[Qgis-community-team] some changes in the qgis.org main menu

Otto Dassau otto.dassau at gmx.de
Tue Dec 15 04:21:20 EST 2009

Hi Maxim,

I would suggest we add another website to the developer webpage here:

a) Developer Meetings
	 ---- Piza 2010
	 ---- Moscow 12/2009
	 ---- Vienna 11/2009
	 ---- Hannover 3/2009

And then we add some extra/general information to
http://www.qgis.org/en/developer-meetings.html and describe the
difference between the two meeting types.

Would that make sense?


On Tue, 15 Dec 2009 03:06:47 -0600
Maxim Dubinin <sim at gis-lab.info> wrote:

> Difficult to say, there were only couple devs at the meeting, so
> users were meeting, but they were looking for bugs, so developing
> QGIS :)
> Anyway, I think I have the account and I'll add info about our past
> meeting somewhere. Thanks for organizing it better.
> Maxim
> ____ ____________ 15 ______________ 2009 __., 2:56:31:
> OD> Hi Maxim,
> OD> good question. Is it more a developer or a user meeting? I guess it is
> OD> more for developers or not?
> OD> As a general procedure I would suggest:
> OD> a) If you need some space to organize the meeting - add a new
> OD> page for the meeting in the wiki:
> OD> http://www.qgis.org/wiki/Users_Corner#Conference_Corner
> OD> b) Then we add another page to the "Developer Meeting" menu in the
> OD> where we can officially announce the bughunt meeting. 
> OD> Does this make sense to you? And do you already have a Joomla account
to add
> OD> content to the webpage?
> OD> Regards,
> OD>  Otto
> OD> On Tue, 15 Dec 2009 02:48:13 -0600
> OD> Maxim Dubinin <sim at gis-lab.info> wrote:
> >> Hi
> >> 
> >> Under which category should our bughunt go? Well if it should go
> >> anywhere at all.
> >> 

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