[Qgis-community-team] The ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on GeoStreaming -- Call For Papers

Wei Ding ding at cs.umb.edu
Mon Jun 28 20:44:39 EDT 2010

The ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on GeoStreaming
(IWGS 2010)
            November 2, 2010
                    San Jose, CA, USA

 to be held in conjunction with

      The 18th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference
      on Advances in Geographic Information Systems
                   (ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2010)

                           Call for Papers


Real-time stream data acquisition through sensors and imagery devices has
been widely used in many applications. In addition to the temporal nature of
stream data, various sources provide stream data that has geographical
locations and/or spatial extents such as point coordinates, lines, or
polygons. Thanks to advances in geosensing technologies, researchers in the
geospatial community have been able to acquire huge amounts of streamed
sensor data. On one hand, this amount of streamed data has been a major
propeller to advance the state of the art in geographic information systems.
On the other hand, the ability to process, mine, and analyze that massive
amount of data in a timely manner prevented researchers from making full use
of the incoming stream data. The geostreaming term refers to the ongoing
effort in academia and industry to process, mine and analyze stream data
with geographic and spatial information.

This workshop addresses the research communities in both stream processing
and geographic information systems. It brings together experts in the field
from academia, industry and research labs to discuss the lessons they have
learned over the years, to demonstrate what they have achieved so far, and
to plan for the future of geostreaming. We encourage researchers from
academia and industry to submit papers that highlight the value of stream
query processing on topics that include, but are not limited to the
following topics:

* Spatio-temporal stream systems
* Stream query processing on spatial data types
* Real time mining of spatial and spatio-temporal data
* Location-aware stream systems
* Privacy preserving in mobile object databases
* Traffic monitoring and prediction
* Geosensing technologies and their application
* Geosampling and probabilistic spatial stream query processing
* Real time geographical information extraction and retrieval
* Geosocial networks
* Main memory and/or real time indexing of moving objects
* Real time spatial data visualization
* The use of stream processing in traffic management, aerospace, earthquake
physics, geodynamics, weather forecasting, and scientific applications


We welcome submissions of both technical papers and vision/position papers.
We have two categories of papers and presentations:

* Full research paper: up to 8 pages (25 min. talk)
* Short technical or vision paper: up to 4 pages (15 min. talk)
Each submission should start with the title and the abstract, the names and
contact information of authors. Papers must be electronically submitted in
PDF format at the following address:

One author per accepted workshop contribution is required to register for
the conference and workshop, to attend the workshop and to present the
accepted submission . Otherwise, the accepted submission will not appear in
the published workshop proceedings or in the ACM Digital Library version of
the workshop proceedings.

To ensure adherence to ACM's format requirements, please use one of the
templates available at: http://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html.


Paper Submission Due: August 1, 2010
Notification to the authors: September 1, 2010
Camera ready papers due: September 9, 2010
ACM GIS 2010 Conference: November 2-5, 2010
IWGS Workshop: November 2, 2010


General Chairs:
Mohamed Ali, Microsoft
Erik Hoel, ESRI
Cyrus Shahabi, USC

Program Committee:
* Walid Aref, Purdue University
* Farnoush BanaeiKashani, University of Southern California
* Ugur Cetintemel, Brown University
* Badrish Chandarmouli, Microsoft Research
* Yannis Drougas , ESRI
* Michael Gertz, Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg
* Jonathan Goldstein, Microsoft
* Yan Huang, Uniuversity of North Texas
* Vana Kalogeraki , Athens University
* John Krum, Microsoft Research
* Mohamed Mokbel, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
* Silvia Nittel, University of Maine
* Anand Ranganathan, IBM
* Timos Sellis , IMIS/RC Athena and National Technical University of Athens
* Mehdi Shairfzadeh, Google
* Ankur Teredesai , University of Washington, Tacoma
* Vassilis Tsotras , University of California, Riverside

Publicity Chair:
Badrish Chandramouli, Microsoft Research

Web Site Chair:
Jalal Kazemitabar, USC
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