[QGIS Commit] [qgis/Quantum-GIS] 3b3d1a: Update labeling tools and make more undo/redo frie...

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Sat Dec 15 16:32:56 PST 2012

  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/qgis/Quantum-GIS
  Commit: 3b3d1a75daf652da282b7c024e31058938f88b16
  Author: Larry Shaffer <larrys at dakotacarto.com>
  Date:   2012-12-15 (Sat, 15 Dec 2012)

  Changed paths:
    M python/core/qgsmaprenderer.sip
    M src/app/qgslabelpropertydialog.cpp
    M src/app/qgslabelpropertydialog.h
    M src/app/qgsmaptoolchangelabelproperties.cpp
    M src/app/qgsmaptoollabel.cpp
    M src/app/qgsmaptoollabel.h
    M src/app/qgsmaptoolmovelabel.cpp
    M src/app/qgsmaptoolpinlabels.cpp
    M src/app/qgsmaptoolrotatelabel.cpp
    M src/app/qgsmaptoolshowhidelabels.cpp
    M src/core/qgslabelsearchtree.cpp
    M src/core/qgslabelsearchtree.h
    M src/core/qgsmaprenderer.h
    M src/core/qgspallabeling.cpp
    M src/core/qgsvectorlayer.cpp

  Log Message:
  Update labeling tools and make more undo/redo friendly

- Change QgsVectorLayer::redoEditCommand to only strip invalid QVariants, not null ones
- Update undo/redo command text to start with action and end with sample of label text
- Update pin/unpin labels tool to be fully undo/redo-able
- Store generated label text in QgsLabelPosition (sans direction symbols)
- Update change label properties dialog to show whether label text is expression

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