[Qgis-community-team] Packaging - important notice

Borys Jurgiel borys at wolf.most.org.pl
Sun Dec 21 16:32:15 EST 2008

To All who make packages

As you've probably noticed, today morning I've made a little mess commiting a 
last minut fix for Polish i18n. So if you're making the packages from current 
svn state (after Sunday 12:07 GMT), EVERYTHING IS OK.

But if you wish to use a svn checkout EARLIER than Sunday 12:07 GMT (e.g. the 
Tim's yesterday's snapshot) please note it contains the old qgis_pl_PL.ts 
file. In this case it would be great if you used the current version of this 

(or the compiled .qm file if you're after compilation already):


I apologize for this trouble, it was really important for Polish localization. 


Sunday 21 of December 2008 19:13:03 Tim Sutton napisał(a):
> Hi Borys
> If you already committed it to the 1.0.0 branch I suggest to just
> leave it there and then also make the .qm file available for cases
> where packagers may be using the src bundle I prepared or a checkout
> from prior to your commit.
> best regards
> Tim

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