[Qgis-community-team] Release date for manual 1.1

Claudia A Engel cengel at stanford.edu
Mon May 4 13:14:05 EDT 2009

I committed the remaining pieces of Chap 5 last night - hope I got it  
all right.
I won't have time now until later in the week.

On May 4, 2009, at 10:07 AM, Carson Farmer wrote:

> Otto Dassau wrote:
>> Hi Claudia and Carson,
>> On Thu, 30 Apr 2009 00:05:16 -0700
>> Claudia A Engel <cengel at stanford.edu> wrote:
>>> Otto and Carson,
>>> I edited the changes for Postgis SLL mode, improved handling of   
>>> postgis layers and the map units/pixels addition and committed  
>>> those  to svn.
>>> These edits are reflected on the Manual Task page. I tested to  
>>> make  sure, and it all seems to compile fine here. I hope this is  
>>> all ok,  but me know if I should do something differently, as I  
>>> have never done  this before.
>>> I also added the headers for the following subsections as  
>>> discussed,  but they need to be written:
>>> -Spatialite Layers
>>> -Diagram overlay tab
>> I added the diagram overlay section with an example. I also added a  
>> new vector
>> shape layer to the qgis sample dataset and updated the files and  
>> the readme.txt
>> on the server.
>> http://download.osgeo.org/qgis/data/
>> Maybe you can check if it is ok, especially with the language. It's  
>> great to
>> have native speakers in the new team :).
>>> -Working with the attribute table
>>> Lastly, the new Vector Load dialogue needs still to be added in. I  
>>> can  probably do this, plus another of the chapters above, this  
>>> weekend.
>>> So if anyone can help out with the other chapters, that would be  
>>> great.
>>> Thanks, Claudia
>>> On Apr 29, 2009, at 2:50 AM, Carson Farmer wrote:
>>>> Hi team,
>>>>> I saw that Carson already did something here.
>>>>> Carson what was your idea when you created the   
>>>>> "plugins_diagram_overlay_images"
>>>>> folder? Do you plan to add an extra subsection for this plugin  
>>>>> in  the plugin
>>>>> chapter?
>>>> Well for starters I needed an icon for the core plugins chapter ;-)
>>>> But yes, I will be adding a section to the plugin as well. It  
>>>> would  be nice to see what Claudia has done as well, so that we  
>>>> don't end  up duplicating each others work... Claudia, have you  
>>>> committed your  edits yet?
>>>>> Or should it work as for the SPIT Plugin. It is listed in  
>>>>> section  12 "Using Core
>>>>> Plugins" but there doesn't exist a SPIT plugin subsection. The   
>>>>> description can
>>>>> be found in section 5.2.4 together with the PostGIS stuff.
>>>> hmm, now that I think of it, this might be the best route to  
>>>> take...  this adds more work to Claudia's list, so Claudia if you  
>>>> need help  just let us know... I imagine that in the future the  
>>>> vector overlay  stuff will become completely part of core, so  
>>>> putting it in the  working with vector layers section now might  
>>>> save some hassle later  on as well...
>>>> In this case, I think I'll add two new subsections for SPIT and  
>>>> the  Overlay stuff in the Using core plugins chapter, pointing  
>>>> the user  to the sections in the working with vector layers  
>>>> Chapter...
>>>>> For the diagram_overlay plugin this would mean, we add it to  
>>>>> the  list of core
>>>>> plugins but the description would go into  
>>>>> working_with_vector.tex  and we use the
>>>>> folder diagram_overlay plugin_images/ for the plugin icons and   
>>>>> screenies. Is
>>>>> that correct?
>>>> see above
>>>>>> - Changes in attribute table
>>>>>> I could not find any description of the attribute table in the   
>>>>>> manual,  but maybe I looked in the wrong place. If there is  
>>>>>> none,  is it  necessary to have one? Add another subsection?
>>>>> yes, I haven't found anything, too. In the other email I  
>>>>> suggested  to add a new
>>>>> subsubsection to 5.4 Editing \subsection{Working with the  
>>>>> attribute  table} just
>>>>> above the Query Builder?
>>>> This would be good. We should at least mention that there is an   
>>>> attribute table somewhere... also, the attribute table is  
>>>> relatively  fast compared with other GIS, so this should probably  
>>>> be mentioned...
>>>>>> - Improved handling of postGIS layers.
>>>>>> I did not look around very thoroughly, but at first glance I  
>>>>>> could  not  figure out what this exactly refers to.
>>>>> I don't know either? Carson, do you know? Otherwise we can ask   
>>>>> Jürgen, I guess
>>>>> we did those improvements.
>>>> Yeh, Jürgen would be the one to ask... the SSL mode change is   
>>>> probably one of the bigger changes, and increases PostGIS access   
>>>> speed by up to 5 times in some cases!
>> thanks  Otto
> Hi guys,
> Sorry for my silence the last few days, I have been unexpectedly out  
> of town for the past 4 days :-(
> I'm back now, and will have a look at the changes above... I did a  
> bit of work on the road, so I will try to commit these tonight when  
> I'm settled back in. I will keep you all updated with that, and  
> hopefully we can make this deadline!
> As Otto mentioned in a previous email, I think it is really  
> important that we have an IRC meeting when this is finished to  
> debrief, and talk about what worked/didn't work for people etc.  
> (I'll also make sure I show up this time!).
> Cheers,
> Carson
> -- 
> Carson J. Q. Farmer
> ISSP Doctoral Fellow
> National Centre for Geocomputation (NCG),
> National University of Ireland, Maynooth,
> Email: Carson.Farmer at gmail.com
> Web:   http://www.carsonfarmer.com/
>      http://www.ftools.ca/

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