.gtiff & Export raster layer to Geo TIFF \\
+  \hline r.out.arc & Converts a raster map layer into an ESRI ARCGRID file \\
+  \hline r.gridatb & Exports GRASS raster map to GRIDATB.FOR map file
+  (TOPMODEL) \\
+  \hline r.out.mat & Exports a GRASS raster to a binary MAT-File \\
+  \hline r.out.bin & Exports a GRASS raster to a binary array \\
+  \hline r.out.png & Export GRASS raster as non-georeferenced PNG image
+  format \\
+  \hline r.out.ppm & Converts a GRASS raster map to a PPM image file at the
+  pixel resolution of the CURRENTLY DEFINED REGION \\
+  \hline r.out.ppm3 & Converts 3 GRASS raster layers (R,G,B) to a PPM image
+  file at the pixel resolution of the CURRENTLY DEFINED REGION \\
+  \hline r.out.pov & Converts a raster map layer into a height-field file for
+  \hline r.out.tiff & Exports a GRASS raster map to a 8/24bit TIFF image file
+  at the pixel resolution of the currently defined region\\
+  \hline r.out.vrml &  Export a raster map to the Virtual Reality Modeling
+  Language (VRML)\\
+  \hline r.out.xyz & Export a raster map to a text file as x,y,z values based
+  on cell centers\\
+  \hline v.out.ogr & Export vector layer to various formats (OGR library) \\
+  \hline v.out.ogr.shape & Export vector layer to Shape \\
+  \hline v.out.ogr.gml & Export vector layer to GML \\
+  \hline v.out.ogr.postgis & Export vector layer to various formats (OGR
+  library) \\
+  \hline v.out.ogr.mapinfo & Mapinfo export of vector layer \\
+  \hline v.out.ascii & Convert a GRASS binary vector map to a GRASS ASCII
+  vector map  \\
+  \hline v.out.dxf & converts a GRASS vector map to DXF  \\
+\subsubsection{Data type conversion modules}
+\caption{GRASS Toolbox data type conversion modules}\medskip
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|p{5.3in}|}
+  \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textbf{Data type conversion modules in the GRASS
+  Toolbox}} \\
+  \hline \textbf{Module name} & \textbf{Purpose} \\
+  \hline r.to.vect.point & Convert a raster to vector points \\
+  \hline r.to.vect.line & Convert a raster to vector lines \\
+  \hline r.to.vect.area & Convert a raster to vector areas \\
+  \hline r.to.null & Transform cells with value in null cells \\
+  \hline v.to.rast.constant & Convert a vector to raster using constant \\
+  \hline v.to.rast.attr & Convert a vector to raster using attribute values \\
+  \hline v.to.points & Create points along input lines \\
+\subsubsection{Region and projection configuration modules}
+GRASS GIS region and projection configuration modules.
+\caption{GRASS Toolbox region and projection configuration modules}\medskip
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|p{5.3in}|}
+  \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textbf{Region and projection configuration modules in the GRASS
+  Toolbox}} \\
+  \hline \textbf{Module name} & \textbf{Purpose} \\
+  \hline g.region.multiple.raster & Set the region to match multiple raster
+  maps \\
+  \hline g.region.multiple.vector & Set the region to match multiple vector
+  maps \\
+  \hline g.region.save & Save the current region as a named region \\
+  \hline g.region.zoom & Shrink the current region until it meets non-NULL
+  data from a given raster map \\
+  \hline g.proj.print & Print projection information of the current location\\
+  \hline g.proj.geo & Print projection information from a georeferenced file
+  (raster, vector or image)\\
+  \hline g.proj.proj & Print projection information from a PROJ.4 projection
+  description file\\
+  \hline g.proj.ascii.new & Print projection information from a georeferenced
+  ASCII file containing a WKT projection description and create a new
+  location based on it\\
+  \hline g.proj.geo.new & Print projection information from a georeferenced
+  file (raster, vector or image) and create a new location based on it\\
+  \hline g.proj.proj.new & Print projection information from a PROJ.4
+  projection description file and create a new location based on it \\
+  \hline m.cogo & A simple utility for converting bearing and distance
+  measurements to coordinates and vice versa. It assumes a cartesian
+  coordinate system \\
+\subsubsection{Raster data modules}
+Raster data analysis in GRASS GIS
+\caption{GRASS Toolbox develop raster map modules}\medskip
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|p{5.3in}|}
+  \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textbf{Develop raster map modules in the GRASS
+  Toolbox}} \\
+  \hline \textbf{Module name} & \textbf{Purpose} \\
+  \hline r.compress & Compresses and decompresses raster maps \\
+  \hline r.region.region & Sets the boundary definitions to current or
+  default region \\
+  \hline r.region.raster & Sets the boundary definitions from existent raster
+  map\\
+  \hline r.region.vector & Sets the boundary definitions from existent vector map \\
+  \hline r.region.edge & Sets the boundary definitions by edge (n-s-e-w) \\
+  \hline r.region.alignTo & Sets region to align to a raster map\\
+  \hline r.null.null & Transform cells with value in null cells\\
+  \hline r.null.to & Transform null cells in value cells\\
+  \hline r.quant & This routine produces the quantization file for a
+  floating-point map \\
+  \hline r.resamp.stats & Resamples raster map layers using aggregation \\
+  \hline r.resamp.interp & Resamples raster map layers using interpolation \\
+  \hline r.resample & GRASS raster map layer data resampling capability.
+  Before you must set new resolution\\
+  \hline r.resamp.rst & Reinterpolates and computes topographic analysis
+  using regularized spline with tension and smoothing \\
+  \hline r.support & Allows creation and/or modification of raster map layer
+  support files\\
+  \hline r.support.stats & Update raster map statistics \\
+  \hline r.proj & Re-project a raster map from one location to the current
+  location \\
+\caption{GRASS Toolbox raster color management modules}\medskip
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|p{5.3in}|}
+  \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textbf{Raster color management modules in the GRASS
+  Toolbox}} \\
+  \hline \textbf{Module name} & \textbf{Purpose} \\
+  \hline r.colors.table & Set raster color table from setted tables \\
+  \hline r.colors.rules & Set raster color table from setted rules \\
+  \hline r.blend & Blend color components for two raster maps by given ratio \\
+  \hline r.composite & Blend red, green, raster layers to obtain one color
+  raster \\
+  \hline r.his & Generates red, green and blue raster map layers combining
+  hue, intensity, and saturation (his) values from user-specified input
+  raster map layers \\
+\caption{GRASS Toolbox spatial raster analysis modules}\medskip
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|p{5.3in}|}
+  \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textbf{Spatial raster analysis modules in the GRASS
+  Toolbox}} \\
+  \hline \textbf{Module name} & \textbf{Purpose} \\
+  \hline r.buffer & Raster buffer \\
+  \hline r.mask & Create a MASK for limiting raster operation \\
+  \hline r.mapcalc & Raster map calculator \\
+  \hline r.mapcalculator & Simple map algebra \\
+  \hline r.neighbors & Raster neighbors analyses \\
+  \hline v.neighbors & Count of neighbouring points \\
+  \hline r.statistics & Category or object oriented statistics \\
+  \hline r.cost & Outputs a raster map layer showing the cumulative cost of
+  moving between different geographic locations on an input raster map layer
+  whose cell category values represent cost\\
+  \hline r.drain & Traces a flow through an elevation model on a raster map
+  layer \\
+  \hline r.shaded.relief & Create shaded map \\
+  \hline r.slope.aspect.slope & Generate slope map from DEM (digital
+  elevation model) \\
+  \hline r.slope.aspect.aspect & Generate aspect map from DEM (digital
+  elevation model) \\
+  \hline r.param.scale & Extracts terrain parameters from a DEM \\
+  \hline r.texture & Generate images with textural features from a raster map
+  (first serie of indices)\\
+  \hline r.texture.bis & Generate images with textural features from a raster
+  map (second serie of indices)\\
+  \hline r.los & Line-of-sigth raster analysis \\
+  \hline r.clump & Recategorizes into unique categories contiguous cells \\
+  \hline r.grow & Generates a raster map layer with contiguous areas grown by
+  one cell\\
+  \hline r.thin & Thin no-zero cells that denote line features \\
+\caption{GRASS Toolbox hydrologic modelling modules}\medskip
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|p{5.3in}|}
+  \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textbf{Hydrologic modelling modules in the GRASS
+  Toolbox}} \\
+  \hline \textbf{Module name} & \textbf{Purpose} \\
+  \hline r.carve & Takes vector stream data, transforms it to raster, and
+  subtracts depth from the output DEM \\
+  \hline r.fill.dir & Filters and generates a depressionless elevation map
+  and a flow direction map from a given elevation layer \\
+  \hline r.lake.xy & Fills lake from seed point at given level \\
+  \hline r.lake.seed & Fills lake from seed at given level \\
+  \hline r.topidx & Creates a 3D volume map based on 2D elevation and value
+  raster maps \\
+  \hline r.basins.fill & Generates a raster map layer showing watershed
+  subbasins \\
+  \hline r.water.outlet & Watershed basin creation program \\
+\caption{GRASS Toolbox change raster category values and labels modules}\medskip
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|p{5.3in}|}
+  \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textbf{Raster category and label modules in the GRASS Toolbox}} \\
+  \hline \textbf{Module name} & \textbf{Purpose} \\
+  \hline r.reclass.area.greater & Reclasses a raster map greater than user
+  specified area size (in hectares) \\
+  \hline r.reclass.area.lesser & Reclasses a raster map less than user
+  specified area size (in hectares) \\
+  \hline r.reclass & Reclass a raster using a reclassification rules file \\
+  \hline r.recode & Recode raster maps\\
+  \hline r.rescale & Rescales the range of category values in a raster map
+  layer \\
+\caption{GRASS Toolbox surface management modules}\medskip
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|p{5.3in}|}
+  \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textbf{Surface management modules in the GRASS
+  Toolbox}} \\
+  \hline \textbf{Module name} & \textbf{Purpose} \\
+  \hline r.random & Creates a random vector point map contained in a raster \\
+  \hline r.random.cells & Generates random cell values with spatial
+  dependence \\
+  \hline v.kernel & Gaussian kernel density \\
+  \hline r.contour & Produces a contours vector map with specified step from
+  a raster map\\
+  \hline r.contour2 & Produces a contours vector map of specified contours
+  from a raster map \\
+  \hline r.surf.fractal & Creates a fractal surface of a given fractal
+  dimension\\
+  \hline r.surf.gauss & GRASS module to produce a raster map layer of
+  gaussian deviates whose mean and standard deviation can be expressed by the
+  user \\
+  \hline r.surf.random & Produces a raster map layer of uniform random
+  deviates whose range can be expressed by the user \\
+  \hline r.bilinear & Bilinear interpolation utility for raster map layers \\
+  \hline v.surf.bispline & Bicubic or bilinear spline interpolation with
+  Tykhonov regularization\\
+  \hline r.surf.idw & Surface interpolation utility for raster map layers\\
+  \hline r.surf.idw2 & Surface generation program\\
+  \hline r.surf.contour & Surface generation program from rasterized contours \\
+  \hline v.surf.idw & Interpolate attribute values (IDW) \\
+  \hline v.surf.rst & Interpolate attribute values (RST) \\
+  \hline r.fillnulls & Fills no-data areas in raster maps using v.surf.rst
+  splines interpolation \\
+\caption{GRASS Toolbox statistic analysis modules}\medskip
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|p{5.3in}|}
+  \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textbf{Statistic analysis modules in the GRASS
+  Toolbox}} \\
+  \hline \textbf{Module name} & \textbf{Purpose} \\
+  \hline r.category & Prints category values and labels associated with
+  user-specified raster map layers \\
+  \hline r.sum & Sums up the raster cell values \\
+  \hline r.report & Reports statistics for raster map layers \\
+  \hline r.average & Finds the average of values in a cover map within areas
+  assigned the same category value in a user-specified base map \\
+  \hline r.median & Finds the median of values in a cover map within areas
+  assigned the same category value in a user-specified base map \\
+  \hline r.mode & Finds the mode of values in a cover map within areas
+  assigned the same category value in a user-specified base map.reproject
+  raster image \\
+  \hline r.volume & Calculates the volume of data clumps, and produces a
+  GRASS vector points map containing the calculated centroids of these clumps \\
+  \hline r.surf.area & Surface area estimation for rasters \\
+  \hline r.covar & Outputs a covariance/correlation matrix for user-specified
+  raster map layer(s)\\
+  \hline r.regression.line & Calculates linear regression from two raster
+  maps: y = a + b * x \\
+  \hline r.coin & Tabulates the mutual occurrence (coincidence) of categories
+  for two raster map layers\\
+\subsubsection{GRASS Toolbox vector data modules}
+GRASS vector data analysis ...
+\caption{GRASS Toolbox develop vector map modules}\medskip
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|p{5.3in}|}
+  \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textbf{Develop vector map modules in the GRASS
+  Toolbox}} \\
+  \hline \textbf{Module name} & \textbf{Purpose} \\
+  \hline v.build.all & Rebuild topology of all vectors in the mapset \\
+  \hline v.clean.break & Break lines at each intersection of vector map \\
+  \hline v.clean.snap & Cleaning topology: snap lines to vertex in threshold \\
+  \hline v.clean.rmdangles & Cleaning topology: remove dangles \\
+  \hline v.clean.chdangles & Cleaning topology: change the type of boundary
+  dangle to line \\
+  \hline v.clean.rmbridge & Remove bridges connecting area and island or 2
+  islands \\
+  \hline v.clean.rmdupl & Remove duplicate lines (pay attention to
+  categories!) \\
+  \hline v.clean.rmdac & Remove duplicate area centroids \\
+  \hline v.clean.bpol & Break (topologically clean) polygons (imported from
+  non topological format, like ShapeFile). Boundaries are broken on each
+  point shared between 2 and more polygons where angles of segments are
+  different \\
+  \hline v.clean.prune & Remove vertices in threshold from lines and
+  boundaries, boundary is pruned only if topology is not damaged (new
+  intersection, changed attachement of centroid), first and last segment of
+  the boundary is never changed \\
+  \hline v.clean.rmarea & Remove small areas, the longest boundary with
+  adjacent area is removed \\
+  \hline v.clean.rmline & Remove all lines or boundaries of zero length \\
+  \hline v.clean.rmsa & Remove small angles between lines at nodes \\
+  \hline v.type.lb & Convert lines to boundaries \\
+  \hline v.type.bl & Convert boundaries to lines \\
+  \hline v.type.pc & Convert points to centroids \\
+  \hline v.type.cp & Convert centroids to points \\
+  \hline v.centroids & Add missing centroids to closed boundaries  \\
+  \hline v.build.polylines & Build polylines from lines \\
+  \hline v.segment & Creates points/segments from input vector lines and
+  positions \\
+  \hline v.to.points & Create points along input lines \\
+  \hline v.parallel & Create parallel line to input lines \\
+  \hline v.dissolve & Dissolves boundaries between adjacent areas sharing a
+  common category number or attribute \\
+  \hline v.drape & Convert 2D vector to 3D vector by sampling of elevation
+  raster. Default sampling by nearest neighbor \\
+  \hline v.transform & Performs an affine transformation (shift, scale and
+  rotate, or GPCs) on vector map \\
+  \hline v.proj & Allows projection conversion of vector files \\
+\caption{GRASS Toolbox database connection modules}\medskip
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|p{5.3in}|}
+  \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textbf{Database connection modules in the GRASS
+  Toolbox}} \\
+  \hline \textbf{Module name} & \textbf{Purpose} \\
+  \hline v.db.connect & Connect a vector to database \\
+  \hline v.db.sconnect & Disconnect a vector from database \\
+  \hline v.db.what.connect & Set/Show database connection for a vector \\
+\caption{GRASS Toolbox spatial and network analysis modules}\medskip
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|p{5.3in}|}
+  \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textbf{Spatial and network analysis modules in the GRASS
+  Toolbox}} \\
+  \hline \textbf{Module name} & \textbf{Purpose} \\
+  \hline v.extract.where & Select features by attributes \\
+  \hline v.extract.list & Extract selected features \\
+  \hline v.select.overlap & Select features overlapped by features in another
+  map\\
+  \hline v.buffer & Vector buffer \\
+  \hline v.distance & Find the nearest element in vector 'to' for elements in
+  vector 'from'. Various information about this relation may be uploaded to
+  the attribute table of input vector 'from'\\
+  \hline v.net.nodes & Create nodes on network \\
+  \hline v.net.alloc & Allocate network\\
+  \hline v.net.iso & Cut network by cost isolines \\
+  \hline v.net.salesman & Connect nodes by shortest route (traveling
+  salesman) \\
+  \hline v.net.steiner & Connect selected nodes by shortest tree (Steiner
+  tree) \\
+  \hline v.overlay.or & Vector union \\
+  \hline v.overlay.and & Vector intersection \\
+  \hline v.overlay.not & Vector subtraction \\
+  \hline v.overlay.xor & Vector non-intersection \\
+\caption{GRASS Toolbox change field modules}\medskip
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|p{5.3in}|}
+  \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textbf{Change vector field modules in the GRASS
+  Toolbox}} \\
+  \hline \textbf{Module name} & \textbf{Purpose} \\
+  \hline v.category.change & Change layer number \\
+  \hline v.category.add & Add elements to layer (ALL elements of the selected
+  layer type!)\\
+  \hline v.category.del & Delete category values \\
+  \hline v.category.sum & Add a value to the current category values \\
+  \hline v.reclass.file & Reclass category values using a rules file \\
+  \hline v.reclass.attr & Reclass category values using a column attribute
+  (integer positive) \\
+\caption{GRASS Toolbox working with vector points modules}\medskip
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|p{5.3in}|}
+  \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textbf{Working with vector points modules in the GRASS Toolbox}} \\
+  \hline \textbf{Module name} & \textbf{Purpose} \\
+  \hline v.in.region & Create new vector area map with current region extent \\
+  \hline v.mkgrid.region & Create grid in current region \\
+  \hline v.in.db & Import vector points from a database table containing
+  coordinates \\
+  \hline v.hull & Create a convex hull \\
+  \hline v.delaunay.line & Delaunay triangulation (lines) \\
+  \hline v.delaunay.area & Delaunay triangulation (areas) \\
+  \hline v.voronoi.line & Voronoi diagram (lines) \\
+  \hline v.voronoi.area & Voronoi diagram (areas) \\
+\caption{GRASS Toolbox vector update by other maps modules}\medskip
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|p{5.3in}|}
+  \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textbf{Vector update by other maps modules in the GRASS
+  Toolbox}} \\
+  \hline \textbf{Module name} & \textbf{Purpose} \\
+  \hline v.rast.stats & Calculates univariate statistics from a GRASS raster
+  map based on vector objects\\
+  \hline v.what.vect & Uploads map for which to edit attribute table \\
+  \hline v.what.rast & Uploads raster values at positions of vector points to
+  the table \\
+  \hline v.sample & Sample a raster file at site locations \\
+\caption{GRASS Toolbox report and statistic modules}\medskip
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|p{5.3in}|}
+  \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textbf{Vector report and statistic modules in the GRASS
+  Toolbox}} \\
+  \hline \textbf{Module name} & \textbf{Purpose} \\
+  \hline v.to.db & Put geometry variables in database \\
+  \hline v.report & Reports geometry statistics for vectors \\
+  \hline v.univar & Calculates univariate statistics on selected table column
+  for a GRASS vector map \\
+  \hline v.normal & Tests for normality for points\\
+\subsubsection{GRASS Toolbox imagery data modules}
+Imagery Modules in GRASS GIS
+\caption{GRASS Toolbox imagery analysis modules}\medskip
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|p{5.3in}|}
+  \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textbf{Imagery analysis modules in the GRASS
+  Toolbox}} \\
+  \hline \textbf{Module name} & \textbf{Purpose} \\
+  \hline i.image.mosaik & Mosaic up to 4 images \\
+  \hline i.rgb.his & Red Green Blue (RGB) to Hue Intensity Saturation (HIS)
+  raster map color transformation function \\
+  \hline i.his.rgb & Hue Intensity Saturation (HIS) to Red Green Blue (RGB)
+  raster map color transform function \\
+  \hline i.landsat.rgb & Auto-balancing of colors for LANDSAT images \\
+  \hline i.fusion.brovey & Brovey transform to merge multispectral and
+  high-res pancromatic channels \\
+  \hline i.zc & Zero-crossing edge detection raster function for image
+  processing \\
+  \hline i.mfilter &  \\
+  \hline i.tasscap4 & Tasseled Cap (Kauth Thomas) transformation for
+  LANDSAT-TM 4 data \\
+  \hline i.tasscap5 & Tasseled Cap (Kauth Thomas) transformation for
+  LANDSAT-TM 5 data \\
+  \hline i.tasscap7 & Tasseled Cap (Kauth Thomas) transformation for
+  LANDSAT-TM 7 data \\
+  \hline i.fft & Fast fourier transform for image processing \\
+  \hline i.ifft & Inverse fast fourier transform for image processing \\
+  \hline r.describe & Prints terse list of category values found in a raster
+  map layer \\
+  \hline r.bitpattern & Compares bit patterns with a raster map \\
+  \hline r.kappa & Calculate error matrix and kappa parameter for accuracy
+  assessment of classification result \\
+  \hline i.oif & Calculates optimal index factor table for landsat tm bands \\
+\subsubsection{GRASS Toolbox database modules}
+Database Modules
+\caption{GRASS Toolbox database modules}\medskip
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|p{5.3in}|}
+  \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textbf{Database management and analysis modules in the GRASS
+  Toolbox}} \\
+  \hline \textbf{Module name} & \textbf{Purpose} \\
+  \hline db.connect & Sets general DB connection mapset \\
+  \hline db.connect.schema & Sets general DB connection mapset with a schema \\
+  \hline db.login & Set user/password for driver/database \\
+  \hline db.in.ogr & Imports attribute tables in various formats \\
+  \hline v.db.addtable & Create and add a new table to a vector \\
+  \hline v.db.addcol & Adds one or more columns to the attribute table
+  connected to a given vector map \\
+  \hline v.db.dropcol & Drops a column from the attribute table connected to
+  a given vector map\\
+  \hline v.db.renamecol & Renames a column in a attribute table connected to
+  a given vector map\\
+  \hline v.db.update\_const & Allows to assign a new constant value to a
+  column \\
+  \hline v.db.update\_query & Allows to assign a new constant value to a
+  column only if the result of a query is TRUE \\
+  \hline v.db.update\_op & Allows to assign a new value, result of operation
+  on column(s), to a column in the attribute table connected to a given map\\
+  \hline v.db.update\_op\_query & Allows to assign a new value to a column,
+  result of operation on column(s), only if the result of a query is TRUE \\
+  \hline db.execute & Execute any SQL statement \\
+  \hline v.db.join & Allows to join a table to a vector map table \\
+  \hline v.db.univar & Calculates univariate statistics on selected table
+  column for a GRASS vector map \\
+\subsubsection{GRASS Toolbox 3D modules}
+3D Visualization and analysis
+\caption{GRASS Toolbox 3D Visualization}\medskip
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|p{5.3in}|}
+  \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textbf{3D visualization and analysis modules in the GRASS
+  Toolbox}} \\
+  \hline \textbf{Module name} & \textbf{Purpose} \\
+  \hline nviz & 3D visualization tool\\
+\subsubsection{GRASS Toolbox help modules}
+\caption{GRASS Toolbox Reference Manual}\medskip
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|p{5.3in}|}
+  \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textbf{Reference Manual modules in the GRASS
+  Toolbox}} \\
+  \hline \textbf{Module name} & \textbf{Purpose} \\
+  \hline g.manual & Open local reference manual for all GRASS modules \\

Modified: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/grass_integration.tex
--- docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/grass_integration.tex	2008-09-16 07:41:18 UTC (rev 9338)
+++ docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/grass_integration.tex	2008-09-16 17:46:02 UTC (rev 9339)
@@ -390,52 +390,15 @@
 \subsection{GRASS Toolbox}\index{GRASS!toolbox}
 The \toolbtntwo{grass_tools}{Open GRASS Tools} box provides analytic
-functions from GRASS within QGIS. To
-use the GRASS toolbox you need to have opened a mapset where you have
-write-permission. This is needed because QGIS will most probably create
-new datasets which need to be written to a valid mapset.
+functions from GRASS within QGIS. To use the GRASS toolbox you need to have
+opened a mapset where you have write-permission. This is needed because QGIS
+will most probably create new datasets which need to be written to a valid mapset.
-Therefore you need to start QGIS from within a GRASS session. Then your 
-current mapset will be opened for writing.
+All GRASS Toolbox modules are grouped in thematic blocks. It is pretty simple
+to customize the GRASS Toolbox content as described in Section \ref{sec:toolbox-customizing}.
-Another option for opening a mapset for writing is provided through the 
-GRASS plugin entry. Use Plugins->GRASS->Open mapset.
-If you have a greyed out GRASS toolbox button, make sure you open a valid
-mapset for writing, since the GRASS plugin needs a mapset to store its
-The toolbox also provides a very useful data browser for browsing through your
-current location and the mapsets it contains.
-\subsubsection{Modules inside the toolbox} \index{GRASS!toolbox!modules}
-The GRASS toolbox provides a collection of GRASS modules which can be used
-from within QGIS. They are grouped in thematic blocks which can be defined 
-by the user (see Section \ref{sec:toolbox-customizing}). 
-%% FIXME Include a list of available GRASS Modules as started below and
-%% as structured in QGIS Version 1.0. I would propose not to import module
-%% images, but the module names and their description 
-%% Below is just an example
-\caption{List of available GRASS Toolbox Modules}\label{tab:grass_modules}\medskip
- \begin{tabular}{|l|p{5.3in}|}
-  \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textbf{Data import modules}} \\ 
-  \hline \textbf{Module name} & \textbf{Purpose} \\
-  \hline r.in.gdal &  Import GDAL supported raster file into a GRASS binary raster map layer \\
-  \hline r.in.gdal.loc &  Import GDAL supported raster file into a GRASS
-  binary raster map layer and create a fitted location \\
-  \hline r.in.ascii & Converts an ASCII raster file to a GRASS binary raster map layer \\
-  \hline ... & ... \\
 When clicking on a module a new tab will be added to your toolbox which
 provides three new sub-tabs:

Modified: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/user_guide.tex
--- docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/user_guide.tex	2008-09-16 07:41:18 UTC (rev 9338)
+++ docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/user_guide.tex	2008-09-16 17:46:02 UTC (rev 9339)
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
 %install guide is a special case because we are extracting it
 %out of the INSTALL.t2t document of in the QGIS sources
 %when we tag a new document release

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