[QGIS Commit] r9390 - in docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide: . plugins_coordinate_capture_images plugins_dxf2shape_converter_images plugins_installer_images plugins_interpolation_images plugins_maplayer_images plugins_mapserver_export_images plugins_ogr_converter_images

svn_qgis at osgeo.org svn_qgis at osgeo.org
Tue Sep 23 11:40:41 EDT 2008

Author: dassau
Date: 2008-09-23 11:40:40 -0400 (Tue, 23 Sep 2008)
New Revision: 9390

added missing plugin files and folders
updated Makefiles

Modified: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/Makefile
--- docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/Makefile	2008-09-23 13:59:03 UTC (rev 9389)
+++ docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/Makefile	2008-09-23 15:40:40 UTC (rev 9390)
@@ -67,15 +67,19 @@
 	(cd ./images && make)
 	(cd ./plugins_add_wfs_layer_images && make)
+	(cd ./plugins_coordinate_capture_images && make)
 	(cd ./plugins_decorations_images && make)	
 	(cd ./plugins_delimited_text_images && make)
+	(cd ./plugins_dxf2shape_converter_images && make)
 	(cd ./plugins_geoprocessing_images && make)
 	(cd ./plugins_georeferencer_images && make)
 	(cd ./plugins_gps_images && make)
 	(cd ./plugins_grass_module_images && make)
 	(cd ./plugins_graticule_creator_images && make)
 	(cd ./plugins_installer_images && make)
-	(cd ./plugins_maplayer_images && make)
+	(cd ./plugins_interpolation_images && make)
+	(cd ./plugins_mapserver_export_images && make)	
+	(cd ./plugins_ogr_converter_images && make)	
 	(cd ./plugins_quick_print_images && make)
 	(cd ./plugins_spit_images && make)
 	(cd ./plugins_screenies && make)
@@ -114,19 +118,22 @@
 	(cd ./images && make clean)
 	(cd ./plugins_add_wfs_layer_images && make clean)
+	(cd ./plugins_coordinate_capture_images && make clean)
 	(cd ./plugins_decorations_images && make clean)	
 	(cd ./plugins_delimited_text_images && make clean)
+	(cd ./plugins_dxf2shape_converter_images && make clean)
 	(cd ./plugins_geoprocessing_images && make clean)
 	(cd ./plugins_georeferencer_images && make clean)
 	(cd ./plugins_gps_images && make clean)
 	(cd ./plugins_grass_module_images && make clean)
 	(cd ./plugins_graticule_creator_images && make clean)
 	(cd ./plugins_installer_images && make clean)
+	(cd ./plugins_interpolation_images && make clean)
 	(cd ./plugins_mapserver_export_images && make clean)
+	(cd ./plugins_ogr_converter_images && make clean)
 	(cd ./plugins_quick_print_images && make clean)
 	(cd ./plugins_spit_images && make clean)
 	(cd ./plugins_python_images && make clean)
-	(cd ./plugins_maplayer_images/ && make clean)
 	(cd ./plugins_screenies && make clean)
 	(cd ./getting_started_screenies && make clean)
 	(cd ./working_with_vector_screenies && make clean)
@@ -151,9 +158,8 @@
 	(cd ./plugins_gps_images && rm -f *.png *.eps && cp $(QGISPLUGINSOURCE)/gps_importer/*.png .)
 	(cd ./plugins_grass_module_images && rm -f *.png *.eps && cp $(QGISPLUGINSOURCE)/grass/themes/default/*.png)
 	(cd ./plugins_graticule_creator_images && rm -f *.png *.eps && cp $(QGISPLUGINSOURCE)/grid_maker/*.png .)
-#       (cd ./plugins_maplayer_images && rm -f *.png *.eps && cp $(QGISPLUGINSOURCE)/??/*.png .)
-#	(cd ./plugins_installer_images && rm -f *.png *.eps && cp $(QGISPLUGINSOURCE)/*.png .)
-#	(cd ./plugins_mapserver_export_images && rm -f *.png *.eps && cp $(QGISPLUGINSOURCE)/*.png .)
+	(cd ./plugins_installer_images && rm -f *.png *.eps && cp $(QGISPLUGINSOURCE)/*.png .)
+	(cd ./plugins_mapserver_export_images && rm -f *.png *.eps && cp $(QGISPLUGINSOURCE)/*.png .)
 	(cd ./plugins_quick_print_images && rm -f *.png *.eps && cp $(QGISPLUGINSOURCE)/quick_print/*.png .)
 	(cd ./plugins_spit_images && rm -f *.png *.eps && cp $(QGISPLUGINSOURCE)/spit/*.png .)
 #	(cd ./plugins_python_images && rm -f *.png *.eps && cp $(QGISPLUGINSOURCE)/*.png .)

Modified: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/core_plugins.tex
--- docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/core_plugins.tex	2008-09-23 13:59:03 UTC (rev 9389)
+++ docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/core_plugins.tex	2008-09-23 15:40:40 UTC (rev 9390)
@@ -20,37 +20,49 @@
 \hline \textbf{Icon} & \textbf{Plugin} & \textbf{Description} \\
+ & Coordinate Capture \index{plugins!coordinate capture}& Capture mouse coordinate in different CRS\\
- & Delimited Text \index{plugins!delimited text}& Load a delimited text file containing x,y coordinates as a point layer \\
  & Copyright Label \index{plugins!copyright}& Display a copyright label on the map canvas\\
- & GPS Tools \index{plugins!gps}& Load and display GPS data \\
+ & Delimited Text \index{plugins!delimited text}& Load a delimited text file 
+containing x,y coordinates as a point layer \\
+ & DXF2Shape Converter \index{plugins!DXF2Shape}& Converts from DXF to SHP file format \\
  & Georeferencer \index{plugin!georeferencer} & Georeferencing rasterlayers \\
+ & GPS Tools \index{plugins!gps}& Load and display GPS data \\
  & Graticule Creator \index{plugins!graticule}& Create a latitude/longitude grid and save as a shapefile\\
+& Interpolation \index{plugins!Interpolation}& Interpolation on base of vertices of a vector layer\\
 & North Arrow \index{plugins!north arrow}& Add a north arrow to the map canvas\\
+ & OGR Converter \index{plugins!OGR converter}& Translate vector between formats supported by OGR \\
  & PostgreSQL Geoprocessing \index{plugins!geoprocessing}& Buffer a PostGIS layer \\
  & Quick Print \index{plugins!quickprint}& Quickly print a map \\
+ & Scalebar \index{plugins!scalebar}& Add a scalebar to the map canvas\\
  & SPIT \index{plugins!spit}& Shapefile to PostGIS Import Tool - import shapefiles into PostgreSQL\\
- & Scalebar \index{plugins!scalebar}& Add a scalebar to the map canvas\\
  & WFS & Load and display WFS layer \\

Modified: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/external_plugins.tex
--- docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/external_plugins.tex	2008-09-23 13:59:03 UTC (rev 9389)
+++ docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/external_plugins.tex	2008-09-23 15:40:40 UTC (rev 9390)
@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
 % comment out the following line:
-An external QGIS plugin is stored in an external svn repository and 
-maintained by the individual author. It can be added to QGIS with the Plugin 
-installer. QGIS core plugins are maintained by the QGIS Development Team 
-and part of every QGIS distribution. You find more information about QGIS 
-core plugins in Section \ref{sec:core_plugins}.
+External QGIS plugins are currently all written in python. They are stored 
+in external svn repositories and maintained by the individual author. They 
+can be added to the QGIS \filename{Plugin Manager} with the 
+\filename{Plugin installer} plugin, described in Section 

Added: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_coordinate_capture.tex
--- docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_coordinate_capture.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_coordinate_capture.tex	2008-09-23 15:40:40 UTC (rev 9390)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+\subsection{Using the Coordinate Capture Plugin}
+% when the revision of a section has been finalized, 
+% comment out the following line:

Added: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_coordinate_capture_images/Makefile
--- docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_coordinate_capture_images/Makefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_coordinate_capture_images/Makefile	2008-09-23 15:40:40 UTC (rev 9390)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# makefile to convert figures into eps format for the book
+# Comments from Michel Wurtz:
+# You will notice that the list given is the list of targets.  "all" just
+# refer to this list.  The most important rule is the next rule, that give
+# the generic rule for transforming a .fig into a .eps file.  Note the use
+# of % (define the couple target:source) and the use of
+# $< (source postfix, here .fig) and $@ (target postfix, here .eps)
+# with .eps extension:
+# JPG=qgis_icon_new_verylarge.eps\
+#	nextfile.eps
+##### TARGETS #####
+all: $(PNG) $(JPG)
+	if [ ! -d ../finalpix/ ]; then mkdir ../finalpix; fi
+	#do not use move (mv):
+	cp *.eps ../finalpix/
+#$(EPS):	%.eps: %.fig
+#	fig2dev -L eps $< > $@
+#$(FIGPNG): %.png: %.fig
+#	fig2dev -L png -m 2 $< > $@
+$(PNG): %.eps: %.png
+	# Workaround for PDF
+	#convert -geometry 300x -depth 1 $< $@
+	convert $< $@ 
+$(JPG): %.eps: %.jpg
+	# Workaround for PDF
+	#convert -geometry 300x -depth 1 $< $@
+	convert $< $@
+	rm -f *.bak *~ *.pdf $(PNG) $(JPG)

Added: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_coordinate_capture_images/coordinate_capture.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_coordinate_capture_images/coordinate_capture.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Modified: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_decorations.tex
--- docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_decorations.tex	2008-09-23 13:59:03 UTC (rev 9389)
+++ docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_decorations.tex	2008-09-23 15:40:40 UTC (rev 9390)
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
 \subsection{Using the Decorations Plugins}
+% when the revision of a section has been finalized, 
+% comment out the following line:
 The ``Decoration'' plugins include the following:

Modified: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_delimited_text.tex
--- docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_delimited_text.tex	2008-09-23 13:59:03 UTC (rev 9389)
+++ docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_delimited_text.tex	2008-09-23 15:40:40 UTC (rev 9390)
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
 \subsection{Using the Delimited Text Plugin}\label{label_dltext}    
+% when the revision of a section has been finalized, 
+% comment out the following line:
 The Delimited Text plugin allows you to load a delimited text file as a layer in QGIS. 

Added: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_dxf2shape_converter.tex
--- docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_dxf2shape_converter.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_dxf2shape_converter.tex	2008-09-23 15:40:40 UTC (rev 9390)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+\subsection{Using the DXF2Shape Converter Plugin}
+% when the revision of a section has been finalized, 
+% comment out the following line:

Added: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_dxf2shape_converter_images/Makefile
--- docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_dxf2shape_converter_images/Makefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_dxf2shape_converter_images/Makefile	2008-09-23 15:40:40 UTC (rev 9390)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# makefile to convert figures into eps format for the book
+# Comments from Michel Wurtz:
+# You will notice that the list given is the list of targets.  "all" just
+# refer to this list.  The most important rule is the next rule, that give
+# the generic rule for transforming a .fig into a .eps file.  Note the use
+# of % (define the couple target:source) and the use of
+# $< (source postfix, here .fig) and $@ (target postfix, here .eps)
+# with .eps extension:
+# JPG=qgis_icon_new_verylarge.eps\
+#	nextfile.eps
+##### TARGETS #####
+all: $(PNG) $(JPG)
+	if [ ! -d ../finalpix/ ]; then mkdir ../finalpix; fi
+	#do not use move (mv):
+	cp *.eps ../finalpix/
+#$(EPS):	%.eps: %.fig
+#	fig2dev -L eps $< > $@
+#$(FIGPNG): %.png: %.fig
+#	fig2dev -L png -m 2 $< > $@
+$(PNG): %.eps: %.png
+	# Workaround for PDF
+	#convert -geometry 300x -depth 1 $< $@
+	convert $< $@ 
+$(JPG): %.eps: %.jpg
+	# Workaround for PDF
+	#convert -geometry 300x -depth 1 $< $@
+	convert $< $@
+	rm -f *.bak *~ *.pdf $(PNG) $(JPG)

Added: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_dxf2shape_converter_images/dxf2shp_converter.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_dxf2shape_converter_images/dxf2shp_converter.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Modified: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_georeferencer.tex
--- docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_georeferencer.tex	2008-09-23 13:59:03 UTC (rev 9389)
+++ docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_georeferencer.tex	2008-09-23 15:40:40 UTC (rev 9390)
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
 \subsection{Using the Georeferencer Plugin}
+% when the revision of a section has been finalized, 
+% comment out the following line:
 The \toolbtntwo{georeferencer}{Georeferencer} allows to generate world files for rasters.
 Therefore you select points on the raster, add their coordinates, and the plugin will compute the world file parameters.
 The more coordinates you provide the better the result will be.

Modified: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_gps.tex
--- docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_gps.tex	2008-09-23 13:59:03 UTC (rev 9389)
+++ docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_gps.tex	2008-09-23 15:40:40 UTC (rev 9390)
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
 \subsection{Using the GPS Plugin}\label{label_plugingps}
+% when the revision of a section has been finalized, 
+% comment out the following line:
 \subsubsection{What is GPS?}\label{whatsgps}
 GPS, the Global Positioning System, is a satellite-based system that allows anyone with a GPS receiver to find their exact position anywhere in the world.

Modified: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_graticule_creator.tex
--- docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_graticule_creator.tex	2008-09-23 13:59:03 UTC (rev 9389)
+++ docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_graticule_creator.tex	2008-09-23 15:40:40 UTC (rev 9390)
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
 \subsection{Using the Graticule Creator Plugin}
+% when the revision of a section has been finalized, 
+% comment out the following line:
 The graticule creator allows to create a ``grid'' of points, line or polygons to cover our area of interest.
 All units must be entered in decimal degrees.
 The output is a shapefile which can be projected on the fly to match your other data.

Added: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_installer.tex
--- docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_installer.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_installer.tex	2008-09-23 15:40:40 UTC (rev 9390)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+\subsection{Using the Python Plugin Installer}
+% when the revision of a section has been finalized, 
+% comment out the following line:

Modified: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_installer_images/Makefile
--- docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_installer_images/Makefile	2008-09-23 13:59:03 UTC (rev 9389)
+++ docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_installer_images/Makefile	2008-09-23 15:40:40 UTC (rev 9390)
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 # JPG=qgis_icon_new_verylarge.eps\
 #	nextfile.eps
 ##### TARGETS #####

Deleted: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_installer_images/plugin.png
(Binary files differ)

Added: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_installer_images/plugin_installer.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_installer_images/plugin_installer.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_interpolation.tex
--- docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_interpolation.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_interpolation.tex	2008-09-23 15:40:40 UTC (rev 9390)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+\subsection{Using the Interpolation Plugin}
+% when the revision of a section has been finalized, 
+% comment out the following line:

Added: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_interpolation_images/Makefile
--- docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_interpolation_images/Makefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_interpolation_images/Makefile	2008-09-23 15:40:40 UTC (rev 9390)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# makefile to convert figures into eps format for the book
+# Comments from Michel Wurtz:
+# You will notice that the list given is the list of targets.  "all" just
+# refer to this list.  The most important rule is the next rule, that give
+# the generic rule for transforming a .fig into a .eps file.  Note the use
+# of % (define the couple target:source) and the use of
+# $< (source postfix, here .fig) and $@ (target postfix, here .eps)
+# with .eps extension:
+# JPG=qgis_icon_new_verylarge.eps\
+#	nextfile.eps
+##### TARGETS #####
+all: $(PNG) $(JPG)
+	if [ ! -d ../finalpix/ ]; then mkdir ../finalpix; fi
+	#do not use move (mv):
+	cp *.eps ../finalpix/
+#$(EPS):	%.eps: %.fig
+#	fig2dev -L eps $< > $@
+#$(FIGPNG): %.png: %.fig
+#	fig2dev -L png -m 2 $< > $@
+$(PNG): %.eps: %.png
+	# Workaround for PDF
+	#convert -geometry 300x -depth 1 $< $@
+	convert $< $@ 
+$(JPG): %.eps: %.jpg
+	# Workaround for PDF
+	#convert -geometry 300x -depth 1 $< $@
+	convert $< $@
+	rm -f *.bak *~ *.pdf $(PNG) $(JPG)

Added: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_interpolation_images/interpolation.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_interpolation_images/interpolation.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Deleted: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_maplayer.tex
--- docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_maplayer.tex	2008-09-23 13:59:03 UTC (rev 9389)
+++ docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_maplayer.tex	2008-09-23 15:40:40 UTC (rev 9390)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-\subsection{Using the Map Layer Plugin}\label{label_pluginmaplayer}
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_maplayer_images/Makefile
--- docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_maplayer_images/Makefile	2008-09-23 13:59:03 UTC (rev 9389)
+++ docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_maplayer_images/Makefile	2008-09-23 15:40:40 UTC (rev 9390)
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# makefile to convert figures into eps format for the book
-# Comments from Michel Wurtz:
-# You will notice that the list given is the list of targets.  "all" just
-# refer to this list.  The most important rule is the next rule, that give
-# the generic rule for transforming a .fig into a .eps file.  Note the use
-# of % (define the couple target:source) and the use of
-# $< (source postfix, here .fig) and $@ (target postfix, here .eps)
-# with .eps extension:
-# JPG=qgis_icon_new_verylarge.eps\
-#	nextfile.eps
-##### TARGETS #####
-all: $(PNG) $(JPG)
-	if [ ! -d ../finalpix/ ]; then mkdir ../finalpix; fi
-	#do not use move (mv):
-	cp *.eps ../finalpix/
-#$(EPS):	%.eps: %.fig
-#	fig2dev -L eps $< > $@
-#$(FIGPNG): %.png: %.fig
-#	fig2dev -L png -m 2 $< > $@
-$(PNG): %.eps: %.png
-	# Workaround for PDF
-	#convert -geometry 300x -depth 1 $< $@
-	convert $< $@ 
-$(JPG): %.eps: %.jpg
-	# Workaround for PDF
-	#convert -geometry 300x -depth 1 $< $@
-	convert $< $@
-	rm -f *.bak *~ *.pdf $(PNG) $(JPG)

Deleted: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_maplayer_images/matrix1.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_mapserver_export.tex
--- docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_mapserver_export.tex	2008-09-23 13:59:03 UTC (rev 9389)
+++ docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_mapserver_export.tex	2008-09-23 15:40:40 UTC (rev 9390)
@@ -1,14 +1,18 @@
-\subsection{Making MapServer Map Files}\label{sec:mapserver_export}
+\subsection{Using the MapServer Export Plugin}\label{sec:mapserver_export}
 % when the revision of a section has been finalized, 
 % comment out the following line:
-QGIS can be used to create map files for MapServer. You use QGIS to
-``compose'' your map by adding and arranging layers, symbolizing them, and
-customizing the colors. In order to use the MapServer exporter, you must have Python on your
-system and QGIS must have been compiled with support for it.
+You can use QGIS to ``compose'' your map by adding and arranging layers, 
+symbolizing them, and customizing the colors and then create a map file 
+for the UMN MapServer. In order to use the MapServer Export plugin, you 
+must have Python installed on your system and QGIS must have been compiled 
+with support for it.
+The MapServer Export plugin in QGIS \CURRENT is an Python Plugin, that is 
+automatically loaded into the \filename{Plugin Manager}. 
 \subsubsection{Creating the Project File}
 To create a MapServer map file:

Added: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_mapserver_export_images/mapserver_export.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_mapserver_export_images/mapserver_export.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_ogr_converter.tex
--- docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_ogr_converter.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_ogr_converter.tex	2008-09-23 15:40:40 UTC (rev 9390)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+\subsection{Using the OGR Converter Plugin}
+% when the revision of a section has been finalized, 
+% comment out the following line:

Added: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_ogr_converter_images/Makefile
--- docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_ogr_converter_images/Makefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_ogr_converter_images/Makefile	2008-09-23 15:40:40 UTC (rev 9390)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# makefile to convert figures into eps format for the book
+# Comments from Michel Wurtz:
+# You will notice that the list given is the list of targets.  "all" just
+# refer to this list.  The most important rule is the next rule, that give
+# the generic rule for transforming a .fig into a .eps file.  Note the use
+# of % (define the couple target:source) and the use of
+# $< (source postfix, here .fig) and $@ (target postfix, here .eps)
+# with .eps extension:
+# JPG=qgis_icon_new_verylarge.eps\
+#	nextfile.eps
+##### TARGETS #####
+all: $(PNG) $(JPG)
+	if [ ! -d ../finalpix/ ]; then mkdir ../finalpix; fi
+	#do not use move (mv):
+	cp *.eps ../finalpix/
+#$(EPS):	%.eps: %.fig
+#	fig2dev -L eps $< > $@
+#$(FIGPNG): %.png: %.fig
+#	fig2dev -L png -m 2 $< > $@
+$(PNG): %.eps: %.png
+	# Workaround for PDF
+	#convert -geometry 300x -depth 1 $< $@
+	convert $< $@ 
+$(JPG): %.eps: %.jpg
+	# Workaround for PDF
+	#convert -geometry 300x -depth 1 $< $@
+	convert $< $@
+	rm -f *.bak *~ *.pdf $(PNG) $(JPG)

Added: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_ogr_converter_images/ogr_converter.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_ogr_converter_images/ogr_converter.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_quick_print.tex
--- docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_quick_print.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_quick_print.tex	2008-09-23 15:40:40 UTC (rev 9390)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+\subsection{Using the Quick Print Plugin}
+% when the revision of a section has been finalized, 
+% comment out the following line:

Modified: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_writing_in_cpp.tex
--- docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_writing_in_cpp.tex	2008-09-23 13:59:03 UTC (rev 9389)
+++ docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_writing_in_cpp.tex	2008-09-23 15:40:40 UTC (rev 9390)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-\subsection{Writing a QGIS Plugin in C++}
+\section{Writing a QGIS Plugin in C++}
 % when the revision of a section has been finalized, 
 % comment out the following line:

Modified: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_writing_in_python.tex
--- docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_writing_in_python.tex	2008-09-23 13:59:03 UTC (rev 9389)
+++ docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/plugins_writing_in_python.tex	2008-09-23 15:40:40 UTC (rev 9390)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-\subsection{Writing a QGIS Plugin in Python}
+\section{Writing a QGIS Plugin in Python}
 Writing plugins in Python is much simpler than using C++.
 To create a PyQGIS plugin, you need QGIS 0.9, Python, PyQt, and the Qt developer tools \cite{sherman07}.
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 This plugin will allow us to create a new PostGIS layer for us to digitize.
 It will be a simple plugin and pretty rough, but it illustrates how to get started writing your own PyQGIS plugins.
-\subsubsection{Setting up the Structure}
+\subsection{Setting up the Structure}
 The first thing we need to do is set up the structure for our plugin.
 In this example we'll be developing our plugin on \nix{Linux} but the method is the same, just adapt some of the file system commands as appropriate for your platform.
 QGIS is installed in a directory named \filename{qgis} in our home directory.
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
-\subsubsection{Making the Plugin Recognizable}
+\subsection{Making the Plugin Recognizable}
 Initializing the plugin is done in the \filename{\_\_init\_\_.py} script.
 For our \filename{NewLayer} plugin the script contains:
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
 The other requirement is the \method{classFactory} method that must return a reference to the plugin itself (line 10), after receiving the \object{iface} object as an argument.
 With this simple code, QGIS will recognize our script as a plugin.
 In order to have a nice icon for our plugin, we need a resources file which we'll name \filename{resources.qrc}.
 This is just a simple XML file that defines the icon resource:
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
 The \filename{-o} switch is used to specify the output file.
 Now that we have resources, we need a way to collect the information needed for creating a new layer.
-\subsubsection{Creating the GUI}
+\subsection{Creating the GUI}
 Normally we would use the same tool that C++ developers use to create a GUI: Qt Designer.
 This is a visual design tool that allows you to create dialog and main windows by dragging and dropping widgets and defining their properties.
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
 All we need to write now is the Python code to collect the input and create the table.
-\subsubsection{Creating the Plugin}
+\subsection{Creating the Plugin}
 Now that we have the preliminaries out of the way, we can get down to writing the code that does the actual work.
 Let's start by looking at the things we need to import and the initialization of the plugin in \filename{newlayer.py}.
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
-\subsubsection{Issues and Problems}
+\subsection{Issues and Problems}
 Our plugin is now complete.
 Now lets look at some of the things that are wrong with it or where we could improve it:
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@
 With all the issues, it still serves as a primordial plugin that illustrates the process and helps get you started with your own plugin development.
-\subsubsection{Adding Feedback}
+\subsection{Adding Feedback}
 Let's fix one of the small problems by adding some feedback at the end of the process.
 We'll just add a message box to tell the user that everything is done and to check the database to make sure the table was created.
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@
 Writing a QGIS plugin in Python is pretty easy.
 Some plugins won't require a GUI at all.
 For example, you might write a plugin that returns the map coordinates for the point you click on the map.

Modified: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/user_guide.tex
--- docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/user_guide.tex	2008-09-23 13:59:03 UTC (rev 9389)
+++ docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/user_guide.tex	2008-09-23 15:40:40 UTC (rev 9390)
@@ -25,13 +25,18 @@
 %in the plugins chapter
 %end of plugin docs

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