[QGIS Commit] r10670 - in docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide: .
svn_qgis at osgeo.org
svn_qgis at osgeo.org
Tue Apr 28 04:17:20 EDT 2009
Author: dassau
Date: 2009-04-28 04:17:19 -0400 (Tue, 28 Apr 2009)
New Revision: 10670
Updated section 14 Help, Appendix A Supported Formats, Appendix B GRASS Module list,
and Appendix L Literature
Modified: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/appendices/grass_toolbox_modules.tex
--- docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/appendices/grass_toolbox_modules.tex 2009-04-28 07:42:51 UTC (rev 10669)
+++ docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/appendices/grass_toolbox_modules.tex 2009-04-28 08:17:19 UTC (rev 10670)
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
-\caption{GRASS Toolbox: Data import modules}\medskip
+\caption{GRASS Toolbox: Raster and Image data import modules}\medskip
- \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textbf{Data import modules in the GRASS
+ \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textbf{Raster and Image data import modules in the GRASS
Toolbox}} \\
\hline \textbf{Module name} & \textbf{Purpose} \\
\hline r.in.arc & Convert an ESRI ARC/INFO ascii raster file (GRID) into a
@@ -31,6 +31,10 @@
raster map layer \\
\hline r.in.gdal.loc & Import GDAL supported raster file into a GRASS
binary raster map layer and create a fitted location \\
+ \hline r.in.gdal.qgis & Import loaded raster into a GRASS binary raster map
+ layer \\
+ \hline r.in.gdal.qgis.loc & Import loaded raster file into a GRASS binary
+ raster map layer and create a fitted location \\
\hline r.in.gridatb & Imports GRIDATB.FOR map file (TOPMODEL) into GRASS
raster map \\
\hline r.in.mat & Import a binary MAT-File(v4) to a GRASS raster \\
@@ -38,28 +42,19 @@
in the current directory \\
\hline r.in.srtm & Import SRTM HGT files into GRASS \\
\hline i.in.spotvgt & Import of SPOT VGT NDVI file into a raster map \\
- \hline v.in.dxf & Import DXF vector layer \\
- \hline v.in.e00 & Import ESRI E00 file in a vector map \\
- \hline v.in.garmin & Import vector from gps using gpstrans \\
- \hline v.in.gpsbabel & Import vector from gps using gpsbabel \\
- \hline v.in.mapgen & Import MapGen or MatLab vectors in GRASS \\
- \hline v.in.ogr & Import OGR/PostGIS vector layers \\
- \hline v.in.ogr.loc & Import OGR/PostGIS vector layers and create a fitted
- location\\
- \hline v.in.ogr.all & Import all the OGR/PostGIS vector layers in a given
- data source \\
- \hline v.in.ogr.all.loc & Import all the OGR/PostGIS vector layers in a
- given data source and create a fitted location \\
-\caption{GRASS Toolbox: Data export modules}\medskip
+\caption{GRASS Toolbox: Raster and Image data export modules}\medskip
- \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textbf{Data export modules in the GRASS
- Toolbox}} \\
+ \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textbf{Raster and Image data export modules in
+the GRASS
+ Toolbox}} \\
\hline \textbf{Module name} & \textbf{Purpose} \\
\hline r.out.gdal.gtiff & Export raster layer to Geo TIFF \\
\hline r.out.arc & Converts a raster map layer into an ESRI ARCGRID file \\
@@ -79,6 +74,46 @@
at the pixel resolution of the currently defined region\\
\hline r.out.vrml & Export a raster map to the Virtual Reality Modeling
Language (VRML)\\
+\caption{GRASS Toolbox: Vector data import modules}\medskip
+ \begin{tabular}{|p{4cm}|p{12cm}|}
+ \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textbf{Vector data import modules in the GRASS
+Toolbox}} \\
+ \hline \textbf{Module name} & \textbf{Purpose} \\
+ \hline v.in.dxf & Import DXF vector layer \\
+ \hline v.in.e00 & Import ESRI E00 file in a vector map \\
+ \hline v.in.garmin & Import vector from gps using gpstrans \\
+ \hline v.in.gpsbabel & Import vector from gps using gpsbabel \\
+ \hline v.in.mapgen & Import MapGen or MatLab vectors in GRASS \\
+ \hline v.in.ogr & Import OGR/PostGIS vector layers \\
+ \hline v.in.ogr.qgis & Import loaded vector layers into GRASS binary
+ vector map \\
+ \hline v.in.ogr.loc & Import OGR/PostGIS vector layers and create a fitted
+ location \\
+ \hline v.in.ogr.qgis.loc & Import loaded vector layers into GRASS binary
+ vector map and create a fitted location \\
+ \hline v.in.ogr.all & Import all the OGR/PostGIS vector layers in a given
+ data source \\
+ \hline v.in.ogr.all.loc & Import all the OGR/PostGIS vector layers in a
+ given data source and create a fitted location \\
+\caption{GRASS Toolbox: Vector data export modules}\medskip
+ \begin{tabular}{|p{4cm}|p{12cm}|}
+ \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textbf{Vector data export modules in the GRASS
+Toolbox}} \\
+ \hline \textbf{Module name} & \textbf{Purpose} \\
\hline v.out.ogr & Export vector layer to various formats (OGR library) \\
\hline v.out.ogr.gml & Export vector layer to GML \\
\hline v.out.ogr.postgis & Export vector layer to various formats (OGR
@@ -91,6 +126,8 @@
\subsection{GRASS Toolbox data type conversion modules}
This Section lists all graphical dialogs in the GRASS Toolbox to convert
@@ -113,6 +150,8 @@
\subsection{GRASS Toolbox region and projection configuration modules}
This Section lists all graphical dialogs in the GRASS Toolbox to manage and
Modified: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/appendices/supported_data_formats.tex
--- docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/appendices/supported_data_formats.tex 2009-04-28 07:42:51 UTC (rev 10669)
+++ docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/appendices/supported_data_formats.tex 2009-04-28 08:17:19 UTC (rev 10670)
@@ -4,32 +4,53 @@
% comment out the following line:
% \updatedisclaimer
-\subsection{Supported OGR Formats}\label{appdx_ogr}
+QGIS uses the GDAL/OGR library to read and write vector and raster data
+formats. Note that not all of the format listed below may work in QGIS for
+various reasons. For example, some require external commercial libraries or
+the GDAL installation of your OS was not build to support the format you want
+to use. Only those formats that have been well tested will appear in the list
+of file types when loading a vector or raster into QGIS. Other untested
+formats can be loaded by selecting *.*.
+\subsection{OGR Vector Formats}\label{appdx_ogr}
\index{OGR!supported formats}
At the date of this document, the following formats are supported by the OGR
-library. Formats known to work in QGIS are indicated in \textbf{bold}.
+library \cite{OGRweb}. A complete is also available at
-\item \textbf{Arc/Info Binary Coverage}
+\item Arc/Info Binary Coverage
\item Comma Separated Value (.csv)
-\item \textbf{ESRI Shapefile}
+\item ESRI Personal GeoDatabase
+\item ESRI ArcSDE
+\item ESRI Shapefile
\item FMEObjects Gateway
+\item GeoJSON
+\item Geoconcept Export
+\item GeoRSS
\item GML
+\item GMT
+\item GPX
+\item GRASS Vector \footnote{GRASS support is supplied by the QGIS
+GRASS data provider plugin}
+\item Informix DataBlade
\item IHO S-57 (ENC)
-\item \textbf{Mapinfo File}
+\item Mapinfo File
\item Microstation DGN
\item OGDI Vectors
\item ODBC
\item Oracle Spatial
\item PostgreSQL\footnote{QGIS implements its own PostgreSQL functions. OGR
should be built without PostgreSQL support}
-\item \textbf{SDTS}
+\item SDTS
\item SQLite
\item UK .NTF
\item U.S. Census TIGER/Line
\item VRT - Virtual Datasource
+\item X-Plane/Flighgear aeronautical data
\subsection{GDAL Raster Formats}\label{appdx_gdal}
@@ -37,19 +58,14 @@
\index{GDAL!supported formats}
At the date of this document, the following formats are supported by the GDAL
-library. Note that not all of these format may work in QGIS for various
-For example, some require external commercial libraries. Only those formats
-have been well tested will appear in the list of file types when loading a
-raster into QGIS. Other untested formats can be loaded by selecting the
-\textsl{All other files (*)} filter. Formats known to work in QGIS are
-in \textbf{bold}.
+library \cite{GDALweb}. A complete is also available at
-\item \textbf{Arc/Info ASCII Grid}
-\item \textbf{Arc/Info Binary Grid (.adf)}
+\item Arc/Info ASCII Grid
+\item ADRG/ARC Digitilized Raster Graphics
+\item Arc/Info Binary Grid (.adf)
+\item Magellan BLX Topo (.blx, .xlb)
\item Microsoft Windows Device Independent Bitmap (.bmp)
\item BSB Nautical Chart Format (.kap)
\item VTP Binary Terrain Format (.bt)
@@ -64,31 +80,39 @@
\item EOSAT FAST Format
\item FITS (.fits)
\item Graphics Interchange Format (.gif)
-\item \textbf{GRASS Rasters}\footnote{GRASS raster support is supplied by the
-QGIS GRASS data provider plugin}
-\item \textbf{TIFF / GeoTIFF (.tif)}
+\item GMT compatible netCDF
+\item GRASS Rasters \footnote{GRASS support is supplied by the QGIS GRASS data provider plugin}
+\item Golden Software Binary Grid
+\item TIFF / BigTIFF / GeoTIFF (.tif)
\item Hierarchical Data Format Release 4 (HDF4)
-\item \textbf{Erdas Imagine (.img)}
+\item Hierarchical Data Format Release 5 (HDF5)
+\item ILWIS Raster Map (.mpr,.mpl)
+\item Intergraph Raster
+\item Erdas Imagine (.img)
\item Atlantis MFF2e
\item Japanese DEM (.mem)
-\item \textbf{JPEG JFIF (.jpg)}
+\item JPEG JFIF (.jpg)
\item JPEG2000 (.jp2, .j2k)
-\item JPEG2000 (.jp2, .j2k)
\item NOAA Polar Orbiter Level 1b Data Set (AVHRR)
\item Erdas 7.x .LAN and .GIS
\item In Memory Raster
+\item Vexcel MFF
+\item Vexcel MFF2
\item Atlantis MFF
\item Multi-resolution Seamless Image Database MrSID
\item NITF
\item NetCDF
\item OGDI Bridge
+\item Oracle Spatial Georaster
+\item OGC Web Coverage Server
+\item OGC Web Map Server
\item PCI .aux Labelled
\item PCI Geomatics Database File
\item Portable Network Graphics (.png)
\item Netpbm (.ppm,.pgm)
-\item \textbf{USGS SDTS DEM (*CATD.DDF)}
\item SAR CEOS
-\item \textbf{USGS ASCII DEM (.dem)}
+\item USGS ASCII DEM (.dem)
\item X11 Pixmap (.xpm)
Modified: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/cited_weblinks.bib
--- docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/cited_weblinks.bib 2009-04-28 07:42:51 UTC (rev 10669)
+++ docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/cited_weblinks.bib 2009-04-28 08:17:19 UTC (rev 10670)
@@ -1,57 +1,63 @@
@booklet {FreeGISweb,
author = {FreeGIS Project},
address = {\url{http://www.freegis.org}},
- year = 2006
+ year = 2009
@booklet {Postgreweb,
author = {PostgreSQL},
address = {\url{http://www.postgresql.org/}},
- year = 2006
+ year = 2009
@booklet {PostGISweb,
author = {PostGIS},
address = {\url{http://postgis.refractions.net/}},
- year = 2006
+ year = 2009
@booklet {GEOSweb,
author = {GEOS},
address = {\url{http://geos.refractions.net/}},
- year = 2006
+ year = 2009
@booklet {PROJweb,
author = {PROJ.4},
address = {\url{http://www.remotesensing.org/proj/}},
- year = 2006
+ year = 2009
@booklet {Qtweb,
author = {Qt},
- address = {\url{http://www.trolltech.com}},
- year = 2006
+ address = {\url{http://www.qtsoftware.com}},
+ year = 2009
@booklet {SQliteweb,
author = {SQlite},
address = {\url{http://www.sqlite.org}},
- year = 2006
+ year = 2009
@booklet {GRASSweb,
author = {GRASS GIS},
address = {\url{http://grass.osgeo.org}},
- year = 2008
+ year = 2009
@booklet {OGRweb,
author = {OGR-Software-Suite},
address = {\url{http://www.gdal.org/ogr/}},
- year = 2006
+ year = 2009
+ at booklet {GDALweb,
+ author = {GDAL-Software-Suite},
+ address = {\url{http://www.gdal.org}},
+ year = 2009
@booklet {QGISweb,
author = {QGIS-Development-Team},
address = {\url{http://qgis.osgeo.org}},
@@ -60,8 +66,8 @@
@booklet {QGISwiki,
author = {QGIS-Wiki},
- address = {\url{http://wiki.qgis.org/qgiswiki/}},
- year = 2006
+ address = {\url{http://www.qgis.org/wiki/}},
+ year = 2009
@booklet {OGCWMS010101web,
Modified: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/help_and_support.tex
--- docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/help_and_support.tex 2009-04-28 07:42:51 UTC (rev 10669)
+++ docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/help_and_support.tex 2009-04-28 08:17:19 UTC (rev 10670)
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
You are invited to contribute to the blog after registering yourself!
-Lastly, we maintain a WIKI web site at \url{http://wiki.qgis.org} where you
+Lastly, we maintain a WIKI web site at \url{http://www.qgis.org/wiki} where you
can find a variety of useful information relating to QGIS development,
release plans, links to download sites, message translation-hints and so on.
Check it out, there are some goodies inside!
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