[QGIS Commit] [qgis/QGIS] 3e0e0e: Fix uses of deprecated Qt methods

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Wed Mar 26 07:38:01 PDT 2014

  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/qgis/QGIS
  Commit: 3e0e0edec75a2b25f19a4167122d6f5d9dfd0d0d
  Author: Carl Simonson <simonsonc at gmail.com>
  Date:   2014-03-16 (Sun, 16 Mar 2014)

  Changed paths:
    M src/app/main.cpp
    M src/app/qgsattributetypedialog.cpp
    M src/core/qgscredentials.cpp
    M src/gui/qgisgui.cpp
    M src/gui/qgsdetaileditemdelegate.cpp
    M src/gui/qgsencodingfiledialog.cpp
    M tests/bench/main.cpp
    M tests/src/providers/testqgswcspublicservers.cpp

  Log Message:
  Fix uses of deprecated Qt methods

There are still a few leftovers from the Qt 3 to Qt 4 migration that can
be found by defining QT_NO_DEPRECATED. Here is a summary of the changes:

* QDir::convertSeparators was changed to QDir::toNativeSeparators with Qt 4

* QRexExp::numCaptures was changed to captureCount with Qt 4

* QTextIStream/QTextOStream was merged into QTextStream with Qt 4

* QFileDialog::selectFilter/filters was changed to
  selectNameFilter/nameFilters with Qt 4.4

* qVariantCanConvert/qVariantValue was changed to canConvert/value with Qt

Note that if a conversion to Qt 5 will happen someday, this will have to
be done since Qt 5 removes these deprecations.

  Commit: d0c93b94b2e7b12a4043d1e811cc7f97557384ca
  Author: Martin Dobias <wonder.sk at gmail.com>
  Date:   2014-03-26 (Wed, 26 Mar 2014)

  Changed paths:
    M src/app/main.cpp
    M src/app/qgsattributetypedialog.cpp
    M src/core/qgscredentials.cpp
    M src/gui/qgisgui.cpp
    M src/gui/qgsdetaileditemdelegate.cpp
    M src/gui/qgsencodingfiledialog.cpp
    M tests/bench/main.cpp
    M tests/src/providers/testqgswcspublicservers.cpp

  Log Message:
  Merge pull request #1244 from simonsonc/qt-no-deprecated

Fix uses of deprecated Qt methods

Compare: https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/compare/9445c9af53ad...d0c93b94b2e7

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