[QGIS Commit] r9352 - trunk/qgis/src/app/composer

svn_qgis at osgeo.org svn_qgis at osgeo.org
Fri Sep 19 03:37:54 EDT 2008

Author: mhugent
Date: 2008-09-19 03:37:54 -0400 (Fri, 19 Sep 2008)
New Revision: 9352

Cleanup of unused code in qgscomposer class

Modified: trunk/qgis/src/app/composer/qgscomposer.cpp
--- trunk/qgis/src/app/composer/qgscomposer.cpp	2008-09-19 06:54:12 UTC (rev 9351)
+++ trunk/qgis/src/app/composer/qgscomposer.cpp	2008-09-19 07:37:54 UTC (rev 9352)
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@
   mSizeGrip->move( rect().bottomRight() - mSizeGrip->rect().bottomRight() );
-  selectItem(); // Set selection tool
+  setSelectionTool();
@@ -483,378 +483,8 @@
-#if 0
-  /* Uff!!! It is impossible to set a custom page size for QPrinter.
-   * Only the sizes hardcoded in Qt library can be used.
-   * 'Fortunately', it seems that everything is written to postscript output file,
-   * regardless the pages size ->
-   *
-   * 1) outputToFile == false: If the output page size doesn't match the user defined size
-   *                           (in QgsComposer) the output is rescaled and centered so that
-   *                           it fit to the select output page size.
-   *                           a warning is displayed, that the map was rescaled.
-   *
-   * 2) outputToFile == true:  the output postscript file is written (page size is not
-   *                           important but bigger is better because it lefts enough space
-   *                           in BoundingBox definition), then the file is reopened,
-   *                           and the BoundingBox is redefined.
-   */
-  // NOTE: QT 3.2 has QPrinter::setOptionEnabled but only for three options
-  if ( !mPrinter )
-  {
-    mPrinter = new QPrinter( QPrinter::PrinterResolution );
-    //mPrinter = new QPrinter ( QPrinter::HighResolution );
-    //mPrinter = new QPrinter ( QPrinter::ScreenResolution );
-    mPrinter->setFullPage( true );
-#ifndef Q_OS_MACX
-    // For Qt/Mac 3, don't set outputToFile to true before calling setup
-    // because it wiil suppress the Print dialog and output to file without
-    // giving the user a chance to select a printer instead.
-    // The Mac Print dialog provides an option to create a pdf which is
-    // intended to be invisible to the application. If an eps is desired,
-    // a custom Mac Print dialog is needed.
-    // There is a bug in Qt<=4.2.2 (dialog is not correct) if output is set to file
-    // => disable until they fix it
-    //mPrinter->setOutputFileName ( QDir::convertSeparators ( QDir::home().path() + "/" + "qgis.eps") );
-    mPrinter->setColorMode( QPrinter::Color );
-    mPrinter->setPageSize( QPrinter::A4 ); //would be nice set this based on the composition paper size
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    // Because of bug in Qt<=4.2.2 (dialog is not correct) we have to reset always
-    // to printer otherwise print to file is checked but printer combobox is in dialog
-    mPrinter->setOutputFileName( NULL );
-  }
-  //set the resolution and paper orientation each time we call up the dialog, not just the first time we run it
-  mPrinter->setResolution( mComposition->resolution() );
-  if ( mComposition->paperOrientation() == QgsComposition::Portrait )
-  {
-    mPrinter->setOrientation( QPrinter::Portrait );
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    mPrinter->setOrientation( QPrinter::Landscape );
-  }
-  //if ( mPrinter->setup(this) ) {
-  QPrintDialog printDialog( mPrinter, this );
-  if ( printDialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
-  {
-    // TODO: mPrinter->setup() moves the composer under Qgisapp, get it to foreground somehow
-    //       raise() for now, is it something better?
-    raise();
-    // TODO: Qt does not add pagesize to output file, it can cause problems if ps2pdf is used
-    // or if default page on printer is different.
-    // We should add somewhere in output file:
-    // << /PageSize [ %d %d ] >> setpagedevice
-    // %d %d is width and height in points
-    // WARNING: If QCanvasView receives repaint signal during the printing
-    // (e.g. covered by QPrinter::setup dialog) it breaks somehow drawing of QCanvas items
-    // (for example not all features in the map are drawn.
-    // I don't know how to stop temporarily updating, (I don't want to reimplement
-    // repaint in QCanvasView, so I unset the view, print and reset.
-    mView->setScene( 0 );
-    int resolution = mPrinter->resolution();
-    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Resolution = %1" ).arg( resolution ) );
-    //double scale = resolution / 25.4 / mComposition->scale();
-    mComposition->setPlotStyle( QgsComposition::Postscript );
-    if ( !mPrinter->outputFileName().isNull() )
-    {
-      try
-      {
-        QgsDebugMsg( "Print to file" );
-        QPrinter::PageSize psize = QPrinter::A4; //sensible default
-        // WARNING mPrinter->outputFormat() returns always 0 in Qt 4.2.2
-        // => we have to check extension
-        bool isPs = false;
-        if ( mPrinter->outputFileName().right( 3 ).toLower() == ".ps" || mPrinter->outputFileName().right( 4 ).toLower() == ".eps" )
-        {
-          isPs = true;
-        }
-        //if ( mPrinter->outputFormat() == QPrinter::PostScriptFormat )
-        if ( isPs )
-        {
-          // NOTE: setPageSize after setup() works, but setOrientation does not
-          //   -> the BoundingBox must follow the orientation
-          psize = mPrinter->pageSize();
-          // B0 ( 1000x1414mm = 2835x4008pt ) is the biggest defined in Qt, a map can be bigger
-          // but probably not bigger than 9999x9999pt = 3527x3527mm
-          mPrinter->setPageSize( QPrinter::B0 );
-        }
-        QPainter p( mPrinter );
-        //p.scale(scale, scale);
-        //QRectF renderArea(0, 0, (mComposition->paperWidth() * mComposition->scale()),
-        //(mComposition->paperHeight() * mComposition->scale()));
-        mComposition->canvas()->render( &p/*, renderArea*/ );
-        p.end();
-        QgsDebugMsg( QString( "mPrinter->outputFormat() = %1" ).arg( mPrinter->outputFormat() ) );
-        //if ( mPrinter->outputFormat() == QPrinter::PostScriptFormat )
-        if ( isPs )
-        {
-          // reset the page
-          mPrinter->setPageSize( psize );
-          QFile f( mPrinter->outputFileName() );
-          // Overwrite the bounding box
-          QgsDebugMsg( "Overwrite the bounding box" );
-          if ( !f.open( QIODevice::ReadWrite ) )
-          {
-            throw QgsIOException( tr( "Couldn't open " ) + f.name() + tr( " for read/write" ) );
-          }
-          Q_LONG offset = 0;
-          Q_LONG size;
-          bool found = false;
-          QString s;
-          char buf[101];
-          while ( !f.atEnd() )
-          {
-            size = f.readLine( buf, 100 );
-            s = QString( buf );
-            if ( s.find( "%%BoundingBox:" ) == 0 )
-            {
-              found = true;
-              break;
-            }
-            offset += size;
-          }
-          if ( found )
-          {
-            int w, h;
-            w = ( int )( 72 * mComposition->paperWidth() / 25.4 );
-            h = ( int )( 72 * mComposition->paperHeight() / 25.4 );
-            if ( mPrinter->orientation() == QPrinter::Landscape )
-            {
-              int tmp = w;
-              w = h;
-              h = tmp;
-            }
-            s.sprintf( "%%%%BoundingBox: 0 0 %d %d", w, h );
-            if ( s.length() > size )
-            {
-              int shift = s.length() - size;
-              shiftFileContent( &f, offset + size + 1, shift );
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              if ( !f.at( offset ) )
-              {
-                QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Error in Print" ), tr( "Cannot seek" ) );
-              }
-              else
-              {
-                // Write spaces (for case the size > s.length() )
-                QString es;
-                es.fill( ' ', size - 1 );
-                f.flush();
-                if ( f.writeBlock( es.toLocal8Bit().data(), size - 1 ) < size - 1 )
-                {
-                  QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Error in Print" ), tr( "Cannot overwrite BoundingBox" ) );
-                }
-                f.flush();
-                f.at( offset );
-                f.flush();
-                if ( f.writeBlock( s.toLocal8Bit().data(), s.length() ) < s.length() - 1 )
-                {
-                  QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Error in Print" ), tr( "Cannot overwrite BoundingBox" ) );
-                }
-                f.flush();
-              }     //END else (!f.at(offset))
-            }         //END else (s.length() > size)
-          }             //END if(found)
-          else
-          {
-            QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Error in Print" ), tr( "Cannot find BoundingBox" ) );
-          }
-          f.close();
-          // Overwrite translate
-          if ( mPrinter->orientation() == QPrinter::Portrait )
-          {
-            QgsDebugMsg( "Orientation portraint -> overwrite translate" );
-            if ( !f.open( QIODevice::ReadWrite ) )
-            {
-              throw QgsIOException( tr( "Couldn't open " ) + f.name() + tr( " for read/write" ) );
-            }
-            offset = 0;
-            found = false;
-            //Example Qt3:
-            //0 4008 translate 1 -1 scale/defM ...
-            //QRegExp rx ( "^0 [^ ]+ translate ([^ ]+ [^ ]+) scale/defM matrix CM d \\} d" );
-            //Example Qt4:
-            //0 0 translate 0.239999 -0.239999 scale } def
-            QRegExp rx( "^0 [^ ]+ translate ([^ ]+ [^ ]+) scale \\} def" );
-            while ( !f.atEnd() )
-            {
-              size = f.readLine( buf, 100 );
-              s = QString( buf );
-              if ( rx.search( s ) != -1 )
-              {
-                found = true;
-                break;
-              }
-              offset += size;
-            }         //END while( !f.atEnd() )
-            if ( found )
-            {
-              int trans;
-              trans = ( int )( 72 * mComposition->paperHeight() / 25.4 );
-              QgsDebugMsg( QString( "trans = %1" ).arg( trans ) );
-              //Qt3:
-              //s.sprintf( "0 %d translate %s scale/defM matrix CM d } d", trans, (const char *)rx.cap(1).toLocal8Bit().data() );
-              //Qt4:
-              s.sprintf( "0 %d translate %s scale } def\n", trans, ( const char * ) rx.cap( 1 ).toLocal8Bit().data() );
-              QgsDebugMsg( QString( "s.length() = %1 size = %2" ).arg( s.length() ).arg( size ) );
-              if ( s.length() > size )
-              {
-                //QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error in Print"), tr("Cannot format translate"));
-                // Move the content up
-                int shift = s.length() - size;
-                /*
-                   int last = f.size() + shift -1;
-                   for ( int i = last; i > offset + size; i-- )
-                   {
-                   f.at(i-shift);
-                   QByteArray ba = f.read(1);
-                   f.at(i);
-                   f.write(ba);
-                   }
-                 */
-                shiftFileContent( &f, offset + size + 1, shift );
-              }     //END if( s.length() > size)
-              // Overwrite the row
-              if ( !f.at( offset ) )
-              {
-                QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Error in Print" ), tr( "Cannot seek" ) );
-              }
-              else
-              {
-                /* Write spaces (for case the size > s.length() ) */
-                QString es;
-                es.fill( ' ', size - 1 );
-                f.flush();
-                if ( f.writeBlock( es.toLocal8Bit().data(), size - 1 ) < size - 1 )
-                {
-                  QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Error in Print" ), tr( "Cannot overwrite translate" ) );
-                }
-                f.flush();
-                f.at( offset );
-                f.flush();
-                if ( f.writeBlock( s.toLocal8Bit().data(), s.length() ) < s.length() - 1 )
-                {
-                  QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Error in Print" ), tr( "Cannot overwrite translate" ) );
-                }
-                f.flush();
-              }     //END else
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Error in Print" ), tr( "Cannot find translate" ) );
-            }
-            f.close();
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      catch ( QgsIOException e )
-      {
-        QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "File IO Error" ), e.what() );
-      }
-    }
-    else
-    {                       // print to printer
-      bool print = true;
-      // Check size
-      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Paper: %1 x %2" ).arg( mPrinter->widthMM() ).arg( mPrinter->heightMM() ) );
-      if ( mComposition->paperWidth() != mPrinter->widthMM() || mComposition->paperHeight() != mPrinter->heightMM() )
-      {
-        int answer = QMessageBox::warning( 0, tr( "Paper does not match" ),
-                                           tr( "The selected paper size does not match the composition size" ),
-                                           QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Abort );
-        if ( answer == QMessageBox::Abort )
-        {
-          print = false;
-        }
-      }                   //END if(compositionSize != paperSize)
-      if ( print )
-      {
-        QgsDebugMsg( "Printing ... " );
-        QPainter p( mPrinter );
-        //p.scale(scale, scale);
-        //MH: is this necessary?
-        //QRectF renderArea(0, 0, (mComposition->paperWidth() * mComposition->scale()),
-        //(mComposition->paperHeight() * mComposition->scale()));
-        mComposition->canvas()->render( &p/*, renderArea*/ );
-        p.end();
-        QgsDebugMsg( "... printing finished" );
-      }                   //END if ( print )
-    }
-    mComposition->setPlotStyle( QgsComposition::Preview );
-    mView->setScene( mComposition->canvas() );
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    raise();
-  }
-#endif //0
-#if 0
-bool QgsComposer::shiftFileContent( QFile *file, Q_LONG start, int shift )
-  int last = file->size() + shift - 1;
-  for ( int i = last; i >= start + shift; i-- )
-  {
-    if ( !file->at( i - shift ) ) return false;
-    QByteArray ba = file->read( 1 );
-    if ( ba.isEmpty() ) return false;
-    if ( !file->at( i ) ) return false;
-    if ( file->write( ba ) != 1 ) return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-#endif //0
 void QgsComposer::on_mActionExportAsImage_activated( void )
   // Image size
@@ -1056,37 +686,6 @@
-void QgsComposer::setToolActionsOff( void )
-#if 0
-  mActionOpenTemplate->setOn( false );
-  mActionSaveTemplateAs->setOn( false );
-  mActionExportAsImage->setOn( false );
-  mActionExportAsSVG->setOn( false );
-  mActionPrint->setOn( false );
-  mActionZoomAll->setOn( false );
-  mActionZoomIn->setOn( false );
-  mActionZoomOut->setOn( false );
-  mActionRefreshView->setOn( false );
-  mActionAddNewMap->setOn( false );
-  mActionAddImage->setOn( false );
-  mActionAddNewLabel->setOn( false );
-  mActionAddNewVectLegend->setOn( false );
-  mActionAddNewScalebar->setOn( false );
-  mActionSelectMoveItem->setOn( false );
-#endif //0
-void QgsComposer::selectItem( void )
-#if 0
-  mComposition->setTool( QgsComposition::Select );
-  setToolActionsOff();
-  mActionSelectMoveItem->setOn( true );
-#endif //0
 void QgsComposer::on_mActionSelectMoveItem_activated( void )
   if ( mView )

Modified: trunk/qgis/src/app/composer/qgscomposer.h
--- trunk/qgis/src/app/composer/qgscomposer.h	2008-09-19 06:54:12 UTC (rev 9351)
+++ trunk/qgis/src/app/composer/qgscomposer.h	2008-09-19 07:37:54 UTC (rev 9352)
@@ -68,9 +68,6 @@
     //! Zoom to full extent of the paper
     void zoomFull();
-    //! Select item
-    void selectItem();
     //! Return pointer to map canvas
     QgsMapCanvas *mapCanvas( void );
@@ -228,9 +225,6 @@
     /**Establishes the signal slot connection for the class*/
     void connectSlots();
-    //! Set buttons up
-    void setToolActionsOff( void );
     //! returns new world matrix for canvas view after zoom with factor scaleChange
     QMatrix updateMatrix( double scaleChange );

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