[Qgis-community-team] help with manual revision
Werner Macho
werner.macho at gmail.com
Tue May 27 04:04:34 EDT 2008
hi all again!
I followed Ottos advices and here are ma remarks:
> - MiKTEX -> http://miktex.org/ (TeX implementation for Windows)
> - MSYS -> http://www.mingw.org/msys.shtml (Minimal Bourne Shell)
> - ImageMagick -> http://www.imagemagick.org/script/binary-releases.php#windows
> (Image editing tools (especially convert))
> - Ghostscript and Ghostview -> http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/
> (Viewer for EPS files)
Everything fine beside MSYS. On sourceforge page of msys (MinGW) I only
found a tar.bz2 (gz?) which is not really comfortable under Windows.
I just installed a probably older but easier version from here:
And i think I've to admit that I have also MinGW installed for other
Everything else works fine as described by Otto.
> here the procedure after installation to compile and create a PDF:
> - start MSYS (Linux Shell)
> - change into the qgis user_guide directory (cd ...)
> - type 'make' (MiKTEX then installs a lot of additional packages from the
> internet and at least for me one package (floatflt.sty) was not available. By
> simply clicking return I could skip some other "minor" errors, that also
> occur under linux.
> - Use Yap (DVI viewer inside of MiKTEX) for the .dvi output under Windows
> - Convert user_guide.dvi to PDF with dvipdfm.exe in MSYS Shell
I'm a long Term Linux user - and I know what "cd" and "ls" is .. but
first I found out that it is net easy for a windows user to find out
where the LaTeX files are (here it is /g/qgis_manual/qgis_user) and to
be honest .. the average windows user will have difficulties to realise
that g: is /g in msys
also there are still a lot of warnings (which could be cleaned out
easily like use caption instead of caption2 in qgis_style.sty on line
48) and unfortunately a few real ERRORS which are not easy for me to
find out whats happening.
("C:\Programme\MiKTeX 2.7\tex\latex\subfigure\subfigure.sty"
* Local config file subfigure.cfg used *
("C:\Programme\MiKTeX 2.7\tex\latex\subfigure\subfigure.cfg"))
("C:\Programme\MiKTeX 2.7\tex\latex\placeins\placeins.sty") (bibtopic.sty)
("C:\Programme\MiKTeX 2.7\tex\latex\tools\xspace.sty")
! Undefined control sequence.
\@fileswith at pti@ns ...served at b \reserved at a ,\@nil
,}\fi \reserved at a
Runaway definition?
->\@onefilewithoptions hyperref[bookmarks=true, bookmarksnumbered=fal\ETC.
! File ended while scanning definition of \reserved at a.
<inserted text>
but two times enter compiles the manual .. with 1 error..
Maybe someone understand whats wrong here? I found out that in
qgis_user.sty there are a lot of "empty lines" at the end - if you
delete them there are much more errors like that.. And I think cleaning
out this error means a fine compile also under MikTeX without the
Makefile (having prepared the .eps files before)
to combine what I'd like to say (thanks for reading until now):
TexMaker and MikTeX under windows are such beautiful programs and
although I use and like Linux (and all flavours of Unix) very much, I
also understand people using _only_ windows (like here at work I also
have only Windows)
Without any baisc knowledge of *NIX filestrucure and some basic commands
it is unfortunately not possible to compile the manual on windows. And I
think that lead us to the fact that we kind of "lock out" windows users
in helping what we certainly don't want to.
I'm still on the point that installing MikTeX and TeXmaker should be far
enough to burden for a windows user. And I also think all Warnings and
Errors could be cleaned out of the .tex files that they compile fluently
under MikTeX.
The only thing is that I still have no suggestion for converting all
pictures to .eps.
Beside that i agree with the comfort of having a Makefile but as already
said - thats a little too OS specific .. And I guess having a running
MikTeX with TexMaker means also a running Kile under Linux (haven't
tested it yet)
All in all I'm not the man who makes decisions - I only described my
experiences with windows here (and I know a lot of people using windows
and already have a feeling for how they think). Hope my 2c help in any way.
And just as a note here I myself can comfortably live with a Makefile
but think about probably locking out a lot of helping hands.
best regards
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