[QGIS Commit] r13021 - trunk/qgis/python/plugins/fTools/tools

svn_qgis at osgeo.org svn_qgis at osgeo.org
Sun Mar 7 21:14:14 EST 2010

Author: cfarmer
Date: 2010-03-07 21:14:14 -0500 (Sun, 07 Mar 2010)
New Revision: 13021

Vector grid tool now uses project crs instead of None. Fixes #2494.

Modified: trunk/qgis/python/plugins/fTools/tools/doVectorGrid.py
--- trunk/qgis/python/plugins/fTools/tools/doVectorGrid.py	2010-03-08 02:08:14 UTC (rev 13020)
+++ trunk/qgis/python/plugins/fTools/tools/doVectorGrid.py	2010-03-08 02:14:14 UTC (rev 13021)
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 # Generate Vector Grid
@@ -36,162 +37,164 @@
 from ui_frmVectorGrid import Ui_Dialog
 class Dialog(QDialog, Ui_Dialog):
-	def __init__(self, iface):
-		QDialog.__init__(self)
-		self.iface = iface
-		self.setupUi(self)
-		QObject.connect(self.toolOut, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.outFile)
-		QObject.connect(self.spnX, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.offset)
-		#QObject.connect(self.inShape, SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(QString)"), self.updateInput)
-		QObject.connect(self.btnUpdate, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.updateLayer)
-		QObject.connect(self.btnCanvas, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.updateCanvas)
-		self.setWindowTitle(self.tr("Vector grid"))
-		self.xMin.setValidator(QDoubleValidator(self.xMin))
-		self.xMax.setValidator(QDoubleValidator(self.xMax))
-		self.yMin.setValidator(QDoubleValidator(self.yMin))
-		self.yMax.setValidator(QDoubleValidator(self.yMax))
-		layermap = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayers()
-		for name, layer in layermap.iteritems():
-			self.inShape.addItem( unicode( layer.name() ) )
+    def __init__(self, iface):
+        QDialog.__init__(self)
+        self.iface = iface
+        self.setupUi(self)
+        QObject.connect(self.toolOut, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.outFile)
+        QObject.connect(self.spnX, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.offset)
+        #QObject.connect(self.inShape, SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(QString)"), self.updateInput)
+        QObject.connect(self.btnUpdate, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.updateLayer)
+        QObject.connect(self.btnCanvas, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.updateCanvas)
+        self.setWindowTitle(self.tr("Vector grid"))
+        self.xMin.setValidator(QDoubleValidator(self.xMin))
+        self.xMax.setValidator(QDoubleValidator(self.xMax))
+        self.yMin.setValidator(QDoubleValidator(self.yMin))
+        self.yMax.setValidator(QDoubleValidator(self.yMax))
+        layermap = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayers()
+        for name, layer in layermap.iteritems():
+            self.inShape.addItem( unicode( layer.name() ) )
-	def offset(self, value):
-		if self.chkLock.isChecked():
-			self.spnY.setValue(value)
+    def offset(self, value):
+        if self.chkLock.isChecked():
+            self.spnY.setValue(value)
-	def updateLayer( self ):
-		mLayerName = self.inShape.currentText()
-		if not mLayerName == "":
-			mLayer = ftools_utils.getMapLayerByName( unicode( mLayerName ) )
-			boundBox = mLayer.extent()
-			self.updateExtents( boundBox )
-	def updateCanvas( self ):
-		canvas = self.iface.mapCanvas()
-		boundBox = canvas.extent()
-		self.updateExtents( boundBox )
-	def updateExtents( self, boundBox ):
-		self.xMin.setText( unicode( boundBox.xMinimum() ) )
-		self.yMin.setText( unicode( boundBox.yMinimum() ) )
-		self.xMax.setText( unicode( boundBox.xMaximum() ) )
-		self.yMax.setText( unicode( boundBox.yMaximum() ) )
+    def updateLayer( self ):
+        mLayerName = self.inShape.currentText()
+        if not mLayerName == "":
+            mLayer = ftools_utils.getMapLayerByName( unicode( mLayerName ) )
+            boundBox = mLayer.extent()
+            self.updateExtents( boundBox )
+    def updateCanvas( self ):
+        canvas = self.iface.mapCanvas()
+        boundBox = canvas.extent()
+        self.updateExtents( boundBox )
+    def updateExtents( self, boundBox ):
+        self.xMin.setText( unicode( boundBox.xMinimum() ) )
+        self.yMin.setText( unicode( boundBox.yMinimum() ) )
+        self.xMax.setText( unicode( boundBox.xMaximum() ) )
+        self.yMax.setText( unicode( boundBox.yMaximum() ) )
-	def accept(self):
-		if self.xMin.text() == "" or self.xMax.text() == "" or self.yMin.text() == "" or self.yMax.text() == "":
-			QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Vector grid"), self.tr("Please specify valid extent coordinates"))
-		elif self.outShape.text() == "":
-			QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Vector grid"), self.tr("Please specify output shapefile"))
-		else:
-			try:
-				boundBox = QgsRectangle( 
-				float( self.xMin.text() ),
-				float( self.yMin.text() ),
-				float( self.xMax.text() ),
-				float( self.yMax.text() ) )
-			except:
-				QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Vector grid"), self.tr("Invalid extent coordinates entered"))
-			xSpace = self.spnX.value()
-			ySpace = self.spnY.value()
-			if self.rdoPolygons.isChecked(): polygon = True
-			else: polygon = False
-			self.outShape.clear()
-			self.compute( boundBox, xSpace, ySpace, polygon )
-			addToTOC = QMessageBox.question(self, self.tr("Generate Vector Grid"), self.tr("Created output shapefile:\n%1\n\nNote: Layer has no associated coordinate system, please use the Projection Management Tool to specify spatial reference system.\n\nWould you like to add the new layer to the TOC?").arg(unicode(self.shapefileName)), QMessageBox.Yes, QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.NoButton)
-			if addToTOC == QMessageBox.Yes:
-				ftools_utils.addShapeToCanvas( self.shapefileName )
-			self.progressBar.setValue( 0 )
+    def accept(self):
+        if self.xMin.text() == "" or self.xMax.text() == "" or self.yMin.text() == "" or self.yMax.text() == "":
+            QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Vector grid"), self.tr("Please specify valid extent coordinates"))
+        elif self.outShape.text() == "":
+            QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Vector grid"), self.tr("Please specify output shapefile"))
+        else:
+            try:
+                boundBox = QgsRectangle(
+                float( self.xMin.text() ),
+                float( self.yMin.text() ),
+                float( self.xMax.text() ),
+                float( self.yMax.text() ) )
+            except:
+                QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Vector grid"), self.tr("Invalid extent coordinates entered"))
+            xSpace = self.spnX.value()
+            ySpace = self.spnY.value()
+            if self.rdoPolygons.isChecked(): polygon = True
+            else: polygon = False
+            self.outShape.clear()
+            self.compute( boundBox, xSpace, ySpace, polygon )
+            addToTOC = QMessageBox.question(self, self.tr("Generate Vector Grid"), self.tr("Created output shapefile:\n%1\n\nWould you like to add the new layer to the TOC?").arg(unicode(self.shapefileName)), QMessageBox.Yes, QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.NoButton)
+            if addToTOC == QMessageBox.Yes:
+                ftools_utils.addShapeToCanvas( self.shapefileName )
+            self.progressBar.setValue( 0 )
-	def compute( self, bound, xOffset, yOffset, polygon ):
-		if polygon:
-			fields = {0:QgsField("ID", QVariant.Int), 1:QgsField("XMIN", QVariant.Double), 2:QgsField("XMAX", QVariant.Double),
-			3:QgsField("YMIN", QVariant.Double), 4:QgsField("YMAX", QVariant.Double)}
-			check = QFile(self.shapefileName)
-			if check.exists():
-				if not QgsVectorFileWriter.deleteShapeFile(self.shapefileName):
-					return
-			writer = QgsVectorFileWriter(self.shapefileName, self.encoding, fields, QGis.WKBPolygon, None)
-			#writer = QgsVectorFileWriter(outPath, "CP1250", fields, QGis.WKBPolygon, None)
-		else:
-			fields = {0:QgsField("ID", QVariant.Int), 1:QgsField("COORD", QVariant.Double)}
-			check = QFile(self.shapefileName)
-			if check.exists():
-				if not QgsVectorFileWriter.deleteShapeFile(self.shapefileName):
-					return
-			writer = QgsVectorFileWriter(self.shapefileName, self.encoding, fields, QGis.WKBLineString, None)
-			#writer = QgsVectorFileWriter(unicode(outPath), "CP1250", fields, QGis.WKBLineString, None)
-		outFeat = QgsFeature()
-		outGeom = QgsGeometry()
-		idVar = 0
-		self.progressBar.setRange( 0, 0 )
-		if not polygon:
-			y = bound.yMaximum()
-			while y >= bound.yMinimum():
-				pt1 = QgsPoint(bound.xMinimum(), y)
-				pt2 = QgsPoint(bound.xMaximum(), y)
-				line = [pt1, pt2]
-				outFeat.setGeometry(outGeom.fromPolyline(line))
-				outFeat.addAttribute(0, QVariant(idVar))
-				outFeat.addAttribute(1, QVariant(y))
-				writer.addFeature(outFeat)
-				y = y - yOffset
-				idVar = idVar + 1
-			x = bound.xMinimum()
-			while x <= bound.xMaximum():
-				pt1 = QgsPoint(x, bound.yMaximum())
-				pt2 = QgsPoint(x, bound.yMinimum())
-				line = [pt1, pt2]
-				outFeat.setGeometry(outGeom.fromPolyline(line))
-				outFeat.addAttribute(0, QVariant(idVar))
-				outFeat.addAttribute(1, QVariant(x))
-				writer.addFeature(outFeat)
-				x = x + xOffset
-				idVar = idVar + 1
-		else:
-			y = bound.yMaximum()
-			while y >= bound.yMinimum():
-				x = bound.xMinimum()
-				while x <= bound.xMaximum():
-					pt1 = QgsPoint(x, y)
-					pt2 = QgsPoint(x + xOffset, y)
-					pt3 = QgsPoint(x + xOffset, y - yOffset)
-					pt4 = QgsPoint(x, y - yOffset)
-					pt5 = QgsPoint(x, y)
-					polygon = [[pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt5]]
-					outFeat.setGeometry(outGeom.fromPolygon(polygon))
-					outFeat.addAttribute(0, QVariant(idVar))
-					outFeat.addAttribute(1, QVariant(x))
-					outFeat.addAttribute(2, QVariant(x + xOffset))
-					outFeat.addAttribute(3, QVariant(y - yOffset))
-					outFeat.addAttribute(4, QVariant(y))
-					writer.addFeature(outFeat)
-					idVar = idVar + 1
-					x = x + xOffset
-				y = y - yOffset
-		self.progressBar.setRange( 0, 100 )
-		del writer
+    def compute( self, bound, xOffset, yOffset, polygon ):
+        crs = self.canvas.mapRenderer().destinationSrs()
+        if not crs.isValid(): crs = None
+        if polygon:
+            fields = {0:QgsField("ID", QVariant.Int), 1:QgsField("XMIN", QVariant.Double), 2:QgsField("XMAX", QVariant.Double),
+            3:QgsField("YMIN", QVariant.Double), 4:QgsField("YMAX", QVariant.Double)}
+            check = QFile(self.shapefileName)
+            if check.exists():
+                if not QgsVectorFileWriter.deleteShapeFile(self.shapefileName):
+                    return
+            writer = QgsVectorFileWriter(self.shapefileName, self.encoding, fields, QGis.WKBPolygon, crs)
+            #writer = QgsVectorFileWriter(outPath, "CP1250", fields, QGis.WKBPolygon, None)
+        else:
+            fields = {0:QgsField("ID", QVariant.Int), 1:QgsField("COORD", QVariant.Double)}
+            check = QFile(self.shapefileName)
+            if check.exists():
+                if not QgsVectorFileWriter.deleteShapeFile(self.shapefileName):
+                    return
+            writer = QgsVectorFileWriter(self.shapefileName, self.encoding, fields, QGis.WKBLineString, crs)
+            #writer = QgsVectorFileWriter(unicode(outPath), "CP1250", fields, QGis.WKBLineString, None)
+        outFeat = QgsFeature()
+        outGeom = QgsGeometry()
+        idVar = 0
+        self.progressBar.setRange( 0, 0 )
+        if not polygon:
+            y = bound.yMaximum()
+            while y >= bound.yMinimum():
+                pt1 = QgsPoint(bound.xMinimum(), y)
+                pt2 = QgsPoint(bound.xMaximum(), y)
+                line = [pt1, pt2]
+                outFeat.setGeometry(outGeom.fromPolyline(line))
+                outFeat.addAttribute(0, QVariant(idVar))
+                outFeat.addAttribute(1, QVariant(y))
+                writer.addFeature(outFeat)
+                y = y - yOffset
+                idVar = idVar + 1
+            x = bound.xMinimum()
+            while x <= bound.xMaximum():
+                pt1 = QgsPoint(x, bound.yMaximum())
+                pt2 = QgsPoint(x, bound.yMinimum())
+                line = [pt1, pt2]
+                outFeat.setGeometry(outGeom.fromPolyline(line))
+                outFeat.addAttribute(0, QVariant(idVar))
+                outFeat.addAttribute(1, QVariant(x))
+                writer.addFeature(outFeat)
+                x = x + xOffset
+                idVar = idVar + 1
+        else:
+            y = bound.yMaximum()
+            while y >= bound.yMinimum():
+                x = bound.xMinimum()
+                while x <= bound.xMaximum():
+                    pt1 = QgsPoint(x, y)
+                    pt2 = QgsPoint(x + xOffset, y)
+                    pt3 = QgsPoint(x + xOffset, y - yOffset)
+                    pt4 = QgsPoint(x, y - yOffset)
+                    pt5 = QgsPoint(x, y)
+                    polygon = [[pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt5]]
+                    outFeat.setGeometry(outGeom.fromPolygon(polygon))
+                    outFeat.addAttribute(0, QVariant(idVar))
+                    outFeat.addAttribute(1, QVariant(x))
+                    outFeat.addAttribute(2, QVariant(x + xOffset))
+                    outFeat.addAttribute(3, QVariant(y - yOffset))
+                    outFeat.addAttribute(4, QVariant(y))
+                    writer.addFeature(outFeat)
+                    idVar = idVar + 1
+                    x = x + xOffset
+                y = y - yOffset
+        self.progressBar.setRange( 0, 100 )
+        del writer
-	def outFile(self):
-		self.outShape.clear()
-		( self.shapefileName, self.encoding ) = ftools_utils.saveDialog( self )
-		if self.shapefileName is None or self.encoding is None:
-			return
-		self.outShape.setText( QString( self.shapefileName ) )
+    def outFile(self):
+        self.outShape.clear()
+        ( self.shapefileName, self.encoding ) = ftools_utils.saveDialog( self )
+        if self.shapefileName is None or self.encoding is None:
+            return
+        self.outShape.setText( QString( self.shapefileName ) )
-	def getVectorLayerByName(self, myName):
-		mc = self.iface.mapCanvas()
-		nLayers = mc.layerCount()
-		for l in range(nLayers):
-			layer = mc.layer(l)
-			if unicode(layer.name()) == unicode(myName):
-				vlayer = QgsVectorLayer(unicode(layer.source()),  unicode(myName),  unicode(layer.dataProvider().name()))
-				if vlayer.isValid():
-					return vlayer
+    def getVectorLayerByName(self, myName):
+        mc = self.iface.mapCanvas()
+        nLayers = mc.layerCount()
+        for l in range(nLayers):
+            layer = mc.layer(l)
+            if unicode(layer.name()) == unicode(myName):
+                vlayer = QgsVectorLayer(unicode(layer.source()),  unicode(myName),  unicode(layer.dataProvider().name()))
+                if vlayer.isValid():
+                    return vlayer
-	def getMapLayerByName(self, myName):
-		mc = self.iface.mapCanvas()
-		nLayers = mc.layerCount()
-		for l in range(nLayers):
-			layer = mc.layer(l)
-			if unicode(layer.name()) == unicode(myName):
-				if layer.isValid():
-					return layer
+    def getMapLayerByName(self, myName):
+        mc = self.iface.mapCanvas()
+        nLayers = mc.layerCount()
+        for l in range(nLayers):
+            layer = mc.layer(l)
+            if unicode(layer.name()) == unicode(myName):
+                if layer.isValid():
+                    return layer

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