[Qgis-community-team] Status of documentwriters - IRC-meeting?
Tara Athan
tara_athan at alt2is.com
Wed Sep 3 11:18:34 EDT 2008
Stephan- by within the next week do you mean the week of Sep 8-12? That
will work for me- this is a very busy time for me, so I would rather
wait to hold a meeting until we actually have a feature freeze, and know
whether it is partial or complete. Based on the email chatter, it
sounds like the latest this will come is Sunday. Perhaps we can start
now to arrange a schedule for a meeting next week. My calendar is open
for that time period.
In addition to waiting for the feature freeze, I also have to wait for a
Windows build before I can work on my sections.
Stephan Holl wrote:
> Dear QGIS community,
> I would like to ask about the status of the documentation writers and
> the proposed timeline.
> Is there a need to meet on IRC within the next week and see how far the
> manual is done currently?
> Any objections?
> Best
> Stephan
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Tara Athan
Principal, Alternatives to Invasive Species
tara_athan [AT] alt2is.com
PO Box 415
Redwood Valley, CA 95470
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