[QGIS Commit] r13224 - docs/branches/1.3.0/french/user_guide

svn_qgis at osgeo.org svn_qgis at osgeo.org
Thu Apr 1 13:05:52 EDT 2010

Author: jrm
Date: 2010-04-01 13:05:51 -0400 (Thu, 01 Apr 2010)
New Revision: 13224

update translation

Modified: docs/branches/1.3.0/french/user_guide/conventions.tex
--- docs/branches/1.3.0/french/user_guide/conventions.tex	2010-04-01 16:58:27 UTC (rev 13223)
+++ docs/branches/1.3.0/french/user_guide/conventions.tex	2010-04-01 17:05:51 UTC (rev 13224)
@@ -321,15 +321,15 @@
 % shortcut should always be Command Q
 %- Colour, font and file dialogs will have differences between platforms
 %- if other differences are discovered, please add here
-\newcommand{\nix}[1]{\includegraphics[height=5mm]{nix.eps} #1}
-\newcommand{\win}[1]{\includegraphics[height=5mm]{win.eps} #1}
-\newcommand{\osx}[1]{\includegraphics[height=5mm]{osx.eps} #1}
+\newcommand{\nix}[1]{\includegraphics[bb=0 0 120 141, height=5mm]{nix.png} #1}
+\newcommand{\win}[1]{\includegraphics[bb=0 0 69 59, height=5mm]{win.png} #1}
+\newcommand{\osx}[1]{\includegraphics[bb=0 0 50 60, height=5mm]{osx.png} #1}
 % add operation system icons to figure \caption
 % usage: \caption{Text \wincaption}
+\newcommand{\nixcaption}{\protect\includegraphics[bb=0 0 120 141, height=4mm]{nix.png}}
+\newcommand{\wincaption}{\protect\includegraphics[bb=0 0 69 59, height=4mm]{win.png}}
+\newcommand{\osxcaption}{\protect\includegraphics[bb=0 0 50 60, height=4mm]{osx.png}}
@@ -348,51 +348,58 @@
-This section describes a collection of uniform styles throughout the manual.
-The conventions used in this manual are as follows:
+Cette section décrit les symboles qui ponctuent ce manuel, les conventions graphiques sont les suivantes
-\minisec{GUI Conventions}
+\minisec{Conventions pour l'interface}
-The GUI convention styles are intended to mimic the appearance of the GUI. In
-general, the objective is to use the non-hover appearance, so a user can
-visually scan the GUI to find something that looks like the instruction
-in the manual.
+Les styles de conventions de l'interface (GUI) dans le texte ressemblent autant que possible à l'apparence du logiciel, l'objectif étant de permettre à l'utilisateur de repérer plus facilement les éléments mentionnés dans les instructions.
 %Use \mainmenuopt for main menu items that have no icon only text
 %Main Menu includes: File, View, Layer, Settings, Plugins, Help
-\item Menu Options: \mainmenuopt{Layer} > %
+% \item Menu Options: \mainmenuopt{Layer} > %
+\item Options du menu: \mainmenuopt{Layer} > %
 %Use \dropmenuopttwo for a drop-down menu item with an icon
 %Use \dropmenuoptone for a drop-down menu item with no icon 
-\dropmenuopttwo{mActionAddRasterLayer}{Add a Raster Layer}
+% \dropmenuopttwo{mActionAddRasterLayer}{Add a Raster Layer}
+% or
+% \mainmenuopt{Settings} > %
+% \dropmenuopt{Toolbars} > \dropmenucheck{Digitizing}
+\dropmenuopttwo{mActionAddRasterLayer.png}{Ajouter une couche raster}
-\mainmenuopt{Settings} > %
-\dropmenuopt{Toolbars} > \dropmenucheck{Digitizing}
+\mainmenuopt{Préférences} > %
+\dropmenuopt{Barre d'outils} > \dropmenucheck{Numérisation}
 %Use \toolbtntwo for the toolbar items, including those that open dialogs
 %These have an icon, and display a tooltip on hover
 %Its really important to get the icon in there because that's what a user
 %has to search for. The tooltip adds confirmation
-\item Tool: \toolbtntwo{mActionAddRasterLayer}{Add a Raster Layer}
+% \item Tool: \toolbtntwo{mActionAddRasterLayer}{Add a Raster Layer}
+\item Outil : \toolbtntwo{mActionAddRasterLayer.png}{Ajouter une couche raster}
 %Use \button for a clickable button which has no icon, just text
 %Save As Default is a button that appears in the Layer Properties dialog.
-\item Button: \button{Save as Default}
+% \item Button: \button{Save as Default}
+\item Bouton : \button{Sauvegarder par défaut}
 %Use \dialog for the title of a dialog box
 %such as the Layer Properties dialog.
 %Please use the exact title as it appears in the GUI.
-\item Dialog Box Title: \dialog{Layer Properties}
+% \item Dialog Box Title: \dialog{Layer Properties}
+\item Titre de boîte de dialogue : \dialog{Propriétés de la couche}
 %Use \tab for clickable tabs which have no icons, just text
 %General is a tab that appears in the Layer Properties dialog.
 %At the moment, it looks just like \button, but that may change.
-\item Tab: \tab{General}
+% \item Tab: \tab{General}
+\item Panneau : \tab{Général}
 %Use \toolboxtwo, \toolboxthree or \toolboxfour
 % for GRASS toolbox (not toolbar) items
@@ -400,94 +407,130 @@
 %The one you need depends on how many icons are required
 %The number part of the name is the total number of arguments (N)
 %The number of icons is (N-1)
-\item Toolbox Item: \toolboxtwo{nviz.1.eps}{nviz - Open 3D-View in NVIZ}
+% \item Toolbox Item: \toolboxtwo{nviz.1.eps}{nviz - Open 3D-View in NVIZ}
+\item Objet de boîte d'outils : \toolboxtwo{nviz.png}{nviz - Open 3D-View in NVIZ}
 %Use \checkbox for a checkbox item in a dialog popup
-\item Checkbox: \checkbox{Render}
+% \item Checkbox: \checkbox{Render}
+\item Case à cocher : \checkbox{Rendu}
 %Use \radiobuttonoff for a radio button item in a dialog popup
-\item Radio Button:  \radiobuttonon{Postgis SRID} \radiobuttonoff{EPSG ID}
+% \item Radio Button:  \radiobuttonon{Postgis SRID} \radiobuttonoff{EPSG ID}
+\item Bouton radio :  \radiobuttonon{Postgis SRID} \radiobuttonoff{EPSG ID}
 % Use \selectnumber for a selection box with up and down arrows
 % and a numerical value
-\item Select a Number: \selectnumber{Hue}{60}
+% \item Select a Number: \selectnumber{Hue}{60}
+\item Sélection d'un chiffre : \selectnumber{Halo}{60}
 % Use \selectstring for a selection box with down arrows
 % and a string value
-\item Select a String: \selectstring{Outline style}{---Solid Line}
+% \item Select a String: \selectstring{Outline style}{---Solid Line}
+\item Sélection d'une ligne : \selectstring{Style de bordure externe}{--- Ligne solide}
 % Use \browsebutton for a button that opens a file browser popup
-\item Browse for a File: \browsebutton 
+% \item Browse for a File: \browsebutton 
+\item Parcourir un fichier : \browsebutton 
 % Use \selectcolor for a button which opens a color selector popup
-\item Select a Color: \selectcolor{Outline color}{yellow}
+% \item Select a Color: \selectcolor{Outline color}{yellow}
+\item Sélection d'une couleur : \selectcolor{Couleur de bordure externe}{yellow}
-\item Slider: \slider{Transparency}{0}{20mm}
+% \item Slider: \slider{Transparency}{0}{20mm}
+\item Barre coulissante : \slider{Transparence}{0}{20mm}
 % Use \inputtext for a labelled field for user input of text 
-\item Input Text: \inputtext{Display Name}{lakes.shp}
+% \item Input Text: \inputtext{Display Name}{lakes.shp}
+% \end{itemize}
+% A shadow indicates a clickable GUI component.
+\item Zone de saisie de texte : \inputtext{Nom affiché}{lakes.shp}
-A shadow indicates a clickable GUI component.
+Une ombre indique un élément de l'interface qui peut être cliqué.
-\minisec{Text or Keyboard Conventions}
+% \minisec{Text or Keyboard Conventions}
+% The manual also includes styles related to text, keyboard commands and coding
+% to indicate different entities, such as classes, or methods. They don't
+% correspond to any actual appearance.
-The manual also includes styles related to text, keyboard commands and coding
-to indicate different entities, such as classes, or methods. They don't
-correspond to any actual appearance.
+\minisec{Conventions de texte ou de clavier}
+Le manuel se réfère aussi à des conventions pour le texte, les commandes du clavier et l'encodage pour définir les entités, les classes et les méthodes. Elles ne correspondent pas à l'apparence réelle.
 %Use for all urls. Otherwise, it is not clickable in the document.
-\item Hyperlinks: \url{http://qgis.org}
-\item Single Keystroke: press \keystroke{p}
-\item Keystroke Combinations: press \keystroke{Ctrl+B}, meaning press and
-hold the Ctrl key and then press the B key.
-\item Name of a File: \filename{lakes.shp}
+% \item Hyperlinks: \url{http://qgis.org}
+% \item Single Keystroke: press \keystroke{p}
+% \item Keystroke Combinations: press \keystroke{Ctrl+B}, meaning press and
+% hold the Ctrl key and then press the B key.
+% \item Name of a File: \filename{lakes.shp}
+\item Hyperliens : \url{http://qgis.org}
+\item Simple touche : appuyez sur \keystroke{p}
+\item Combinaisons de touches : appuyez sur \keystroke{Ctrl+B}, signifie qu'il faut rester en appui sur la touche Contrôle (Ctrl) tout en pressant la touche B.
+\item Nom d'un fichier : \filename{lakes.shp}
 %\item Name of a Field: \fieldname{NAMES}
-\item Name of a Class: \classname{NewLayer}
-\item Method: \method{classFactory}
-\item Server: \server{myhost.de}
+% \item Name of a Class: \classname{NewLayer}
+% \item Method: \method{classFactory}
+% \item Server: \server{myhost.de}
+\item Nom d'une classe : \classname{NewLayer}
+\item Méthode : \method{classFactory}
+\item Serveur : \server{myhost.de}
 %\item SQL Table: \sqltable{example needed here}    
 %Use usertext for all other text that the user must enter from the keyboard
 %that is not covered by any of the above cases
-\item User Text: \usertext{qgis ---help}
+% \item User Text: \usertext{qgis ---help}
+\item Texte pour l'utilisateur : \usertext{qgis ---help}
-Code is indicated by a fixed-width font:
+% Code is indicated by a fixed-width font:
+Les codifications sont indiquées par une police à taille fixe :
-\minisec{Platform-specific instructions}
+% \minisec{Platform-specific instructions}
+% GUI sequences and small amounts of text can be formatted inline: Click
+% \{\nix{}\win{File} \osx{QGIS}\} > Quit to close QGIS. This indicates that on
+% Linux, Unix and Windows platforms, click the File menu option first, then
+% Quit from the dropdown menu, while on Macintosh OSX platforms, click the QGIS
+% menu option first, then Quit from the dropdown menu. Larger amounts of text
+% may be formatted as a list:
-GUI sequences and small amounts of text can be formatted inline: Click
-\{\nix{}\win{File} \osx{QGIS}\} > Quit to close QGIS. This indicates that on
-Linux, Unix and Windows platforms, click the File menu option first, then
-Quit from the dropdown menu, while on Macintosh OSX platforms, click the QGIS
-menu option first, then Quit from the dropdown menu. Larger amounts of text
-may be formatted as a list:
+\minisec{Instructions spécifiques à une plateforme}
+GUI sequences and small amounts of text can be formatted inline: Clic
+\{\nix{}\win{Fichier} \osx{QGIS}\} > Quitter pour fermer QGIS. 
+Cela indique que sous Windows, Linux et les plateformes Unix il faudra d'abord cliquer sur Fichier puis dans la liste déroulane sur Quitter, alors que sous Mac il faudra cliquer sur le menu Qgis. De grandes portions de textes peuvent être présentées en liste:
-\item \nix{do this;} 
-\item \win{do that;} 
-\item \osx{do something else.}
+\item \nix{faites ceci ;}
+\item \win{faites cela ;}
+\item \osx{faites autre chose.}
-or as paragraphs.
+% or as paragraphs.
+% \nix{} \osx{} Do this and this and this. Then do this and this and this
+% and this and this and this and this and this and this.
+ou comme des paragraphes:
-\nix{} \osx{} Do this and this and this. Then do this and this and this
-and this and this and this and this and this and this.
+\nix{} \osx{} Faites ceci et cela. Puis cela et ceci, ensuite ceci et cela pour obtenire ceci et cela, etc. 
-\win{}Do that. Then do that and that and that and that and that and that and
-that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that.
+% \win{}Do that. Then do that and that and that and that and that and that and
+% that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that.
-Screenshots that appear throughout the user guide have been created on
-different platforms; the platform is indicated by the platform-specific icons
-at the end of the figure caption.
+\win{}Faites ceci et cela. Puis cela et ceci, ensuite ceci et cela pour obtenire ceci et cela, etc. 
+% Screenshots that appear throughout the user guide have been created on
+% different platforms; the platform is indicated by the platform-specific icons
+% at the end of the figure caption.
+Les aperçus d'écrans ont été pris sous différentes plateformes, un icône à la fin de la légende de la figure indique le système en question.

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