[QGIS Commit] r11543 - in trunk/qgis/mac/xcode: . Qgis.xcodeproj

svn_qgis at osgeo.org svn_qgis at osgeo.org
Thu Sep 3 18:47:36 EDT 2009

Author: kyngchaos
Date: 2009-09-03 18:47:35 -0400 (Thu, 03 Sep 2009)
New Revision: 11543

update for Snow Leopard

Modified: trunk/qgis/mac/xcode/Qgis.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
--- trunk/qgis/mac/xcode/Qgis.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj	2009-09-03 09:06:30 UTC (rev 11542)
+++ trunk/qgis/mac/xcode/Qgis.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj	2009-09-03 22:47:35 UTC (rev 11543)
@@ -1789,6 +1789,7 @@
 		72EBCB3B0F49E8240016BA3C /* favicon.ico in Copy - doc */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 7209F0160F39E5DA003DC336 /* favicon.ico */; };
 		72EBCB3C0F49E8240016BA3C /* index.html in Copy - doc */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 7209F01B0F39E5DA003DC336 /* index.html */; };
 		72EBCB3D0F49E8240016BA3C /* qgisdoc.css in Copy - doc */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 7209F0370F39E5DA003DC336 /* qgisdoc.css */; };
+		72EFB924105068590050AC82 /* osmprovider.h in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 72DB68D41021D06C00ED5F3A /* osmprovider.h */; };
 		72F22FB70FDAC209000E8CB0 /* qgsmaptoolnodetool.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 72F22FB50FDAC1F4000E8CB0 /* qgsmaptoolnodetool.cpp */; };
 		72F22FB90FDAC249000E8CB0 /* mActionNodeTool.png in Copy - theme-default */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 72F22FB80FDAC236000E8CB0 /* mActionNodeTool.png */; };
 		72F8D9450F89251100D10CE5 /* qgstolerance.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 72F8D9430F8924F100D10CE5 /* qgstolerance.cpp */; };
@@ -13151,7 +13152,7 @@
 			runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
 			shellPath = /bin/sh;
-			shellScript = "echo \"Setting up Python target...\"\n\n# setup dirs\n\nmkdir -p \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/python/core\"\nmkdir -p \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/python/gui\"\nmkdir -p \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/src/core\"\nmkdir -p \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/src/gui\"\n\n# setup some symlinks to make compilation happy\n\nln -sf \"$PROJECT_TARGET_DIR/include/qgsconfig.h\" \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/\"\nln -sf \"$PROJECT_TARGET_DIR/include/qgssvnversion.h\" \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/\"\n\nln -sf \"$QGIS_BUILD_PATH/MacOS/$QGIS_LIB_SUBDIR/libqgis_core.dylib\" \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/src/core/\"\nln -sf \"$QGIS_BUILD_PATH/MacOS/$QGIS_LIB_SUBDIR/libqgis_gui.dylib\" \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/src/gui/\"\n\ncd \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/../qgis_gui.build/DerivedSources\"\nuih=`ls ui_*.h`\ncd \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/src/gui\"\nfor h in $uih\ndo\n\tln -sf ../../../../qgis_gui.build/DerivedSources/$h $h\ndone\n\nexit 0\n";
+			shellScript = "echo \"Setting up Python target...\"\n\n# setup dirs\n\nmkdir -p \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/python/core\"\nmkdir -p \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/python/gui\"\nmkdir -p \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/src/core\"\nmkdir -p \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/src/gui\"\n\n# setup some symlinks to make compilation happy\n\nln -sf \"$PROJECT_TARGET_DIR/include/qgsconfig.h\" \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/\"\nln -sf \"$PROJECT_TARGET_DIR/include/qgssvnversion.h\" \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/\"\n\nln -sf \"$QGIS_BUILD_PATH/MacOS/$QGIS_LIB_SUBDIR/libqgis_core.dylib\" \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/src/core/\"\nln -sf \"$QGIS_BUILD_PATH/MacOS/$QGIS_LIB_SUBDIR/libqgis_gui.dylib\" \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/src/gui/\"\n\ncd \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/../qgis_gui.build/DerivedSources\"\nuih=`ls ui_*.h`\ncd \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/src/gui\"\nfor h in $uih\ndo\n\tln -sf ../../../../qgis_gui.build/DerivedSources/$h $h\ndone\n\n# workaround for broken arch command on Snow - we need to run python 32bit (from pyuic4)\n\nif [ \"$SDKSYS\" = \"snow\" ] && [ \"$PYTHON_FORM\" = \"system\" ] ; then\n\tmkdir -p \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/bin/\"\n\tditto -arch i386 /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/bin/pythonw2.6 \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/bin/pythonw\"\nfi\n\nexit 0\n";
 			showEnvVarsInLog = 0;
 		7256F2760F413B400022BE1F /* make */ = {
@@ -13256,7 +13257,7 @@
 			runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
 			shellPath = /bin/sh;
-			shellScript = "plug=\"osm\"\n\ntargetdir=\"$QGIS_BUILD_PATH/MacOS/$QGIS_DATA_SUBDIR/python/plugins/$plug\"\nmkdir -p \"$targetdir\"\n\ncd ../../python/plugins/$plug/ui_files\n\n# generate ui py files\n\nUIUI=`ls *.ui`\n\nfor u in $UIUI\ndo\n\tupy=\"ui_`echo $u | sed 's,\\.ui$,.py,'`\"\n\t# compare times because output files spec below doesn't seem to work with wildcards\n\tif [ ! -f \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] || [ $u -nt \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] ; then\n\t\trm -f \"$targetdir/$upy\"\n\t\techo \"$PYUIC4 -o \\\"$targetdir/$upy\\\" $u\"\n\t\t$PYUIC4 -o \"$targetdir/$upy\" $u\n\tfi\ndone\n\n# generate rc py files\n#  qrc may not change, but referenced resources might. for now, regenerate always.\n#  TODO: need to list qrc resources and check them all if changed\n\ncd ..\nRCRC=`ls *.qrc`\n\nfor r in $RCRC\ndo\n\trpy=`echo $r | sed 's,\\.qrc$,_rc.py,'`\n\t# compare times because output files spec below doesn't seem to work with wildcards\n\t#if [ ! -f \"$targetdir/$rpy\" ] || [ $r -nt \"$targetdir/$rpy\" ] ; then\n\t\trm -f \"$targetdir/$rpy\"\n\t\techo \"$PYRCC4 -name $rpy -o \\\"$targetdir/$rpy\\\" $r\"\n\t\t$PYRCC4 -name $rpy -o \"$targetdir/$rpy\" $r\n\t#fi\ndone\n\nexit 0\n";
+			shellScript = "plug=\"osm\"\n\ntargetdir=\"$QGIS_BUILD_PATH/MacOS/$QGIS_DATA_SUBDIR/python/plugins/$plug\"\nmkdir -p \"$targetdir\"\n\ncd ../../python/plugins/$plug/ui_files\n\n# workaround for broken arch command on Snow - we need to run python 32bit (from pyuic4)\n\nif [ \"$SDKSYS\" = \"snow\" ] && [ \"$PYTHON_FORM\" = \"system\" ] ; then\n\texport PATH=\"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/bin:$PATH\"\nfi\n\n# generate ui py files\n\nUIUI=`ls *.ui`\n\nfor u in $UIUI\ndo\n\tupy=\"ui_`echo $u | sed 's,\\.ui$,.py,'`\"\n\t# compare times because output files spec below doesn't seem to work with wildcards\n\tif [ ! -f \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] || [ $u -nt \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] ; then\n\t\trm -f \"$targetdir/$upy\"\n\t\techo \"$PYUIC4 -o \\\"$targetdir/$upy\\\" $u\"\n\t\t$PYUIC4 -o \"$targetdir/$upy\" $u\n\tfi\ndone\n\n# generate rc py files\n#  qrc may not change, but referenced resources might. for now, regenerate always.\n#  TODO: need to list qrc resources and check them all if changed\n\ncd ..\nRCRC=`ls *.qrc`\n\nfor r in $RCRC\ndo\n\trpy=`echo $r | sed 's,\\.qrc$,_rc.py,'`\n\t# compare times because output files spec below doesn't seem to work with wildcards\n\t#if [ ! -f \"$targetdir/$rpy\" ] || [ $r -nt \"$targetdir/$rpy\" ] ; then\n\t\trm -f \"$targetdir/$rpy\"\n\t\techo \"$PYRCC4 -name $rpy -o \\\"$targetdir/$rpy\\\" $r\"\n\t\t$PYRCC4 -name $rpy -o \"$targetdir/$rpy\" $r\n\t#fi\ndone\n\nexit 0\n";
 			showEnvVarsInLog = 0;
 		729287A60F71D4FE006D9489 /* Script - ui */ = {
@@ -13556,7 +13557,7 @@
 			runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
 			shellPath = /bin/sh;
-			shellScript = "plug=\"fTools\"\n\ntargetdir=\"$QGIS_BUILD_PATH/MacOS/$QGIS_DATA_SUBDIR/python/plugins/$plug\"\nmkdir -p \"$targetdir\"\n\ncd ../../python/plugins/$plug\n\n# generate ui py files\n\nUIUI=`ls *.ui`\n\nfor u in $UIUI\ndo\n\tupy=\"ui_`echo $u | sed 's,\\.ui$,.py,'`\"\n\t# compare times because output files spec below doesn't seem to work with wildcards\n\tif [ ! -f \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] || [ $u -nt \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] ; then\n\t\trm -f \"$targetdir/$upy\"\n\t\techo \"$PYUIC4 -o \\\"$targetdir/$upy\\\" $u\"\n\t\t$PYUIC4 -o \"$targetdir/$upy\" $u\n\tfi\ndone\n\n# generate rc py files\n#  qrc may not change, but referenced resources might. for now, regenerate always.\n#  TODO: need to list qrc resources and check them all if changed\n\nRCRC=`ls *.qrc`\n\nfor r in $RCRC\ndo\n\trpy=`echo $r | sed 's,\\.qrc$,_rc.py,'`\n\t# compare times because output files spec below doesn't seem to work with wildcards\n\t#if [ ! -f \"$targetdir/$rpy\" ] || [ $r -nt \"$targetdir/$rpy\" ] ; then\n\t\trm -f \"$targetdir/$rpy\"\n\t\techo \"$PYRCC4 -name $rpy -o \\\"$targetdir/$rpy\\\" $r\"\n\t\t$PYRCC4 -name $rpy -o \"$targetdir/$rpy\" $r\n\t#fi\ndone\n\n# generate tools ui py files\n\ntargetdir=\"$QGIS_BUILD_PATH/MacOS/$QGIS_DATA_SUBDIR/python/plugins/$plug/tools\"\nmkdir -p \"$targetdir\"\ncd tools\n\nUIUI=`ls *.ui`\n\nfor u in $UIUI\ndo\n\tupy=\"ui_`echo $u | sed 's,\\.ui$,.py,'`\"\n\t# compare times because output files spec below doesn't seem to work with wildcards\n\tif [ ! -f \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] || [ $u -nt \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] ; then\n\t\trm -f \"$targetdir/$upy\"\n\t\techo \"$PYUIC4 -o \\\"$targetdir/$upy\\\" $u\"\n\t\t$PYUIC4 -o \"$targetdir/$upy\" $u\n\tfi\ndone\n\nexit 0\n";
+			shellScript = "plug=\"fTools\"\n\ntargetdir=\"$QGIS_BUILD_PATH/MacOS/$QGIS_DATA_SUBDIR/python/plugins/$plug\"\nmkdir -p \"$targetdir\"\n\ncd ../../python/plugins/$plug\n\n# workaround for broken arch command on Snow - we need to run python 32bit (from pyuic4)\n\nif [ \"$SDKSYS\" = \"snow\" ] && [ \"$PYTHON_FORM\" = \"system\" ] ; then\n\texport PATH=\"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/bin:$PATH\"\nfi\n\n# generate ui py files\n\nUIUI=`ls *.ui`\n\nfor u in $UIUI\ndo\n\tupy=\"ui_`echo $u | sed 's,\\.ui$,.py,'`\"\n\t# compare times because output files spec below doesn't seem to work with wildcards\n\tif [ ! -f \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] || [ $u -nt \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] ; then\n\t\trm -f \"$targetdir/$upy\"\n\t\techo \"$PYUIC4 -o \\\"$targetdir/$upy\\\" $u\"\n\t\t$PYUIC4 -o \"$targetdir/$upy\" $u\n\tfi\ndone\n\n# generate rc py files\n#  qrc may not change, but referenced resources might. for now, regenerate always.\n#  TODO: need to list qrc resources and check them all if changed\n\nRCRC=`ls *.qrc`\n\nfor r in $RCRC\ndo\n\trpy=`echo $r | sed 's,\\.qrc$,_rc.py,'`\n\t# compare times because output files spec below doesn't seem to work with wildcards\n\t#if [ ! -f \"$targetdir/$rpy\" ] || [ $r -nt \"$targetdir/$rpy\" ] ; then\n\t\trm -f \"$targetdir/$rpy\"\n\t\techo \"$PYRCC4 -name $rpy -o \\\"$targetdir/$rpy\\\" $r\"\n\t\t$PYRCC4 -name $rpy -o \"$targetdir/$rpy\" $r\n\t#fi\ndone\n\n# generate tools ui py files\n\ntargetdir=\"$QGIS_BUILD_PATH/MacOS/$QGIS_DATA_SUBDIR/python/plugins/$plug/tools\"\nmkdir -p \"$targetdir\"\ncd tools\n\nUIUI=`ls *.ui`\n\nfor u in $UIUI\ndo\n\tupy=\"ui_`echo $u | sed 's,\\.ui$,.py,'`\"\n\t# compare times because output files spec below doesn't seem to work with wildcards\n\tif [ ! -f \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] || [ $u -nt \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] ; then\n\t\trm -f \"$targetdir/$upy\"\n\t\techo \"$PYUIC4 -o \\\"$targetdir/$upy\\\" $u\"\n\t\t$PYUIC4 -o \"$targetdir/$upy\" $u\n\tfi\ndone\n\nexit 0\n";
 			showEnvVarsInLog = 0;
 		72C535941038E16500A9CC02 /* Script - mapserver ui+rc */ = {
@@ -13571,7 +13572,7 @@
 			runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
 			shellPath = /bin/sh;
-			shellScript = "plug=\"mapserver_export\"\n\ntargetdir=\"$QGIS_BUILD_PATH/MacOS/$QGIS_DATA_SUBDIR/python/plugins/$plug\"\nmkdir -p \"$targetdir\"\n\ncd ../../python/plugins/$plug\n\n# generate ui py files\n\nUIUI=`ls *.ui`\n\nfor u in $UIUI\ndo\n\tupy=\"ui_`echo $u | sed 's,\\.ui$,.py,'`\"\n\t# compare times because output files spec below doesn't seem to work with wildcards\n\tif [ ! -f \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] || [ $u -nt \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] ; then\n\t\trm -f \"$targetdir/$upy\"\n\t\techo \"$PYUIC4 -o \\\"$targetdir/$upy\\\" $u\"\n\t\t$PYUIC4 -o \"$targetdir/$upy\" $u\n\tfi\ndone\n\n# generate rc py files\n#  qrc may not change, but referenced resources might. for now, regenerate always.\n#  TODO: need to list qrc resources and check them all if changed\n\nRCRC=`ls *.qrc`\n\nfor r in $RCRC\ndo\n\trpy=`echo $r | sed 's,\\.qrc$,_rc.py,'`\n\t# compare times because output files spec below doesn't seem to work with wildcards\n\t#if [ ! -f \"$targetdir/$rpy\" ] || [ $r -nt \"$targetdir/$rpy\" ] ; then\n\t\trm -f \"$targetdir/$rpy\"\n\t\techo \"$PYRCC4 -name $rpy -o \\\"$targetdir/$rpy\\\" $r\"\n\t\t$PYRCC4 -name $rpy -o \"$targetdir/$rpy\" $r\n\t#fi\ndone\n\nexit 0\n";
+			shellScript = "plug=\"mapserver_export\"\n\ntargetdir=\"$QGIS_BUILD_PATH/MacOS/$QGIS_DATA_SUBDIR/python/plugins/$plug\"\nmkdir -p \"$targetdir\"\n\ncd ../../python/plugins/$plug\n\n# workaround for broken arch command on Snow - we need to run python 32bit (from pyuic4)\n\nif [ \"$SDKSYS\" = \"snow\" ] && [ \"$PYTHON_FORM\" = \"system\" ] ; then\n\texport PATH=\"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/bin:$PATH\"\nfi\n\n# generate ui py files\n\nUIUI=`ls *.ui`\n\nfor u in $UIUI\ndo\n\tupy=\"ui_`echo $u | sed 's,\\.ui$,.py,'`\"\n\t# compare times because output files spec below doesn't seem to work with wildcards\n\tif [ ! -f \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] || [ $u -nt \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] ; then\n\t\trm -f \"$targetdir/$upy\"\n\t\techo \"$PYUIC4 -o \\\"$targetdir/$upy\\\" $u\"\n\t\t$PYUIC4 -o \"$targetdir/$upy\" $u\n\tfi\ndone\n\n# generate rc py files\n#  qrc may not change, but referenced resources might. for now, regenerate always.\n#  TODO: need to list qrc resources and check them all if changed\n\nRCRC=`ls *.qrc`\n\nfor r in $RCRC\ndo\n\trpy=`echo $r | sed 's,\\.qrc$,_rc.py,'`\n\t# compare times because output files spec below doesn't seem to work with wildcards\n\t#if [ ! -f \"$targetdir/$rpy\" ] || [ $r -nt \"$targetdir/$rpy\" ] ; then\n\t\trm -f \"$targetdir/$rpy\"\n\t\techo \"$PYRCC4 -name $rpy -o \\\"$targetdir/$rpy\\\" $r\"\n\t\t$PYRCC4 -name $rpy -o \"$targetdir/$rpy\" $r\n\t#fi\ndone\n\nexit 0\n";
 		72C535961038E22700A9CC02 /* Script - plugininstall ui+rc */ = {
 			isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
@@ -13585,7 +13586,7 @@
 			runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
 			shellPath = /bin/sh;
-			shellScript = "plug=\"plugin_installer\"\n\ntargetdir=\"$QGIS_BUILD_PATH/MacOS/$QGIS_DATA_SUBDIR/python/plugins/$plug\"\nmkdir -p \"$targetdir\"\n\ncd ../../python/plugins/$plug\n\n# generate ui py files\n\nUIUI=`ls *.ui`\n\nfor u in $UIUI\ndo\n\tupy=\"ui_`echo $u | sed 's,\\.ui$,.py,'`\"\n\t# compare times because output files spec below doesn't seem to work with wildcards\n\tif [ ! -f \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] || [ $u -nt \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] ; then\n\t\trm -f \"$targetdir/$upy\"\n\t\techo \"$PYUIC4 -o \\\"$targetdir/$upy\\\" $u\"\n\t\t$PYUIC4 -o \"$targetdir/$upy\" $u\n\tfi\ndone\n\n# generate rc py files\n#  qrc may not change, but referenced resources might. for now, regenerate always.\n#  TODO: need to list qrc resources and check them all if changed\n\nRCRC=`ls *.qrc`\n\nfor r in $RCRC\ndo\n\trpy=`echo $r | sed 's,\\.qrc$,_rc.py,'`\n\t# compare times because output files spec below doesn't seem to work with wildcards\n\t#if [ ! -f \"$targetdir/$rpy\" ] || [ $r -nt \"$targetdir/$rpy\" ] ; then\n\t\trm -f \"$targetdir/$rpy\"\n\t\techo \"$PYRCC4 -name $rpy -o \\\"$targetdir/$rpy\\\" $r\"\n\t\t$PYRCC4 -name $rpy -o \"$targetdir/$rpy\" $r\n\t#fi\ndone\n\nexit 0\n";
+			shellScript = "plug=\"plugin_installer\"\n\ntargetdir=\"$QGIS_BUILD_PATH/MacOS/$QGIS_DATA_SUBDIR/python/plugins/$plug\"\nmkdir -p \"$targetdir\"\n\ncd ../../python/plugins/$plug\n\n# workaround for broken arch command on Snow - we need to run python 32bit (from pyuic4)\n\nif [ \"$SDKSYS\" = \"snow\" ] && [ \"$PYTHON_FORM\" = \"system\" ] ; then\n\texport PATH=\"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/python/bin:$PATH\"\nfi\n\n# generate ui py files\n\nUIUI=`ls *.ui`\n\nfor u in $UIUI\ndo\n\tupy=\"ui_`echo $u | sed 's,\\.ui$,.py,'`\"\n\t# compare times because output files spec below doesn't seem to work with wildcards\n\tif [ ! -f \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] || [ $u -nt \"$targetdir/$upy\" ] ; then\n\t\trm -f \"$targetdir/$upy\"\n\t\techo \"$PYUIC4 -o \\\"$targetdir/$upy\\\" $u\"\n\t\t$PYUIC4 -o \"$targetdir/$upy\" $u\n\tfi\ndone\n\n# generate rc py files\n#  qrc may not change, but referenced resources might. for now, regenerate always.\n#  TODO: need to list qrc resources and check them all if changed\n\nRCRC=`ls *.qrc`\n\nfor r in $RCRC\ndo\n\trpy=`echo $r | sed 's,\\.qrc$,_rc.py,'`\n\t# compare times because output files spec below doesn't seem to work with wildcards\n\t#if [ ! -f \"$targetdir/$rpy\" ] || [ $r -nt \"$targetdir/$rpy\" ] ; then\n\t\trm -f \"$targetdir/$rpy\"\n\t\techo \"$PYRCC4 -name $rpy -o \\\"$targetdir/$rpy\\\" $r\"\n\t\t$PYRCC4 -name $rpy -o \"$targetdir/$rpy\" $r\n\t#fi\ndone\n\nexit 0\n";
 			showEnvVarsInLog = 0;
 		72E706ED0F42589900142011 /* fix linking */ = {
@@ -14289,6 +14290,7 @@
 				72DB68EF1021D0BD00ED5F3A /* osmprovider.cpp in Sources */,
 				72DB68F11021D0BD00ED5F3A /* osmrenderer.cpp in Sources */,
 				72DB68F31021D0BD00ED5F3A /* osmstyle.cpp in Sources */,
+				72EFB924105068590050AC82 /* osmprovider.h in Sources */,
 			runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;

Modified: trunk/qgis/mac/xcode/ReadMe.rtf
--- trunk/qgis/mac/xcode/ReadMe.rtf	2009-09-03 09:06:30 UTC (rev 11542)
+++ trunk/qgis/mac/xcode/ReadMe.rtf	2009-09-03 22:47:35 UTC (rev 11543)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;\f1\fnil\fcharset0 Monaco;}
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 See the Qgis {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://wiki.qgis.org/qgiswiki/BuildingFromSource"}}{\fldrslt installation document}} for details on obtaining the requirements.  All optional items below are required for the default \ul Full QGIS\ulnone  build target.\
-\cf0 \ul \ulc0 Xcode 2.5\ulnone  - This also makes Mac OS 10.4 a requirement.\
+\cf0 \ul \ulc0 Xcode 2.5\ulnone  (minimum) - This also makes Mac OS 10.4 a minimum requirement.\
 \ul QGIS source\ulnone \
@@ -59,13 +59,13 @@
 \ul Spatialite library\ulnone  - Spatialite is included in the SQLite framework starting with 3.6.11.  Or compile from source (includes its own SQLite).\
-\ul Expat library\ulnone  - Leopard includes expat.  The one in X11 should work on Tiger, but I prefer to avoid X11 dependencies.\
+\ul Expat library\ulnone  - Leopard and above includes expat.  The one in X11 should work on Tiger, but I prefer to avoid X11 dependencies.\
 \ul gpsbabel\ulnone  (optional) - for the GPS Import plugin.  A universal gpsbabel is available from gpsbabel.org.\
-\ul Python 2.5\ulnone  - the system Python on Leopard will work.  Or install Python 2.5 from {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://www.python.org/"}}{\fldrslt python.org}} (required for Tiger).\
+\ul Python 2.5 or 2.6\ulnone  - the system Python on Leopard and Snow Leopard will work.  Or install Python 2.5 from {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://www.python.org/"}}{\fldrslt python.org}} (required for Tiger).\
-\ul SIP\ulnone  and \ul PyQt\ulnone  - make sure that they fully support the installed Qt version.  Development versions may cause trouble for QGIS.\
+\ul SIP\ulnone  and \ul PyQt\ulnone  - make sure that they fully support the installed Qt version.  Development versions may cause trouble for QGIS.  See the QGIS install instructions for info about how to compile and install these.\
@@ -90,15 +90,13 @@
 \cf0 \ul Defaults\
 \ulnone \
-The default configuration is for the native architecture, without using a system SDK.  GDAL, PROJ, GEOS and SQLite frameworks are used.  Spatialite is expected in the SQLite framework.  Expat, Postgres and GSL are expected in default /usr/local builds.  GRASS support is from a GRASS-6.4.app application.  The python.org Python framework is used, even on Leopard.\
-\cf0 \
+The default configuration is for the native architecture, without using a system SDK.  GDAL, PROJ, GEOS and SQLite frameworks are used.  Spatialite is expected in the SQLite framework.  Postgres and GSL are expected in default /usr/local builds.  Expat is from the system on Leopard and above, and is expected in /usr/local on Tiger.  GRASS support is from a GRASS-6.4.app application.  The python.org Python framework is used on Tiger, and the system Python is used on Leopard and above.\
 By default, Qt, GSL, the Postgres client library are bundled in the Qgis application.\
-\cf0 \
 \ul Minimal Config\ulnone \
-The only changes you may need to make for Leopard are: to use the system Python (PYTHON_FORM), and to use the system expat (EXPAT_FORM).  See the xcconfig file for details.\
+You must set at least SDKSYS to match the system you are building for.\
 For Tiger, you need to set BISON (see below).\
@@ -107,7 +105,7 @@
 \f1\fs20 \cf0 SDKSYS
-\f0\fs24  tells the project to use the 10.4 (tig) or 10.5 (leo) SDK, or none ([empty]).  Using an SDK will also build Qgis in a subfolder of the build folder - this is handy if you want to build once for Tiger (python.org Python) and once for Leopard (system Python) without overwriting either.\
+\f0\fs24  tells the project to use the 10.4 (tig), 10.5 (leo) or 10.6 (snow) SDK.  Qgis will build in a subfolder of the build folder - this is handy if you want to build once for each system without overwriting any of them.\
 Note that there may be linking problems with the SDK for non-system libraries and frameworks.  This is because the linker prefixes everything with the SDKROOT and indirectly linked libraries in non-standard locations (ie /usr/local) may not be found.  If you encounter linking errors, you should add symlinks to the SDKROOT to those locations.\

Modified: trunk/qgis/mac/xcode/qgis_settings.xcconfig
--- trunk/qgis/mac/xcode/qgis_settings.xcconfig	2009-09-03 09:06:30 UTC (rev 11542)
+++ trunk/qgis/mac/xcode/qgis_settings.xcconfig	2009-09-03 22:47:35 UTC (rev 11543)
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
 // QGIS Xcode project common build settings
-// SDK not required for native universal build, but recommended,
-// and allows building multiple SDK builds side-by-side
-SDKSYS = // tig (Tiger), leo (Leopard), [empty] (native)
+// SDKSYS must be set to valid value
+SDKSYS = leo // tig (Tiger), leo (Leopard), snow (Snow Leopard)
 //ARCHS = ppc i386 // for universal
@@ -70,16 +69,15 @@
 PGSQL_FORM = shared // static or shared
 // system expat only on Leopard+
-EXPAT_FORM = shared // static, shared or system
+EXPAT_FORM = $(EXPAT_FORM_$(SDKSYS)) // static, shared or system
 GRASS_FORM = app // app or unix
 // version as in app name or unix folder name, can't auto-detect here
 // system Python only on Leopard+
-PYTHON_FORM = fw // fw, system or disabled
-// ***TODO*** "Current" will autodetect version
-PYTHON_VERSION = 2.5 // can't auto-detect here
+PYTHON_FORM = $(PYTHON_FORM_$(SDKSYS)) // fw, system or disabled
 // whether to bundle some external libs in the app package
@@ -135,11 +133,9 @@
 SDKROOT_tig = /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk
 SDKROOT_leo = /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk
+SDKROOT_snow = /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk
-SYMROOT_tig = build/tig
-SYMROOT_leo = build/leo
-SYMROOT_ = build/native
+SYMROOT = build/$(SDKSYS)
 INSTALL_PREFIX = /Applications
 QGIS_APP_NAME = Qgis.app
@@ -162,6 +158,7 @@
@@ -181,6 +178,10 @@
 OTHER_LDFLAGS = -headerpad_max_install_names
+GCC_VERSION_tig = 4.0
+GCC_VERSION_leo = 4.0
+GCC_VERSION_snow = 4.2
@@ -240,6 +241,11 @@
+// defaults by SDKSYS
+EXPAT_FORM_tig = shared
+EXPAT_FORM_leo = system
+EXPAT_FORM_snow = system
 EXPAT_INC_system = 
 EXPAT_INC_shared = $(EXPAT_PREFIX)/include
 EXPAT_INC_static = $(EXPAT_PREFIX)/include
@@ -295,6 +301,14 @@
 SPATIALITE_LIBADD_internal = -liconv -ldl
+// defaults by system
+PYTHON_VERSION_snow = 2.6
+PYTHON_FORM_tig = fw
+PYTHON_FORM_leo = system
+PYTHON_FORM_snow = system
 PYTHON_PREFIX_fw = /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework
 PYTHON_PREFIX_system = /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework
@@ -308,9 +322,11 @@
 PYTHON_LIB = -framework Python // must always be framework, full path will work
 PYTHON_HAVE_system_tig = 
+PYTHON_HAVE_system_snow = HAVE_PYTHON=1
 PYTHON_HAVE_system_ = 
 PYSITE_system = /Library/Python/$(PYTHON_VERSION)/site-packages

Modified: trunk/qgis/mac/xcode/qgis_user-template.xcconfig
--- trunk/qgis/mac/xcode/qgis_user-template.xcconfig	2009-09-03 09:06:30 UTC (rev 11542)
+++ trunk/qgis/mac/xcode/qgis_user-template.xcconfig	2009-09-03 22:47:35 UTC (rev 11543)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 // commented values values shown here are defaults
 // there is no need to set *everything* here.
-//SDKSYS =  // tig (Tiger), leo (Leopard), [empty] (native)
+//SDKSYS = leo // tig (Tiger), leo (Leopard), snow (Snow Leopard)
 //ARCHS = $(NATIVE_ARCH) // default
 //ARCHS = ppc i386 // for universal
@@ -51,17 +51,15 @@
 //PGSQL_FORM = shared // static or shared
 // system expat only on Leopard+
-//EXPAT_FORM = shared // static, shared or system
+//EXPAT_FORM = $(EXPAT_FORM_$(SDKSYS)) // static, shared or system
 //GRASS_FORM = app // app or unix
 // version as in app name or unix folder name, can't auto-detect here
 // system Python only on Leopard+
-//PYTHON_FORM = fw // fw, system or disabled
-//PYTHON_VERSION = 2.5 // can't auto-detect here
-// only uncomment this for a native build on Leopard
+//PYTHON_FORM = $(PYTHON_FORM_$(SDKSYS)) // fw, system or disabled
 // whether to bundle some external libs in the app package

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