[Qgis-community-team] sec 8.2.1 - CRS automatically set by 1st loaded layer

Carson Farmer carson.farmer at gmail.com
Tue Jan 20 07:42:03 EST 2009

Hi Otto,

A few more quick changes:

*The* global default CRS proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs 
*comes* predefined *in QGIS,* but can *of course* be changed, *and the 
new definition* will be saved for *subsequent* QGIS sessions.

If you want to define *the* coordinate reference system for a layer 
*without CRS * information, you can
do this in the General tab of the raster (6.3.4) or vector properties 
(5.3.1) dialog. If your layer already has a CRS *defined*, it will be 
displayed as shown in Figure 6.

8.3 Define On The Fly (OTF) Projection

QGIS does not have OTF projection enabled *by* default*,* and *this 
function* is currently only supported for vector layers. To use OTF 
projection, ...

If you have already loaded a layer*,* and want to enable OTF projection, 
*the best practice is to* open the
Coordinate Reference System tab of the Project Properties dialog and 
find the CRS of the
*currently* loaded layer in the list of CRS*,* and activate the x Enable 
on the fly projection checkbox.
All *subsequently loaded* vector layers will then be ...

1. Enable on the fly projection - this checkbox is used to enable or 
disable OTF projection. When
  off, [1] each layer is drawn using the coordinates as read from the 
data source. When on, the
coordinates ...

[1] several words deleted from here

... The cartographic parameters used with proj.4 *are* described in the 
user manual*, and* are the same as those ...

Figure 18 shows the dialog with an example CRS. [2] The parameters shown 
were entered based on a
knowledge of the CRS and the information found in OF90-284.

[2] in the pdf that you provided, there is no example CRS, is this an error?

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